Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Every problem Israel has comes from being soft. Had they dealt with the Arabs properly, this would not be an issue.
Do you prefer ethnic cleansing or genocide as a proper solution?

"When the dust settled, the overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs, perhaps 700,000 to 800,000 people, had either fled or been expelled.

"The Palestinians who remained in what was now a Jewish state made up around 18 percent of the population of Israel, and for the next 20 years lived under martial law.

"The society the Palestinians had composed over the centuries was, for the most part, now gone.

"Towns and villages were renamed or bulldozed.

"Property was expropriated en masse through various legal mechanisms.

"And, most importantly, whether Palestinians fled or were expelled, virtually none were allowed to return.

"Most Palestinians who left their homes in 1947 and 1948 believed they would one day come back when the fighting stopped, no matter what the outcome. This was a complete delusion.

"They were gone, and the new Israeli state regarded their absence as the godsend that allowed a Jewish-majority country to suddenly emerge."
I turned 20 the same year Dr. King began connecting the racism in this country against Blacks with the racism of the US invasion and occupation of South Vietnam. Almost overnight he lost 90% of his support across the political spectrum. President Johnson felt betrayed after all he had done to pass civil rights legislation. Newspaper editorials told King to "stay in his lane." King signed his death warrant when he made that obvious connection, and I suspect he knew it.
It's a ball of wax. The French fought against the Nazi occupation of France as well as the Japanese occupation of Indochina. They wanted to be free. The Vietnamese fought against the Japanese, the French and the Americans. They wanted to be free. The American negro also wanted to be free.
Toodle on back to Stormfront, Adolph.
It's spelt Adolf.
Well, you'd know how it's spelled, given he's your hero.
You have no idea how much laughter we get, here in the Reichstag, from your flacid ”come backs”. Keep ‘em comin’, Bonzo! :auiqs.jpg:
If you object to the Nazi comparisons, perhaps you should re-examine your beliefs on "controlling" Jews.
I don't "object" at all. As I told you, we get a big kick out of it here at the Reichstag so you just carry on with your idiotic comments.
Absolutely I was against giving that country to Blacks. And just look at South Africa now, a aids/rape zone.
How do you "give" a country to a majority of its citizens?

Life in Apartheid-Era South Africa
Whites were in charge and then turned power over to Blacks who took no time in fucking the whole place up. Now it's a no-go zone. Sort of like those stinky arab countries are also no-go zones for normal people.
" Fictional Ishmaelism In Psychosis "

* Homogeneity And Punnet Squares Of Eurabia *

You belong with the Nazis.
The nazis were national socialists as a workers party of germans for a german state , which in and of itself , as a fashioning of a peoples around homologous kindred clads , which is castigated as depraved by eugenicists seeking to diffuse casts of bondage or genocide , while the left is working to assure a eugenic brown out - ( example : lingerie football league all girls painted brown ) , is not outside of reasonable , as for diversity to exist , distinctions must persist between individuals , and a degree of isolation or selection is a requisite .

* Independence Record Keeper Vice Roy Yawl Protesting Challenges *

Adherents of torahnism do not believe the 613 mitvot should be implemented as public policy anywhere other than within a city state of israel - see Seven Laws of Noah .

Just as torahnism would not apply as public policy outside of israel , the sharia of qurayshism would not apply as public policy outside of hejaz , and an expectation that sharia of qurayshism would apply as public policy outside of hejaz is understood as fictional ishmaelism .

* Rise Of Sectarian Support For Secular Socialism And A Welfare State *

The left is enthralled with state capitalism implemented as socialism , whereby states entities , and not workers proper , own the means of production and determine where distributions of earnings and losses are directed , at a much greater authoritarian level than laboring at a desk and being remanded to support improved performance in the financial baseline .

The left bemoans capitalism and free enterprise as exploitative , rather than motivational , and rather than pilanthropic individuals committing themselves to socialism as a greater private individual distributing to those less fortunate from earnings garnered from a collective proprietorship ; in deed , rather than practicing a creed of religion for private charity , the religion of secular humanism aspires toward theft by government , as the sectarian advocates no longer abide by private charity and banter for abdication to authoritarian government .

At issue is that the secular humanism religion expect all other religions to acquire funds for their charities through private , philanthropic , means , while the religion of secular humanism believes only itself is entitled to confiscate private funds through coercion from government authority , while ignoring the rigors of generating capital income and to remain productive in long duration throughout life .

The left has an understanding of one in temptation vacillating to convinces themselves that violation of self ownership and self determination of individual citizens , against individualism , against individual liberty , is justified to benefit the collective .

Once the temptation is rewarded , the left begins to justify its violations through retrospect , as the rigors of self restraint in admitting an incompetence for generating capital income and to remain productive in long duration throughout life .
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