Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

What war? Be specific?
The war against the Palestinians. [/QUOTE]
You mean acts of terror?
Yes, the war of terror the Zionist perpetrated against the Palestinians and the terrorist tactics the Zionists continue to perpetrate against the Palestinians still today.
Egypt surrendered little man.
What does that have to do with the war against the Palestinians little man?
You use Zionist as a pejorative. Dummy.
Zionism is a pejorative notion. Dummy.
It just means someone who believes Israel has the right to exist.
No, it doesn't. It means Lebensraum. You are stupid.
Yep, I am 100% a Zionist and proud of it.
So was Hitler.
You’re a little Islamist troll.
You're a little Zionist troll.
Funny how much bigger the Arab portion, Jordan is than the Jewish portion of Israel. And that isn't even counting southern Syria, which the French gave entirely to the Arabs.

But it's not enough for you. Your god Muhammad says that not one grain of sand can be under the dominion of Kafirum or Zimmis.

So you fight your genocidal war of Muslim supremacy.
What war? Be specific?
The war against the Palestinians.
You mean acts of terror?
Yes, the war of terror the Zionist perpetrated against the Palestinians and the terrorist tactics the Zionists continue to perpetrate against the Palestinians still today.
Egypt surrendered little man.
What does that have to do with the war against the Palestinians little man?
You use Zionist as a pejorative. Dummy.
Zionism is a pejorative notion. Dummy.
It just means someone who believes Israel has the right to exist.
No, it doesn't. It means Lebensraum. You are stupid.
Yep, I am 100% a Zionist and proud of it.
So was Hitler.
You’re a little Islamist troll.
You're a little Zionist troll.
What was against Palestinians? It was Egypt and the Arab states. Zionism is only a pejorative in your mind. There is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967.
There is no apartheid and Jewish refugees have already returned.
Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia

"The crime of apartheid was further defined in 2002 by Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as encompassing inhumane acts such as torture, murder, forcible transfer, imprisonment, or persecution of an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or other grounds, 'committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime"'"

Have you noticed the Jews of Israel committing any "inhumane acts such as torture, murder, forcible transfer, imprisonment or persecution" of non-Jews in Palestine?
When the occupation ends is totally up to the Palestinians. They merely have to accept a peace deal with Israel (like every other Arab state has done).
The occupation ends when the Jews of Israel are held to the same standards of human rights as Iran and North Korea. Israel continues to expand illegal settlements and related infrastructure in the occupied West Bank on private Palestinian land. Since it is the Jews of Israel who control the monopoly of violence in all of Palestine (only because they serve as useful puppets for US defense contractors), the onus for ending the occupation falls on those who inflict and profit from it.
"With the closing of the Gulf of Akaba, Israel is faced with two alternatives either of which will destroy it; it will either be strangled to death by the Arab military and economic boycott, or it will perish by the fire of the Arab forces encompassing it from the South from the North and from the East."

Radio Cairo - May 30, 1967
"All of the Arab armies now surround Israel. The UAR, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan, and Kuwait. ... There is no difference between one Arab people and another, no difference between one Arab army and another."

– King Hussein of Jordan, after signing the pact with Egypt May 30, 1967

King Hussein was talking unity for political effect. They are in fact quite different. You would know that if you had been to any of those countries now or in the past.
What was against Palestinians?
The Zionazis.
It was Egypt and the Arab states.
Maybe the Zionazis didn't teach you about the land that was stolen from the Palestinians and the Syrians.
Zionism is only a pejorative in your mind.
I have been to Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Egypt. The land-grabbing perpetrated by the Zionazis is not "only in my mind".
There is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967.
There was no such thing as Israel or Israelis until 1948.

FACT: The Zionazis are in direct violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
What was against Palestinians?
The Zionazis.
It was Egypt and the Arab states.
Maybe the Zionazis didn't teach you about the land that was stolen from the Palestinians and the Syrians.
Zionism is only a pejorative in your mind.
I have been to Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Egypt. The land-grabbing perpetrated by the Zionazis is not "only in my mind".
There is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967.
There was no such thing as Israel or Israelis until 1948.

