Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea


King David Hotel Attack In 1946... -

It is an internationally accepted fact that this incident - perpetrated by Zionist Jews - is the first act of terrorism in history. The definition of terrorism was born on that day.
You have no idea how much laughter we get, here in the Reichstag, from your flacid ”come backs”. Keep ‘em comin’, Bonzo! :auiqs.jpg:
If you object to the Nazi comparisons, perhaps you should re-examine your beliefs on "controlling" Jews.
I don't "object" at all. As I told you, we get a big kick out of it here at the Reichstag so you just carry on with your idiotic comments.
Repeating what you said doesn't make it any less bullshit.
Refusing to admit that you are wrong is not the same as being right .... except on Saturday nights when you are together with your friends inside of Sheriff Buford T. Justice's drunk-tank. :dev3:
There are a whole lot of Muslim nations that could take in the Palestinians. Where would you suggest the Jews relocate if the House of David belongs to the Muslims?
This is a no-brainer question. The answer is simple. Jews can live in the Middle East alongside all of the other Semitic people by secular principles just as other predominately Christian and Muslim nations have done. Can I get an "Amen!" from the congregation today, please.
" Guidance With A Rigorous Weigh "

* Cultural Undertones Established Through Informed Consent *

This is a no-brainer question. The answer is simple. Jews can live in the Middle East alongside all of the other Semitic people by secular principles just as other predominately Christian and Muslim nations have done. Can I get an "Amen!" from the congregation today, please.
Not my favourite solution :eusa_think:but if there is no other way to achieve peace ....... then why not? :dunno:
An informed consent solution would be these : to make distinctions between non nomianism ( antinomianism ) and nomianism ; to make distinctions between torahnism , qurayshism and fictional ishmaelism ; to make distinctions between non violence and non aggression principles ; to make distinctions between negative liberties of individualism and positive liberties of collectivism .

The left believes itself to be the final authority as enforcers for a secular social mandate , yet its religion of secular humanism believes that all other religions , except its own , must obtain funding for charities through private philanthropic donations , while the religion of secular humanism believes it is entitled to pilfer public coffers , and subjugate self ownership and self determination of individuals , rather than resigning itself to a volition for funding its charities through private philanthropic donations , with ulterior motives for dictating collectivism against individualism , as would sectarian religions .

One exchanges natural freedoms for protected wrights as a citizen according to a constitution ; there is not a difference between religion and creed ; and , a constitution the precludes a creed for non violence principles would not extend naturalization , for citizenship and voting for public policy , to individuals whose religion maintains tenets or edicts of creed to violate non violence principles .

All seasoned troops. They were fighting on the side of the Communists against the Monarchists. They were deployed there about 5 years.

How many?


Wow! That's a lot!
How many Egyptian troops still in Egypt?

[PDF]The International History of the Yemen Civil War, 1962-1968
Yemeni republicans brought the first Egyptian troops to Yemen. Saudi Arabia, pressured by Egyptian troops, border tribal considerations and earlier treaties with the Yemeni Imamate, supported the Imams royalist opposition. The battleground between Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser and al-Badr was transformed into an arena for

Is English your second language?

Nope.. My family has been in America since 1619.

Than why are you having such a difficult time with the question?

Wow! That's a lot!
How many Egyptian troops still in Egypt?

Are you stupid? The Egyptian army fought in Yemen from 1962 to 1970.

