Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

In November of 1975 the UN General Assembly adopted A/RES/3379 (XXX) which stated in the very last line: "Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination." And ever since then, the anti-Israeli contingents held on to that determination as if it were fact. It was not until December 1991, that the General Assembly passed A/RES/46/86 which stated nothing more than: "Decides to revoke the determination contained in its resolution 3379 (XXX)Database 'UNISPAL', View 'Documents by\symbol', Document 'Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination -  GA resolution''UNISPAL', View 'Documents by\symbol', Document 'Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination -  GA resolution' of 10 November 1975."

It's good to hear from you again.
Your knowledge, insights, and civility are greatly appreciated.

I suspect the UN's reversal on equating Zionism with racism has more to do with the end of the Cold War? There are also actions from the usual suspects like the World Bank and IMF who bribed corrupt foreign governments to support the century-old Zionist plan to transform Palestine into a Jewish majority state.

Do you support moving the US embassy to Jerusalem?
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: Political Implication
⁜→ georgephillip, P F Tinmore, et al,

PREFACE: Read this carefully.

The International Law said:
Article 12
1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.​
2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.​
3. The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant.​
4. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country.​

BLUF: This picture is a very crafty - YET - still another piece of misleading information.


His sign reads:

I'm from Palestine.
I cannot return to my land
because I'm not Jewish.


He may very well be from Palestine, but he is not old enough to have lived in the 1948 Israel. And it is unlikely that "HE" ever lived in Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict or became a displaced person as a result of the conflict from 15 May 1948 until the applicable Ceasefire and Armistice was signed in 1949.

HE would have to be more than 70 years of age.

It is more likely that the male sign holder is a descendent of a true refugee. And while HE may qualify for services under the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the Consolidated Enrolment Registration Instruction (CERI), the CERI implementation stretches (mission creep) to be inclusive, but is not the Customary or otherwise internationally accepted definition of a "refugee." The CERI is not law. It is an instruction booklet.

For the purposes of every other refugee on the planet the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, defines the term "refugee." But, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees does not apply to persons who are at present receiving from organs or agencies of the United Nations other than the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) protection or assistance.

The Life expectancy at birth: (2009 est.)
◈ For the West Bank total population: 74.54 years​
◈ For the West Bank male population: 72.54 years​
◈ For the West Bank Female population: 76.65 years​

The UN has painted itself into a corner. The UNRWA, as the servicing refugee agency has guaranteed its operation because it never actually performs and resettlement service. Consequently the number of clients increases (not decree).

However, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) data shows that:
In 2020, UNHCR submitted the files of over 39,500 refugees for consideration by resettlement countries. Among them were some 18,200 refugees from the Syrian Arab Republic, 5,900 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2,100 from Eritrea and 2,000 from Somalia.​
22,800 individuals departed to resettlement countries with UNHCR’s assistance in 2020. The largest number of refugees left from Lebanon (4,600), followed by Turkey (4,000), Jordan (1,500), Egypt (1,350) and the United Republic of Tanzania (1,300).

The UNHCR does more work in one year with 17,000 employees covering 135 countries than the UNRWA does in 70 years with over 30,000 employees in the Middle East sphere centered on the West Bank.


Most Respectfully,
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Every now and then, the anti-Israeli contingent makes the allegation of "apartheid" and "ethnic cleansing" (variations on the same theme of racism) to resurrect the revoked 1975 determination. Both "apartheid" (a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race) and "ethnic cleansing" (the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society) have a very strong "race" component. And there is no race or segregation issue. It is an immigration and citizenship issue; plus the added component of being a national security issue.
We shouldn't forget where that national security issue came from.
In 1948 the Jews of Israel (many of them illegal immigrants) evicted over 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts. That crime has never been addressed.

There are currently two distinct cohorts living in Israel/Palestine without any semblance of equal access to impartial justice.

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

"Over time, the distinction between the two regimes has grown divorced from reality.

"This state of affairs has existed for more than 50 years – twice as long as the State of Israel existed without it.

"Hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers now reside in permanent settlements east of the Green Line, living as though they were west of it.

"East Jerusalem has been officially annexed to Israel’s sovereign territory, and the West Bank has been annexed in practice.

"Most importantly, the distinction obfuscates the fact that the entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River is organized under a single principle: advancing and cementing the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians.

"All this leads to the conclusion that these are not two parallel regimes that simply happen to uphold the same principle. There is one regime governing the entire area and the people living in it, based on a single organizing principle."
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: The Reality of Jerusalem
⁜→ georgephillip, et al,

BLUF: The "reality of Jerusalem is the actual ground truth, as opposed to the imaginary some would want it to be.