FACT: The Zionazis are in direct violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
Tu es tres bete. Again, if you want it, come and take it, Islamist. Not sure what you don't understand about that.
What was against Palestinians?
The Zionazis.
It was Egypt and the Arab states.
Maybe the Zionazis didn't teach you about the land that was stolen from the Palestinians and the Syrians.
Zionism is only a pejorative in your mind.
I have been to Lebanon, Syria, Israel, and Egypt. The land-grabbing perpetrated by the Zionazis is not "only in my mind".
There is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967.
There was no such thing as Israel or Israelis until 1948.

FACT: The Zionazis are in direct violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
Yep and no such thing as Palestinians until 1967. Wars have consequences. Try winning one, Islamist.

Resolutions?!?! LMAO....Antisemites don't get to make resolutions.
What war? Be specific?
The war against the Palestinians.
You mean acts of terror?
Yes, the war of terror the Zionist perpetrated against the Palestinians and the terrorist tactics the Zionists continue to perpetrate against the Palestinians still today.
Egypt surrendered little man.
What does that have to do with the war against the Palestinians little man?
You use Zionist as a pejorative. Dummy.
Zionism is a pejorative notion. Dummy.
It just means someone who believes Israel has the right to exist.
No, it doesn't. It means Lebensraum. You are stupid.
Yep, I am 100% a Zionist and proud of it.
So was Hitler.
You’re a little Islamist troll.
You're a little Zionist troll.

Israel is considered the most advanced country in Western Asia and the Middle East in economic and industrial development.

Tu es tres bete. Not sure what you don't understand about that.
Tu es extrêmement stupide. Not sure what you don't understand about that.
Yep and no such thing as Palestinians until 1967.
Yep and no such thing as Israelis until 1948.
Wars have consequences. Try winning one, Islamist.
Wars have consequences. The Zionazis haven’t won the one against the Palestinians. Try winning it, Zionazi.
Resolutions?!?! LMAO....Antisemites don't get to make resolutions.
The United Nations gets to make resolutions and the Zionazis are in violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
Tu es tres bete. Not sure what you don't understand about that.
Tu es extrêmement stupide. Not sure what you don't understand about that.
Yep and no such thing as Palestinians until 1967.
Yep and no such thing as Israelis until 1948.
Wars have consequences. Try winning one, Islamist.
Wars have consequences. The Zionazis haven’t won the one against the Palestinians. Try winning it, Zionazi.
Resolutions?!?! LMAO....Antisemites don't get to make resolutions.
The United Nations gets to make resolutions and the Zionazis are in violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
And what are the repercussions? LOL
The United Nations gets to make resolutions and the Zionazis are in violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
And what are the repercussions? LOL
The repercussions are that the Nazi state of Isreal is still at war, is in a perpetual state of war (both externally and internally) and is in fear for its existence. LMFAO.
The United Nations gets to make resolutions and the Zionazis are in violation of resolutions 446, 452, 465, 471, 476, and 2334.
And what are the repercussions? LOL
The repercussions are that the Nazi state of Isreal is still at war, is in a perpetual state of war (both externally and internally) and is in fear for its existence. LMFAO.
Nope. The repercussions are Islamists like you who don't even want to live in mostly Muslim countries bitching. That is all.
Glas is a bitter old man that should have died along time ago
Miserable old Commie bastard
When the occupation ends is totally up to the Palestinians. They merely have to accept a peace deal with Israel (like every other Arab state has done).
The occupation ends when the Jews of Israel are held to the same standards of human rights as Iran and North Korea. Israel continues to expand illegal settlements and related infrastructure in the occupied West Bank on private Palestinian land. Since it is the Jews of Israel who control the monopoly of violence in all of Palestine (only because they serve as useful puppets for US defense contractors), the onus for ending the occupation falls on those who inflict and profit from it.
I am not following. All your bitching doesn't do anything other than amuse me. Why not take up arms and finish what Hitler started? Are you scared?

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