On the eve of the war, Egypt massed approximately 100,000 of its 160,000 troops in the Sinai, including all seven of its divisions (four infantry, two armoured and one mechanized), four independent infantry brigades and four independent armoured brigades. Over a third of these soldiers were veterans of Egypt's continuing intervention into the North Yemen Civil War and another third were reservists. These forces had 950 tanks, 1,100 APCs, and more than 1,000 artillery pieces.[61]

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

...... An informed consent solution would be these : to make distinctions between non nomianism ( antinomianism ) and nomianism ; to make distinctions between torahnism , qurayshism and fictional ishmaelism ; to make distinctions between non violence and non aggression principles ; to make distinctions between negative liberties of individualism and positive liberties of collectivism .
It looked to me that you might be going somewhere sensible with this but then you said .....
The left believes itself to be the final authority .....
Government (some kind of government) is pretty much necessary in the world - yes, even in the darkest recesses of jungles, forests, and caves - but I am convinced that Democracy (real Democracy) is the best form of governing for the benefit of all humanity. But the concept of Democracy has been hijacked and commandeered to pander non-Democratic evils. This is not a secret and this non-Democratic force is found in many shapes around the world. Let us take the U.S. as an example. "The two-party system". What is that? It is an indoctrination that nurtures the typical American wool over the eyes of the sheeple culminating in beliefs such as, "You are either with us or against us" [2 choices] or "Love it or leave it" [2 choices]. And here you are stating, "The left believes itself ...... " whatever. What do you think that statement does for your otherwise interesting comments on the subject? Negates it, that's what. So drop the left vs right rhetoric and tell us what you think is a good solution to the problems in the Middle East. I have a feeling that you have some good ideas if you can break your mind free of the mush you've been fed. Step up. :eusa_think:
" Populism For Simpletons Makes For Terrible Public Policy "

* US Is Not A Direct Democracy Rather A Representative Republic *

It looked to me that you might be going somewhere sensible with this but then you said .....
Government (some kind of government) is pretty much necessary in the world - yes, even in the darkest recesses of jungles, forests, and caves - but I am convinced that Democracy (real Democracy) is the best form of governing for the benefit of all humanity. But the concept of Democracy has been hijacked and commandeered to pander non-Democratic evils. This is not a secret and this non-Democratic force is found in many shapes around the world. Let us take the U.S. as an example. "The two-party system". What is that? It is an indoctrination that nurtures the typical American wool over the eyes of the sheeple culminating in beliefs such as, "You are either with us or against us" [2 choices] or "Love it or leave it" [2 choices]. And here you are stating, "The left believes itself ...... " whatever. What do you think that statement does for your otherwise interesting comments on the subject? Negates it, that's what. So drop the left vs right rhetoric and tell us what you think is a good solution to the problems in the Middle East. I have a feeling that you have some good ideas if you can break your mind free of the mush you've been fed. Step up. :eusa_think:
The solution to resolve the middle east is to make the terms torahnism , quaryshism , fictional ishmaelism and anti-nomianism part of the public vernacular and lexicon .

* Secular Humanism Flip Side Of Sectarian Humanism Both Religious Authoritarian Megalomaniacs *

The left promotes democracy for its populism and tyranny by the majority , as it promotes the charity of its religion of secular humanism with authoritarian power grabs of public coffers , confiscated from private holdings , to implement collectivism over individualism .

It has been supposed that a median iq of 90 is needed by the populace of a country for an effective and stable elected government and yet in 1965 the us abandoned a merit based immigration system for a first come , first served , family reunification , non merit based immigration system ( not job skills , not employment demands , without regard for global population ) , irrespective of whether us dissolved the national origins acts .
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The solution to resolve the middle east is to make the terms torahnism , quaryshism , fictional ishmaelism and anti-nomianism part of the public vernacular and lexicon .

The lexicon is chock-a-block with terms that have been tweaked beyond all meaning, particularly on the street and in the rooms & corridors of power. We don’t need any new ones. We need to shore up education where language is a high priority and a prerequisite to honest occupation. No more of this, “Yeah well, basically, in terms of multiple you know explosionary bombs and telephonic discussions it’s like you know surreal and unfettered, resurgents, who basically, you know, like idiotics literally making WMD’s and physically lighting the fuse.” Wow! So hey, let’s go to war for Israel!

