Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

..... the Palestinians are not willing to "give up" their land and you are paying the price for trying to steal it so stop whining about it and take the pain.
The Pals lost, they should admit it and move on. Like the Indians did. Otherwise, the war continues, and their land gets smaller. And their arab brethren don't seem to give a fuck. Making the Pals just another bunch of sore losers. A people should really know when they're beaten.
You are spouting so much BS. There was an attack just 4 weeks ago.
And it's more about someone (like you) telling others to give their land back when you won't give yours back.
What are you talking about now? The last possession we had was sold to France back in 1878.
You're a hypocrite.
You are an imbecile.
..... the Palestinians are not willing to "give up" their land and you are paying the price for trying to steal it so stop whining about it and take the pain.
The Pals lost, they should admit it and move on. Like the Indians did. Otherwise, the war continues, and their land gets smaller. And their arab brethren don't seem to give a fuck. Making the Pals just another bunch of sore losers. A people should really know when they're beaten.
You are spouting so much BS. There was an attack just 4 weeks ago.
And it's more about someone (like you) telling others to give their land back when you won't give yours back.
What are you talking about now? The last possession we had was sold to France back in 1878.
You're a hypocrite.
You are an imbecile.
T'es un con.

If the Pals don't want to be attacked, they should stop doing so themselves and make peace. Maybe you can explain to them that they've lost.
It was called Judea and now it’s back in my peoples hands. So yes in 1947 Israel was formed. There is nothing to wipe out. No such thing as Palestine.
Israel was formed in 1947 because the UN violated its own Charter by not calling for a national election in PALESTINE. Instead it awarded Jews (including thousands of illegal immigrants) 55% of the land of PALESTINE.

There were twice as many non-Jews as Jews living in PALESTINE at that time; can you figure out which side would have won at the polls?
Jews were kicked out of neighboring countries as Islam started getting more radical. Millions ventured into an undeveloped wasteland and built a country on the ground of their ancient homeland. Now the Islamists want it because why? Because it's Jews. If it were Muslims running Israel no one would say shit. Lebanon treats Palestinians terribly and no one cares as it's Muslim on Muslim actions.

By your thinking we should give America back to Native Americans and South America should go back to Inca, Maya and Aztec tribes. Istanbul should be returned to the Christians and so live in a fantasy world.

Jews began leaving the Arab world in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973.
Look it up....leaving means kicked out aka no Jews allowed. Their strip of land is the size of NJ and you Islamists won't even let them have that. Sad.

The Arab Jews were victims of Zionist ambitions. Every time Israel pulled some stunt more Arab Jews left. Libya had a thriving Jewish community until late 1973. Bahrain still does.
..... the Palestinians are not willing to "give up" their land and you are paying the price for trying to steal it so stop whining about it and take the pain.
The Pals lost, they should admit it and move on. Like the Indians did. Otherwise, the war continues, and their land gets smaller. And their arab brethren don't seem to give a fuck. Making the Pals just another bunch of sore losers. A people should really know when they're beaten.
You are spouting so much BS. There was an attack just 4 weeks ago.
And it's more about someone (like you) telling others to give their land back when you won't give yours back.
What are you talking about now? The last possession we had was sold to France back in 1878.
You're a hypocrite.
You are an imbecile.
T'es un con.

If the Pals don't want to be attacked, they should stop doing so themselves and make peace. Maybe you can explain to them that they've lost.

Read Moshe Dayan. They didn't want peace. They wanted more land and water.
Again there is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967. If you want the country
Then how do you explain the reference to Palestine in documents like the Balfour Declaration?

How many times do you see the words "in Palestine" in this document?

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The opening words of the declaration represented the first public expression of support for Zionism by a major political power.

"The term 'national home' had no precedent in international law, and was intentionally vague as to whether a Jewish state was contemplated.

"The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words 'in Palestine' meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine."

Palestine existed for centuries before European "Jews" began their Zionist project of colonization.

Then how do you explain the reference to Palestine in documents like the Balfour Declaration?

Do you imagine he was talking about the nation of Palestine?
..... the Palestinians are not willing to "give up" their land and you are paying the price for trying to steal it so stop whining about it and take the pain.
The Pals lost, they should admit it and move on. Like the Indians did. Otherwise, the war continues, and their land gets smaller. And their arab brethren don't seem to give a fuck. Making the Pals just another bunch of sore losers. A people should really know when they're beaten.
You are spouting so much BS. There was an attack just 4 weeks ago.
And it's more about someone (like you) telling others to give their land back when you won't give yours back.
What are you talking about now? The last possession we had was sold to France back in 1878.
You're a hypocrite.
You are an imbecile.
T'es un con.