Do you support moving the US embassy to Jerusalem?

It doesn't matter what I agree with, or my preferences, I recognize the ground truth. It is a reality.

IF you do an about-face when standing in from of the Western Wall and travel a straight line route for about two-mile, THEN you would be in the middle of Government Plaza; standing in the Knesset overflow parking. And if you are an Ambassador, you will notice the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is just a two-minute drive from the seat of government.

Screen Shot 2021-04-09 at 5.59.03 PM.png

How stupid do I have to be to reject reality?
(RHETORICAL) It is there - and → it is done...

Things not labeled include the:

Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Interior
Supreme Court
Central Bank
Prime Ministers Residence


Most Respectfully,
I still see many green dots on your map
A century ago there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living in Palestine.
By 1948 the ratio had shrunk to 2:1.
Many Jews didn't bother to hide their plan to transform Palestine into a Jewish majority state.
Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living there, and laws written by a for Jews control every square inch between the River and the sea.
You mean like the rest of both hemispheres.
If the Jewish laws ruled, Israel would be kosher and keep Shabbos; neither reigns supreme.
Notice how wealthy Muslims love Israel.
srael relations with Egypt are better then ever. They signed peace deals with UAE, Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain and Kosovo. They have pretty good relations with Saudi Arabia. Trade relations with Turkey are doing great and they are doing better diplomatically. Once Saudi Arabia makes it official the flood gates will open.
Trump lost, remember?
The floodgates of global disgust will open to crucify rich authoritarian Jews whos only allies are authoritarian gangsters in Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, etc, you see a pattern here?

The floodgates of global disgust will open to crucify rich authoritarian Jews

Like since 1 AD?
Then where are you hiding?
Why do you support human rights violations?

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

"In the entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, the Israeli regime implements laws, practices and state violence designed to cement the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians.

"A key method in pursuing this goal is engineering space differently for each group."
Just when did the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) exercise one of these options?
I don't know; however, I suspect, given Israel's double standard when it comes to recognizing the rights of Jews v the rights of non- Jews, even the PLO would see such an exercise as a waste of time.

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

  • "Although Israel never formally annexed the West Bank, it treats the territory as its own.

  • "More than 2.6 million Palestinian subjects live in the West Bank, in dozens of disconnected enclaves, under rigid military rule and without political rights.

  • "In about 40% of the territory, Israel has transferred some civilian powers to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

  • "However, the PA is still subordinate to Israel and can only exercise its limited powers with Israel’s consent.
  • "The Gaza Strip is home to about two million Palestinians, also denied political rights.

  • "In 2005, Israel withdrew its forces from the Gaza Strip, dismantled the settlements it built there and abdicated any responsibility for the fate of the Palestinian population.

  • "After the Hamas takeover in 2007, Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip that is still in place.

  • "Throughout all of these years, Israel has continued to control nearly every aspect of life in Gaza from outside."
Yep. The more that people intentionally try to complicate an issue in their favour the more likely the answer will be a logical, straight-forward, simple one.
That answer in Israel is as simple as prejudicing the rights of Jews over the rights of non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

"In the entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, the Israeli regime implements laws, practices and state violence designed to cement the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians.

"A key method in pursuing this goal is engineering space differently for each group.

"Jewish citizens live as though the entire area were a single space (excluding the Gaza Strip).

"The Green Line means next to nothing for them: whether they live west of it, within Israel’s sovereign territory, or east of it, in settlements not formally annexed to Israel, is irrelevant to their rights or status.

"Where Palestinians live, on the other hand, is crucial.

"The Israeli regime has divided the area into several units that it defines and governs differently, according Palestinians different rights in each.

"This division is relevant to Palestinians only.

"The geographic space, which is contiguous for Jews, is a fragmented mosaic for Palestinians:"
Yep. The more that people intentionally try to complicate an issue in their favour the more likely the answer will be a logical, straight-forward, simple one.
That answer in Israel is as simple as prejudicing the rights of Jews over the rights of non-Jews living between the River and the sea.

Did you know that ancient Israel included what is western Jordan ?? It seems the Jews have already given back 1/3 or their land to Jordan

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

"In the entire area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, the Israeli regime implements laws, practices and state violence designed to cement the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians.

"A key method in pursuing this goal is engineering space differently for each group.

"Jewish citizens live as though the entire area were a single space (excluding the Gaza Strip).