It has been supposed that a median iq of 90 is needed by the populace of a country for an effective and stable elected government and yet in 1965 the us abandoned a merit based immigration system for a first come , first served , family reunification , non merit based immigration system ( not job skills , not employment demands , without regard for global population ) , irrespective of whether us dissolved the national origins acts .
Less war, less migration. Then you don't have to worry about an IQ quota.
There is zero good about Europe unless you love Marxist , Africans and Muslims
" Losing World War Won Against The Otto Man Empire Generations Later "

* Lineages Of Japheth As Fools Confronted By False Epithets *

There is zero good about Europe unless you love Marxist , Africans and Muslims
The term anti-semitism as it is applied globally is nonsense , as semitic implies a kindred clad descendant from the genetic lineages of eponymous shem ; the correct descriptor for those waging against torahnism is anti-torahnism .

For example , the ash kay nazis are lineal descendants from gomer , which are lineal descendants of japheth , which are not lineal descendants of shem , whereby referring to those who oppose their adherents for torahnism as anti-semitic , rather than anti-torahnist , rather than anti-japhetic , does not make any sense .

-- Ashkenazi Jews --
The name Ashkenazi derives from the biblical figure of Ashkenaz, the first son of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah, and a Japhetic patriarch in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10). The name of Gomer has often been linked to the ethnonym Cimmerians.

-- Pan-Arabism --
Advocates of pan-Arabism have often espoused socialist principles and strongly opposed Western political involvement in the Arab world. It also sought to empower Arab states against outside forces by forming alliances and, to a lesser extent, economic co-operation.[1]

-- Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? --

* Follow The Money And The Power Grab By Theocratic Authoritarians *

The pan islamism psychosis is funding the left wing dementia for anti-racist racism , that is promoting semites through a misdirection of claiming anti-semitism so as to implement anti-japhetic policies , under a continuing covert guise for pan arabism , under a continuing covert guise for pan islamism as an adversarial continuation of a byzantine / christian conversion against the lineages of japheth .

-- Pan-Islamism --
It portrays Islam as being anti-racist and against anything that divides Muslims based on ethnicity.

Pan-Islamism (Arabic: الوحدة الإسلامية‎) is a political ideology advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic country or state – often a caliphate[1] – or an international organization with Islamic principles.

-- Hisbah --
Hisbah (Arabic: حسبة‎ ḥisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is an individual or collective duty (depending on the school of law) to intervene and "enjoin good and forbid wrong" in order to maintain the norms of sharia (Islamic law).

The Hisbah has the following major aspects:[4]

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs. Traditionally, a muhtasib was appointed by the caliph to oversee the order in marketplaces, in businesses, in medical occupations, etc. The position of muhtasib may be approximately rendered as "inspector". See hisbah (business accountability) for this aspect.

-- Islamic socialism --
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You have no idea how much laughter we get, here in the Reichstag, from your flacid ”come backs”. Keep ‘em comin’, Bonzo! :auiqs.jpg:
If you object to the Nazi comparisons, perhaps you should re-examine your beliefs on "controlling" Jews.
I don't "object" at all. As I told you, we get a big kick out of it here at the Reichstag so you just carry on with your idiotic comments.
Repeating what you said doesn't make it any less bullshit.
Refusing to admit that you are wrong is not the same as being right .... except on Saturday nights when you are together with your friends inside of Sheriff Buford T. Justice's drunk-tank. :dev3:
Sheriff Justice was a fictional character. You do know that, right? Right? probably don't. You're not bright.
There are a whole lot of Muslim nations that could take in the Palestinians. Where would you suggest the Jews relocate if the House of David belongs to the Muslims?
Like most irrational Jew-haters, they don't want them to relocate. They just want them dead.
Not my favourite solution :eusa_think:but if there is no other way to achieve peace ....... then why not? :dunno:
And you get angry when someone calls you a Nazi. Weird.
...... An informed consent solution would be these : to make distinctions between non nomianism ( antinomianism ) and nomianism ; to make distinctions between torahnism , qurayshism and fictional ishmaelism ; to make distinctions between non violence and non aggression principles ; to make distinctions between negative liberties of individualism and positive liberties of collectivism .
It looked to me that you might be going somewhere sensible with this but then you said .....
The left believes itself to be the final authority .....
Government (some kind of government) is pretty much necessary in the world - yes, even in the darkest recesses of jungles, forests, and caves - but I am convinced that Democracy (real Democracy) is the best form of governing for the benefit of all humanity. But the concept of Democracy has been hijacked and commandeered to pander non-Democratic evils. This is not a secret and this non-Democratic force is found in many shapes around the world. Let us take the U.S. as an example. "The two-party system". What is that? It is an indoctrination that nurtures the typical American wool over the eyes of the sheeple culminating in beliefs such as, "You are either with us or against us" [2 choices] or "Love it or leave it" [2 choices]. And here you are stating, "The left believes itself ...... " whatever. What do you think that statement does for your otherwise interesting comments on the subject? Negates it, that's what. So drop the left vs right rhetoric and tell us what you think is a good solution to the problems in the Middle East. I have a feeling that you have some good ideas if you can break your mind free of the mush you've been fed. Step up. :eusa_think:
Anyone who says the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem is worthy of consideration has no credibility. Fuck off now.
There are a whole lot of Muslim nations that could take in the Palestinians. Where would you suggest the Jews relocate if the House of David belongs to the Muslims?

