Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

It was called Judea and now it’s back in my peoples hands. So yes in 1947 Israel was formed. There is nothing to wipe out. No such thing as Palestine.
Israel was formed in 1947 because the UN violated its own Charter by not calling for a national election in PALESTINE. Instead it awarded Jews (including thousands of illegal immigrants) 55% of the land of PALESTINE.

There were twice as many non-Jews as Jews living in PALESTINE at that time; can you figure out which side would have won at the polls?

the UN violated its own Charter by not calling for a national election in PALESTINE.

Where does the Charter call for a national election in PALESTINE?

Instead it awarded Jews (including thousands of illegal immigrants) 55% of the land of PALESTINE.

The Arabs could have had much do they have now?
Long before Zionists.

"NOW, as the Zionist claims a historical right to the land, so also does the Arab, not content with the mere right of possession.

"The bulk of the Arab Moslems came into Syria with the Caliph Omar in the seventh century A.D. The Christians are still older, and are mainly descended from the converts of Constantine and Helena in the fourth century.

"A few of them may be descendants of the Crusaders; and in the villages around Jaffa there are a few Egyptians whose ancestors came into the country with Mohammed Ali's army as recently as ninety years ago. These latter are disliked intensely by the true Arabs."
Jews have a right to their ancient lands

Arabs have been there since Moses and Abraham.. Long before Islam.
The land is only for da Jooze
The Jewish god is too powerful in Israel

Genesis of Genesis: Where did the biblical story of Creation come from?
Until the Pals agree to a Peace deal, the war is still on. Suck it up, princess.
B-D-S, Bro:auiqs.jpg:

The only answer to the violent contentment of Israeli society is BDS – Mondoweiss

This is precisely why it is so important to focus on Israelis’ violent contentment.

"The (Jewish) voters know and approve of what their government has done, from the piles of 1,700 Palestinian civilians killed by the Israeli government in besieged Gaza in 2014, to the over 7,000,000 Palestinian refugees who have been denied the right to return to their homes because of their ethnicity for the past 70 years, to the undeniable reality dutifuly reported over the years by everyone from Jimmy Carter to Yesh Din, of a supremacist apartheid regime (which occupies every inch of land from the Jordan to the Mediterranean)"
Nobody is listening to them, now get back on your magic carpet and fly back to your sand pile.

The Zionist fallacy of ‘Jewish supremacy’

"Zionism is a modern movement, which gained traction among a minority of secular Jews only in the late 19th century in response to Europe’s rising anti-Semitism and romantic nationalism.

"Early Zionists syncretised many aspects of European fascism, white supremacy, colonialism and messianic Evangelism and had a long and sordid history of cooperating with anti-Semites, imperialists and fascists in order to promote exclusivist and expansionist agendas."

Repent Bigot:)
Until the Pals agree to a Peace deal, the war is still on. Suck it up, princess.
B-D-S, Bro:auiqs.jpg:

The only answer to the violent contentment of Israeli society is BDS – Mondoweiss

This is precisely why it is so important to focus on Israelis’ violent contentment.

"The (Jewish) voters know and approve of what their government has done, from the piles of 1,700 Palestinian civilians killed by the Israeli government in besieged Gaza in 2014, to the over 7,000,000 Palestinian refugees who have been denied the right to return to their homes because of their ethnicity for the past 70 years, to the undeniable reality dutifuly reported over the years by everyone from Jimmy Carter to Yesh Din, of a supremacist apartheid regime (which occupies every inch of land from the Jordan to the Mediterranean)"
I bet you’d have all the Indians take the US back as well. And we should all move back to Europe.
Nobody is listening to them, now get back on your magic carpet and fly back to your sand pile.

The Zionist fallacy of ‘Jewish supremacy’

"Zionism is a modern movement, which gained traction among a minority of secular Jews only in the late 19th century in response to Europe’s rising anti-Semitism and romantic nationalism.

"Early Zionists syncretised many aspects of European fascism, white supremacy, colonialism and messianic Evangelism and had a long and sordid history of cooperating with anti-Semites, imperialists and fascists in order to promote exclusivist and expansionist agendas."

Repent Bigot:)
Just make sure that the women of your community keep their sheets over their heads, cuz they are seriously ugly, with a capital Arf!
How many Arab armies did they beat in 1973?
How much help did they require?

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia

"Operation Nickel Grass was a strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

"In a series of events that took place over 32 days, the U.S. Air Force's Military Airlift Command shipped 22,325 tons of tanks, artillery, ammunition, and supplies in C-141 Starlifter and C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft between 14 October and 14 November 1973.[1][2]:88 The U.S. support helped ensure that Israel survived a coordinated and surprise attack from the Soviet-backed Arab Republic of Egypt and Syrian Arab Republic.[1]"
Zero guilt. None. You sound like a coward.
You're a proud white bigot with a room temperature IQ.
Got it.

The Contemporary Jewish Dilemma: Adopt or Reject Zionism and White Supremacy

"It is therefore unsurprising that Zionist Jews have courted and colluded with European white supremacists ever since the movement’s inception. Few Jews, such as the late Moshe Menuhin, had the acumen to accurately characterize these commonalities from Zionism’s very beginnings."
How many Arab armies did they beat in 1973?
How much help did they require?

Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia

"Operation Nickel Grass was a strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

"In a series of events that took place over 32 days, the U.S. Air Force's Military Airlift Command shipped 22,325 tons of tanks, artillery, ammunition, and supplies in C-141 Starlifter and C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft between 14 October and 14 November 1973.[1][2]:88 The U.S. support helped ensure that Israel survived a coordinated and surprise attack from the Soviet-backed Arab Republic of Egypt and Syrian Arab Republic.[1]"

That's gotta piss you off.
The Commies and the Muslims got beat by the Jews and the US.
Zero guilt. None. You sound like a coward.
You're a proud white bigot with a room temperature IQ.
Got it.

The Contemporary Jewish Dilemma: Adopt or Reject Zionism and White Supremacy

"It is therefore unsurprising that Zionist Jews have courted and colluded with European white supremacists ever since the movement’s inception. Few Jews, such as the late Moshe Menuhin, had the acumen to accurately characterize these commonalities from Zionism’s very beginnings."
Don’t read biased links. Again, you want Israel? Come and take it or STFU
They aren’t entitled. They took it back by force, Islamist. Maybe the Byzantine Empire will rise again and take back Constantinople. Might makes Right.
Not since 1945, Moron, and the only reason your people conquered Palestine is their willingness to serve the interests of western imperialists in the the UK and US.

Mala 27 / A little loyal Jewish Ulster — Fruitful Place / Perishing World
Were you there’s no. STFU you cowardly fucking fool.

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