Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

That's awful!!
So's this

"The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA or ICA) was founded by Bavarian philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch in 1891 to help Jews from Russia and Romania to settle in Argentina.[1][2]

"Baron de Hirsch died in 1896 and thereafter the JCA began to also assist the Jewish settlement in Palestine.[2]

"At the end of 1899 Edmond James de Rothschild transferred title to his colonies in Palestine plus fifteen million francs to the JCA.

"In 1924 the JCA branch dealing with colonies in Palestine was reorganised by Baron de Rothschild as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association,[1][3] under the direction of his son James Armand de Rothschild.[4]"

Palestine Jewish Colonization Association - Wikipedia
So's this

"The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA or ICA) was founded by Bavarian philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch in 1891 to help Jews from Russia and Romania to settle in Argentina.[1][2]

"Baron de Hirsch died in 1896 and thereafter the JCA began to also assist the Jewish settlement in Palestine.[2]

"At the end of 1899 Edmond James de Rothschild transferred title to his colonies in Palestine plus fifteen million francs to the JCA.

"In 1924 the JCA branch dealing with colonies in Palestine was reorganised by Baron de Rothschild as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association,[1][3] under the direction of his son James Armand de Rothschild.[4]"

Palestine Jewish Colonization Association - Wikipedia

Imagine the horror ... Jews moving to their ancestral homeland, where Jews have lived continuously for 4,000 years!

That's awful!!
So's this

"The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA or ICA) was founded by Bavarian philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch in 1891 to help Jews from Russia and Romania to settle in Argentina.[1][2]

"Baron de Hirsch died in 1896 and thereafter the JCA began to also assist the Jewish settlement in Palestine.[2]

"At the end of 1899 Edmond James de Rothschild transferred title to his colonies in Palestine plus fifteen million francs to the JCA.

"In 1924 the JCA branch dealing with colonies in Palestine was reorganised by Baron de Rothschild as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association,[1][3] under the direction of his son James Armand de Rothschild.[4]"

Palestine Jewish Colonization Association - Wikipedia

in 1891

130 years later, you're still whining about Arab failures. But no voting in Arab nations is ok. DURR.
they wanted MORE land and water.

They're literally the only people in history who want MORE land and water, eh?

That's your excuse for what they have done?

As originally published in
The Atlantic Monthly
July 1920

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine
by Anstruther Mackay

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own, is both commendable and romantic. But to-day, and indeed in all ages, aspirations must be made to fit in with hard facts. I propose in this article to discuss the question from a historical and practical standpoint, without sentiment in favor of either Jew or Arab, among both of which parties I have many friends.
they wanted MORE land and water.

They're literally the only people in history who want MORE land and water, eh?

That's your excuse for what they have done?

As originally published in
The Atlantic Monthly
July 1920

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine
by Anstruther Mackay

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own, is both commendable and romantic. But to-day, and indeed in all ages, aspirations must be made to fit in with hard facts. I propose in this article to discuss the question from a historical and practical standpoint, without sentiment in favor of either Jew or Arab, among both of which parties I have many friends.

That's your excuse for what they have done?

No, that's me mocking your moronic claim.

If you recall, the Arab League (in which the Palestinians were not voting members) rejected that partition plan on behalf of The Palestinians.

That was probably a mistake, but consider what you would have done if your population had doubled in 15 years with foreign immigrants and then your were forced to accept another 500,000 who were willing to give you a little piece of your home for 2000 years.

what you would have done if your population had doubled in 15 years

"Your" population?

and then your were forced to accept another 500,000

They weren't coming to Arab land, the Ottomans lost the land, remember?

who were willing to give you a little piece of your home for 2000 years.

The Arabs were free to move to Arabia.
they wanted MORE land and water.

They're literally the only people in history who want MORE land and water, eh?

That's your excuse for what they have done?

As originally published in
The Atlantic Monthly
July 1920

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine
by Anstruther Mackay

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own, is both commendable and romantic. But to-day, and indeed in all ages, aspirations must be made to fit in with hard facts. I propose in this article to discuss the question from a historical and practical standpoint, without sentiment in favor of either Jew or Arab, among both of which parties I have many friends.
You fucking moron. It is our ancient homeland. Fuck you. Every mostly Muslim country is a humanitarian and or economic disaster.
they wanted MORE land and water.