Palestinians have their own separate culture.. Did you think all Arab countries are alike. Most Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who never left (See Ben Gurion) They have also intermarried with Greeks, Romans, Crusaders, Egyptians, Turks, Syrians and Lebanese. They are not pure nor are they a race like the Zionist Europeans.
Sheriff Justice was a fictional character.
You're in denial as usual.
And you get angry when someone calls you a Nazi.
I'm brown and I'm proud.
Anyone who says the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem is worthy of consideration has no credibility.
When it comes to finding a solution to any problem you must be prepared to implement the best one.
Fuck off now.
I see that Davey boy is throwing a sissy fit ...... again!

Davy boy 1.jpg
Sheriff Justice was a fictional character.
You're in denial as usual.
And you get angry when someone calls you a Nazi.
I'm brown and I'm proud.
Anyone who says the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem is worthy of consideration has no credibility.
When it comes to finding a solution to any problem you must be prepared to implement the best one.
Fuck off now.
I see that Davey boy is throwing a sissy fit ...... again!

View attachment 467673
So, in summary, a character from a series of movies is a real person, and all Jews should be killed.

That about cover it?
...... An informed consent solution would be these : to make distinctions between non nomianism ( antinomianism ) and nomianism ; to make distinctions between torahnism , qurayshism and fictional ishmaelism ; to make distinctions between non violence and non aggression principles ; to make distinctions between negative liberties of individualism and positive liberties of collectivism .
It looked to me that you might be going somewhere sensible with this but then you said .....
The left believes itself to be the final authority .....
Government (some kind of government) is pretty much necessary in the world - yes, even in the darkest recesses of jungles, forests, and caves - but I am convinced that Democracy (real Democracy) is the best form of governing for the benefit of all humanity. But the concept of Democracy has been hijacked and commandeered to pander non-Democratic evils. This is not a secret and this non-Democratic force is found in many shapes around the world. Let us take the U.S. as an example. "The two-party system". What is that? It is an indoctrination that nurtures the typical American wool over the eyes of the sheeple culminating in beliefs such as, "You are either with us or against us" [2 choices] or "Love it or leave it" [2 choices]. And here you are stating, "The left believes itself ...... " whatever. What do you think that statement does for your otherwise interesting comments on the subject? Negates it, that's what. So drop the left vs right rhetoric and tell us what you think is a good solution to the problems in the Middle East. I have a feeling that you have some good ideas if you can break your mind free of the mush you've been fed. Step up. :eusa_think:
Anyone who says the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem is worthy of consideration has no credibility. Fuck off now.
Glas is a dying old miserable fascist loser who lives in great pain due to his dying Heart
His brain died long ago, looks like.

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