If the Pals don't want to be attacked, they should stop doing so themselves and make peace. Maybe you can explain to them that they've lost.

Read Moshe Dayan. They didn't want peace. They wanted more land and water.
The Pals could officially surrender and then Israel would have to make peace.

Btw, Dayan is dead. It's been 40 years. Things change. Apparently you don't.
World's smartest Jew.

Chomsky clarifies position on the cultural boycott of Israel

"‘I am opposed to any appearance in Israel that is used for nationalistic or other propaganda purposes to cover up its occupation and denial of Palestinian human rights. I’ve been involved in activities to hold Israel accountable for its international law violations since before the BDS movement took shape. While I have some tactical differences with the BDS movement, I strongly support the actions and continue to participate in them.’
"Asked about arguments that invoke Israel’s purported democracy, he said:

"‘The oft repeated idea that Israel is a 'vibrant democracy' is an absurd one. Unless the qualification is purely symbolic, there can be no 'democratic Jewish (Christian, Muslim, white) state'. In the case of Israel, the 'Jewishness' is very far from symbolic. There is no need to repeat here what I’ve written in the past, documenting extensively Israel’s discriminatory practices.'"

He's a whiny twat.....I can see why you like him.
..... the Palestinians are not willing to "give up" their land and you are paying the price for trying to steal it so stop whining about it and take the pain.
The Pals lost, they should admit it and move on. Like the Indians did. Otherwise, the war continues, and their land gets smaller. And their arab brethren don't seem to give a fuck. Making the Pals just another bunch of sore losers. A people should really know when they're beaten.
You are spouting so much BS. There was an attack just 4 weeks ago.
And it's more about someone (like you) telling others to give their land back when you won't give yours back.
What are you talking about now? The last possession we had was sold to France back in 1878.
You're a hypocrite.
You are an imbecile.
T'es un con.

If the Pals don't want to be attacked, they should stop doing so themselves and make peace. Maybe you can explain to them that they've lost.

Read Moshe Dayan. They didn't want peace. They wanted more land and water.
The Pals could officially surrender and then Israel would have to make peace.

Btw, Dayan is dead. It's been 40 years. Things change. Apparently you don't.

The Israelis may be reasonable and decent, their government isn't.
Jews have a right to their ancient lands
Jews have no legal or moral right to the land and water on non-Jews in Palestine.

They have no more rights to their ancient land than any other religion or ethnicity has.
First, you give your own land back to the Indians, then your words might carry a little weight.

George has never owned any land.......the Jews made him a failure.
Jews were kicked out of neighboring countries as Islam started getting more radical. Millions ventured into an undeveloped wasteland and built a country on the ground of their ancient homeland.

When did "millions" of Jews immigrate to Palestine, before or after 1920?

"But the Syrian province of Palestine, about one hundred and fifty miles long and fifty miles broad, largely mountainous and sterile, contains at present (1920) a population of more than 650,000, divided as follows: Mohammedan Arabs, 515,000; Jews, 63,000; Christian Arabs, 62,000; nomadic Bedouins, 50,000; unclassified, 5000.

"Of these the Mohammedans and Christians are to a man bitterly opposed to any Zionist claims, whether made by would-be rulers or by settlers."
Out house boy was Palestinian in 1952. Palestinians went to my Church while some attended Catholic Mass in the 1950s. They guys who ran the post office and commissary were Palestinian..

What was the Palestinian currency called?
What was the exchange rate?
Were they allowed to vote by mail for their Palestinians leaders?
Who were their Palestinian leaders?
Last edited:
Again there is no such thing as Palestine. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967. If you want the country
Then how do you explain the reference to Palestine in documents like the Balfour Declaration?

How many times do you see the words "in Palestine" in this document?

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

"The opening words of the declaration represented the first public expression of support for Zionism by a major political power.

"The term 'national home' had no precedent in international law, and was intentionally vague as to whether a Jewish state was contemplated.

"The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words 'in Palestine' meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine."

Palestine existed for centuries before European "Jews" began their Zionist project of colonization.

Even Shakespeare and Chaucer reference Palestine.
Find the word “Palestinian” before 1967. I ll patiently wait. Real Palestinians...are Jews!