"The Green Line means next to nothing for them: whether they live west of it, within Israel’s sovereign territory, or east of it, in settlements not formally annexed to Israel, is irrelevant to their rights or status.

"Where Palestinians live, on the other hand, is crucial.

"The Israeli regime has divided the area into several units that it defines and governs differently, according Palestinians different rights in each.

"This division is relevant to Palestinians only.

"The geographic space, which is contiguous for Jews, is a fragmented mosaic for Palestinians:"
If Israel is an apartheid state- hoe come our 20% Arabic minority has Business men, Doctors, Engineers and professors within it? How come tne Arabic party is the third largest here? How come we have Muslim soliders and cops?
If Israel is an apartheid state- hoe come our 20% Arabic minority has Business men, Doctors, Engineers and professors within it? How come tne Arabic party is the third largest here? How come we have Muslim soliders and cops?
What does any of that have to do with it? Do you know nothing about apartheid at all?
If Israel is an apartheid state- hoe come our 20% Arabic minority has Business men, Doctors, Engineers and professors within it? How come tne Arabic party is the third largest here? How come we have Muslim soliders and cops?
What does any of that have to do with it? Do you know nothing about apartheid at all?

I know one thing - Anyone who says Israel is an apartheid state - while Israel is the only nation in the region which provides rights to all minorities within it - has absolutley ZERO knowledge about Apartheid.

You are like those people who call 'Fascist' without even knowing what Fascism is
Just when did the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) exercise one of these options?
I don't know; however, I suspect, given Israel's double standard when it comes to recognizing the rights of Jews v the rights of non- Jews, even the PLO would see such an exercise as a waste of time.

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid

  • "Although Israel never formally annexed the West Bank, it treats the territory as its own.

  • "More than 2.6 million Palestinian subjects live in the West Bank, in dozens of disconnected enclaves, under rigid military rule and without political rights.

  • "In about 40% of the territory, Israel has transferred some civilian powers to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

  • "However, the PA is still subordinate to Israel and can only exercise its limited powers with Israel’s consent.
  • "The Gaza Strip is home to about two million Palestinians, also denied political rights.

  • "In 2005, Israel withdrew its forces from the Gaza Strip, dismantled the settlements it built there and abdicated any responsibility for the fate of the Palestinian population.

  • "After the Hamas takeover in 2007, Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip that is still in place.

  • "Throughout all of these years, Israel has continued to control nearly every aspect of life in Gaza from outside."

We don't 'treat' 'the west bank' as ours - It is ours. My entire family lives in Judeah and Samaria - and so have done our ancestors. The arabs in Judeah and samaria live under their own corruptive Autonomy. not under our state.
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: Apartheid
⁜→ georgephillip, P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I'm bringing to think it is you that has the wrong idea about "apartheid."

If Israel is an apartheid state- hoe come our 20% Arabic minority has Business men, Doctors, Engineers and professors within it? How come tne Arabic party is the third largest here? How come we have Muslim soliders and cops?
What does any of that have to do with it? Do you know nothing about apartheid at all?

I have NOT seen or heard about a single example of "apartheid in territory under Israeli control.

Can you give me an example?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: Apartheid
⁜→ georgephillip, P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I'm bringing to think it is you that has the wrong idea about "apartheid."

If Israel is an apartheid state- hoe come our 20% Arabic minority has Business men, Doctors, Engineers and professors within it? How come tne Arabic party is the third largest here? How come we have Muslim soliders and cops?
What does any of that have to do with it? Do you know nothing about apartheid at all?

I have NOT seen or heard about a single example of "apartheid in territory under Israeli control.

Can you give me an example?


Most Respectfully,

B..bbb.. But the Jews dont pay the arabs the Jyzia and dont let them slay them, but they live along them!!!!11 how dare those Jews not to be degraded, but to live equally with the arabs?!

now lets be honest about it. I am glad you actually asked him to provide some backing to his empty words.
If Israel is an apartheid state- hoe come our 20% Arabic minority has Business men, Doctors, Engineers and professors within it? How come tne Arabic party is the third largest here? How come we have Muslim soliders and cops?
What does any of that have to do with it? Do you know nothing about apartheid at all?

I know one thing - Anyone who says Israel is an apartheid state - while Israel is the only nation in the region which provides rights to all minorities within it - has absolutley ZERO knowledge about Apartheid.

You are like those people who call 'Fascist' without even knowing what Fascism is
I lived in Rhodesia during the Apartheid regime and I've been to Israel twice. You can talk the talk but you can't walk the walk. Make no mistake, Israel is running an apartheid society and will soon be up to full Apartheid government standards.

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