They're literally the only people in history who want MORE land and water, eh?

That's your excuse for what they have done?

As originally published in
The Atlantic Monthly
July 1920

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine
by Anstruther Mackay

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own, is both commendable and romantic. But to-day, and indeed in all ages, aspirations must be made to fit in with hard facts. I propose in this article to discuss the question from a historical and practical standpoint, without sentiment in favor of either Jew or Arab, among both of which parties I have many friends.

That's your excuse for what they have done?

No, that's me mocking your moronic claim.

You are afraid to read the truth.


But the Syrian province of Palestine, about one hundred and fifty miles long and fifty miles broad, largely mountainous and sterile, contains at present a population of more than 650,000, divided as follows: Mohammedan Arabs, 515,000; Jews, 63,000; Christian Arabs, 62,000; nomadic Bedouins, 50,000; unclassified, 5000. Of these the Mohammedans and Christians are to a man bitterly opposed to any Zionist claims, whether made by would-be rulers or by settlers.


If the Zionists honestly believe that the land is occupied and worked by nomadic Bedouins without right of ownership, they should be informed that the Arab landowners possess title-deeds as good as, and much older than, those by which the American or English millionaire owns his palace in Fifth Avenue or Park Lane.


The question of Bolshevism is outside the scope of this article, but it remains to be said that the European Jewish population of Palestine is already tainted with the tenets of that faith. The Jews of Southeastern Europe are, almost to a man, Bolsheviki. Europe and America cannot allow the possibility of a homogeneous Bolshevist state in Palestine, whence the propagandists would be in an excellent position to preach their doctrines throughout Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean coasts.

Return to The Controversy of Zion: An Interview with Geoffrey Wheatcroft
they wanted MORE land and water.

They're literally the only people in history who want MORE land and water, eh?

That's your excuse for what they have done?

As originally published in
The Atlantic Monthly
July 1920

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine
by Anstruther Mackay

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own, is both commendable and romantic. But to-day, and indeed in all ages, aspirations must be made to fit in with hard facts. I propose in this article to discuss the question from a historical and practical standpoint, without sentiment in favor of either Jew or Arab, among both of which parties I have many friends.
You fucking moron. It is our ancient homeland. Fuck you. Every mostly Muslim country is a humanitarian and or economic disaster.

The Arabs have been there since Abraham.. Both Moses and Abraham had Arab wives. ... Zipporah and Keturah.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine -1920 July
Zionist Aspirations in Palestine. by Anstruther Mackay. I. T HAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of …
they wanted MORE land and water.

They're literally the only people in history who want MORE land and water, eh?

That's your excuse for what they have done?

As originally published in
The Atlantic Monthly
July 1920

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine
by Anstruther Mackay

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own, is both commendable and romantic. But to-day, and indeed in all ages, aspirations must be made to fit in with hard facts. I propose in this article to discuss the question from a historical and practical standpoint, without sentiment in favor of either Jew or Arab, among both of which parties I have many friends.

That's your excuse for what they have done?

No, that's me mocking your moronic claim.

You are afraid to read the truth.


But the Syrian province of Palestine, about one hundred and fifty miles long and fifty miles broad, largely mountainous and sterile, contains at present a population of more than 650,000, divided as follows: Mohammedan Arabs, 515,000; Jews, 63,000; Christian Arabs, 62,000; nomadic Bedouins, 50,000; unclassified, 5000. Of these the Mohammedans and Christians are to a man bitterly opposed to any Zionist claims, whether made by would-be rulers or by settlers.


If the Zionists honestly believe that the land is occupied and worked by nomadic Bedouins without right of ownership, they should be informed that the Arab landowners possess title-deeds as good as, and much older than, those by which the American or English millionaire owns his palace in Fifth Avenue or Park Lane.


The question of Bolshevism is outside the scope of this article, but it remains to be said that the European Jewish population of Palestine is already tainted with the tenets of that faith. The Jews of Southeastern Europe are, almost to a man, Bolsheviki. Europe and America cannot allow the possibility of a homogeneous Bolshevist state in Palestine, whence the propagandists would be in an excellent position to preach their doctrines throughout Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean coasts.

Return to The Controversy of Zion: An Interview with Geoffrey Wheatcroft

You are afraid to read the truth.

I'm not afraid of the truth....there has never been a nation of Palestine.

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