Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

The repercussions are Islamists like you who don't even want to live in mostly Muslim countries bitching. That is all.
You're the one who's living in a war zone, not me. Zionazis like you have been terrorising the Palestinian people for more than 70 years and they have given up complaining about you so they are taking action. All I hear is Zionazis like you belly-aching about Palestinian retaliation. Zionazis have been playing with matches and getting burnt right up to their eyebrows. Just like you. Here you are complaining about the Palestinians giving you payback. Well boo-hoo. :206:

The Palestinians have nothing to lose so stop bitching about getting your ass reamed and submit yourself to it ... :ssex:
The repercussions are Islamists like you who don't even want to live in mostly Muslim countries bitching. That is all.
You're the one who's living in a war zone, not me. Zionazis like you have been terrorising the Palestinian people for more than 70 years and they have given up complaining about you so they are taking action. All I hear is Zionazis like you belly-aching about Palestinian retaliation. Zionazis have been playing with matches and getting burnt right up to their eyebrows. Just like you. Here you are complaining about the Palestinians giving you payback. Well boo-hoo. :206:

The Palestinians have nothing to lose so stop bitching about getting your ass reamed and submit yourself to it ... :ssex:

I live in Boston, MA. Hardly a warzone, Islamist. Find my post bitching about any retaliation. I am an American. I am a Jew. I am pro Israel. You are an Islamist.
I am not following. All your bitching doesn't do anything other than amuse me. Why not take up arms and finish what Hitler started? Are you scared?
I find it funny you seem to believe killing the Jews of Israel is necessary to solve the problem of their occupation of Palestine. In fact, all the US government would have to do is follow its own laws about providing security assurance to foreign forces that have violated human rights.
It was just a couple of years after that I visited the Palestinians refugee camp on the outskirts of Beirut. They turned the ME upside down and they still wanted more land and water.
I find it hard to understand why it is across thousands of miles of geography and thousands of years a relatively small percentage of humanity can find itself persecuted and abused again and again for their actions and accomplishments?
Imagine the horror ... Jews moving to their ancestral homeland, where Jews have lived continuously for 4,000 years!
Try imagining how indigenous Palestinians would have responded to European Jews, whose families had never set foot in Palestine, began bragging publicly about transforming Palestine into a Jewish majority state when Jews were outnumbered ten to one.
Who got rich from that?

The Balfour Declaration: A study in British duplicity
That's your excuse for what they have done?

Your link:

"Soon, however, the old cohesion among the Twelve Tribes vanished. Israel fell and disappeared from the earth.

"Judah remained for a few years and then was scattered to the uttermost ends of the old and new world. They have since lost their Eastern characteristics, both physically and mentally.

"To-day the Jewish settlers in Palestine are almost universally of Teutonic or Slavonic appearance, and all trace of Semitic or Eastern origin seems to have vanished from them."
I am not following. All your bitching doesn't do anything other than amuse me. Why not take up arms and finish what Hitler started? Are you scared?
I find it funny you seem to believe killing the Jews of Israel is necessary to solve the problem of their occupation of Palestine. In fact, all the US government would have to do is follow its own laws about providing security assurance to foreign forces that have violated human rights.
So you’re a coward. Got it.
You used the word “chosen” not I. So Islamist why can’t you take Israel? No balls?
You don't "dominate" anyone thoughts or dreams, Shit Stain.
You simply pollute humanity with your delusions of kosher courage and greatness.
Then come take me out? Want my address? Finish what your hero started.
You fucking moron. It is our ancient homeland. Fuck you. Every mostly Muslim country is a humanitarian and or economic disaster.
Why are Jews among all other human beings on this plant entitled to land their "ancestors" occupied thousands of years ago?
You fucking moron. It is our ancient homeland. Fuck you. Every mostly Muslim country is a humanitarian and or economic disaster.
Why are Jews among all other human beings on this plant entitled to land their "ancestors" occupied thousands of years ago?
They aren’t entitled. They took it back by force, Islamist. Maybe the Byzantine Empire will rise again and take back Constantinople. Might makes Right.
I should. We took our ancient homeland back. You want it. Come get it. Good Luck.
You need to define "we" since the Jews who squatted in Palestine thousands of years ago had none of the Teutonic or Slavonic appearances of the current crop of "Jews" squatting in the "Jewish State" today.

You have no right to the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine.

You are simply not that special.
Never were.
Never will be.:muahaha:
I should. We took our ancient homeland back. You want it. Come get it. Good Luck.
You need to define "we" since the Jews who squatted in Palestine thousands of years ago had none of the Teutonic or Slavonic appearances of the current crop of "Jews" squatting in the "Jewish State" today.

You have no right to the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine.

You are simply not that special.
Never were.
Never will be.:muahaha:
We the Jewish people and your comment is stupid, which isn’t a surprise. If Native Americans move to France are they no longer Native Americans? Don’t be so obtuse. Again there is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967. If you want the country then take it? Why do you keep dodging. Surely you can conquer a tiny country the size of NJ?

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