Out house boy was Palestinian in 1952. Palestinians went to my Church while some attended Catholic Mass in the 1950s. They guys who ran the post office and commissary were Palestinian.. This is one of those shabby lies by the Jewish immigrants to Palestine. They have demonized their enemies since the Old Testament.
That’s a lie. 100% lie. Romans called Jews Palestinians because of the word Philistine. The Philistines were Jews ancient enemies and Rome called the region that post conquest as an insult. The word “Palestinian” was first used by Arafat in 1967. Your house boy (weird) was an Arab.
It was called Judea and now it’s back in my peoples hands. So yes in 1947 Israel was formed. There is nothing to wipe out. No such thing as Palestine.
Israel was formed in 1947 because the UN violated its own Charter by not calling for a national election in PALESTINE. Instead it awarded Jews (including thousands of illegal immigrants) 55% of the land of PALESTINE.

There were twice as many non-Jews as Jews living in PALESTINE at that time; can you figure out which side would have won at the polls?
Jews were kicked out of neighboring countries as Islam started getting more radical. Millions ventured into an undeveloped wasteland and built a country on the ground of their ancient homeland. Now the Islamists want it because why? Because it's Jews. If it were Muslims running Israel no one would say shit. Lebanon treats Palestinians terribly and no one cares as it's Muslim on Muslim actions.

By your thinking we should give America back to Native Americans and South America should go back to Inca, Maya and Aztec tribes. Istanbul should be returned to the Christians and so live in a fantasy world.

Jews began leaving the Arab world in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973.
Look it up....leaving means kicked out aka no Jews allowed. Their strip of land is the size of NJ and you Islamists won't even let them have that. Sad.

The Arab Jews were victims of Zionist ambitions. Every time Israel pulled some stunt more Arab Jews left. Libya had a thriving Jewish community until late 1973. Bahrain still does.
Zionist is a Jew who believes that Israel has the right to exist. You’re an imbecile.
Jews were kicked out of neighboring countries as Islam started getting more radical. Millions ventured into an undeveloped wasteland and built a country on the ground of their ancient homeland.

When did "millions" of Jews immigrate to Palestine, before or after 1920?

"But the Syrian province of Palestine, about one hundred and fifty miles long and fifty miles broad, largely mountainous and sterile, contains at present (1920) a population of more than 650,000, divided as follows: Mohammedan Arabs, 515,000; Jews, 63,000; Christian Arabs, 62,000; nomadic Bedouins, 50,000; unclassified, 5000.

"Of these the Mohammedans and Christians are to a man bitterly opposed to any Zionist claims, whether made by would-be rulers or by settlers."
Why isn’t GB calling America an Apartheid State and occupied territories? Taken by war...what is the difference?
..... the Palestinians are not willing to "give up" their land and you are paying the price for trying to steal it so stop whining about it and take the pain.
The Pals lost, they should admit it and move on. Like the Indians did. Otherwise, the war continues, and their land gets smaller. And their arab brethren don't seem to give a fuck. Making the Pals just another bunch of sore losers. A people should really know when they're beaten.
You are spouting so much BS. There was an attack just 4 weeks ago.
And it's more about someone (like you) telling others to give their land back when you won't give yours back.
What are you talking about now? The last possession we had was sold to France back in 1878.
You're a hypocrite.
You are an imbecile.
T'es un con.

If the Pals don't want to be attacked, they should stop doing so themselves and make peace. Maybe you can explain to them that they've lost.

Read Moshe Dayan. They didn't want peace. They wanted more land and water.
The Pals could officially surrender and then Israel would have to make peace.

Btw, Dayan is dead. It's been 40 years. Things change. Apparently you don't.

The Israelis may be reasonable and decent, their government isn't.
Israel is a Democracy. People choose their Govt. Why does every majority Muslim country treat women horribly, hate dogs and hang gay people?
Jews were kicked out of neighboring countries as Islam started getting more radical. Millions ventured into an undeveloped wasteland and built a country on the ground of their ancient homeland.

When did "millions" of Jews immigrate to Palestine, before or after 1920?

"But the Syrian province of Palestine, about one hundred and fifty miles long and fifty miles broad, largely mountainous and sterile, contains at present (1920) a population of more than 650,000, divided as follows: Mohammedan Arabs, 515,000; Jews, 63,000; Christian Arabs, 62,000; nomadic Bedouins, 50,000; unclassified, 5000.

"Of these the Mohammedans and Christians are to a man bitterly opposed to any Zionist claims, whether made by would-be rulers or by settlers."
Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?
Now the Islamists want it because why? Because it's Jews. If it were Muslims running Israel no one would say shit. Lebanon treats Palestinians terribly and no one cares as it's Muslim on Muslim actions
What about Arab Christians who have had their land and water stolen and their children shot or arrested by the greedy Jews of Israel?

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