Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Cool story. So how is their nation working out for them? Don't have one you say? Shocker!!!

UN panel votes 163-5 in support of Palestinian state and end of occupation but is that the best solution - Labour Heartlands
I agree, but when you mention the violence committed by Muslims, they try to kill you.
Muslim armies aren't invading countries on the opposite side of the planet killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians.

Maybe Christians should take note?

Because Muslim armies have been big losers for more than 100 years now.
Muslim civilians are good at killing women and infidels.
59k Jews beat out 600k+ Islamists. Not surprising.
Neither is your ignorance.

Evils Of British Empire; Creation Of Israel and Destruction Of Palestine

"The war on the Palestinian people did not begin in 1948.

"In 1917 , the Balfour declaration was issued by Britain.

"The British empire wanted to protect their strategic interests.

"ZIONISM was the tool they used.

"Ronald Storrs, British Government of Jerusalem believed ZIONISM would Create 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster ' in the region.

"In 1920, Churchill stated in his lifetime he would see 'A Jewish under the protection of the Crown' By the Banks of Jordan."
59k Jews beat out 600k+ Islamists. Not surprising.
Neither is your ignorance.

Evils Of British Empire; Creation Of Israel and Destruction Of Palestine

"The war on the Palestinian people did not begin in 1948.

"In 1917 , the Balfour declaration was issued by Britain.

"The British empire wanted to protect their strategic interests.

"ZIONISM was the tool they used.

"Ronald Storrs, British Government of Jerusalem believed ZIONISM would Create 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster ' in the region.

"In 1920, Churchill stated in his lifetime he would see 'A Jewish under the protection of the Crown' By the Banks of Jordan."
You always post links from fake sources. LOL

Don't you know anything? Live in the present. Every single mostly Muslim country is a Sharia Law shit hole. You should move there.
You're right. I remember that and the truth of it hasn't dampened the purveyance from increasing since.
I turned 20 the same year Dr. King began connecting the racism in this country against Blacks with the racism of the US invasion and occupation of South Vietnam. Almost overnight he lost 90% of his support across the political spectrum. President Johnson felt betrayed after all he had done to pass civil rights legislation. Newspaper editorials told King to "stay in his lane." King signed his death warrant when he made that obvious connection, and I suspect he knew it.

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