Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

raq was a total waste of good bombs and soldiers. Dropping bombs on Arabs is like trying to kill cockroaches, those disgusting bastards reproduce too fast.
Are you worried the US dollar would lose its global reserve currency status without the US military regularly killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet?

The Ongoing Costs of the Iraq War

"Most American families did not feel the cost of the Iraq War at the time.

"First, there was no draft as there was in the Vietnam War or World War II.

"Second, there was no additional tax. As a result, those who served and their families bore the brunt.

"They will pay at least $300 billion over the next several decades to pay for their injured family members.

"That doesn't include lost job income that they quit to care for their relatives."
don't believe this at all. Why would Egypt attack the USS Liberty or mistake it for an Egyptian horse transport?
As I understand this argument, Lyndon Johnson plotted with Israel to sink Liberty with all hands lost then blame Egypt for the attack.

I turned twenty in 1967, and I knew a few guys who were not at all happy to be in Vietnam; however, they would have fought for a place in line to invade Egypt if Liberty had been lost with all hands and their commander-in-chief blamed Egypt.

I also suspect some of their grandchildren would be guarding Egyptian oil fields today.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

Stopping it will require an alliance with Russia and China with support from perhaps Iran but what will happen after that? Will they offer the world "happy days" or just more chaos and destruction?
Neither Russia nor China makes the slightest pretension towards advancing democracy or human rights, but I get the impression they are sick and tired of being bullied by the US Dollar?

China and Russia ditch dollar in move toward 'financial alliance'
raq was a total waste of good bombs and soldiers. Dropping bombs on Arabs is like trying to kill cockroaches, those disgusting bastards reproduce too fast.
Are you worried the US dollar would lose its global reserve currency status without the US military regularly killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet?

The Ongoing Costs of the Iraq War

"Most American families did not feel the cost of the Iraq War at the time.

"First, there was no draft as there was in the Vietnam War or World War II.

"Second, there was no additional tax. As a result, those who served and their families bore the brunt.

"They will pay at least $300 billion over the next several decades to pay for their injured family members.

"That doesn't include lost job income that they quit to care for their relatives."
No, I just think that it’s cool to bomb Arabs. You all cheered on 9/11.
People like george hate Jews and wish Hitler had killed all of them. GLASNOST agrees with him.
People like george find "hate" to be a strong word; however, I do wonder why some Jews in Israel think they are entitled to steal the land and water of their non-Jewish neighborhoods?

Any ideas?
Israel has real peace with many Muslim nations
With distant authoritarian neighbors, but Israel was born by the ethnic cleansing of over 700,000 non-Jews from Palestine in 1948.

Those refugees were pushed into Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt and it was their displacement that has driven the conflict in that region (and elsewhere) for the last 75 years.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
Did you accept the 1999 Clinton accords
No. Arafat would have been assassinated by his base if he had accepted a deal that didn't include a right of return for indigenous Palestinians who lost their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts to European Jews in 1948.

There is currently no way a sitting POTUS can make any deal that doesn't favor the illegal Jewish occupation of Palestine.
Israel is a far stronger and safer nation than any in Europe or USA
You can’t just walk over and stay
They have massive walls, land mines , drones and snipers
Not even the cartels can get through the Israeli border
Why do you think the Jews of Israel require "massive walls, land mines, drones, and snipers? Does it have anything to do with the Zionist project of turning Palestine into a Jewish-majority state?
In reality, this jewish state would protect Jews even better than Israel does because it wouldn't be mired in a perpetual state of war with the subjugated native population.
Where would you find this "land without a people for a people without a land"?
Israel has had 5 major wars with Egypt and has had decades of good peace
Israel is a far stronger and safer nation than any in Europe or USA
You can’t just walk over and stay
They have massive walls, land mines , drones and snipers
Not even the cartels can get through the Israeli border
Why do you think the Jews of Israel require "massive walls, land mines, drones, and snipers? Does it have anything to do with the Zionist project of turning Palestine into a Jewish-majority state?
Jews were getting blown up by suicide bombers and this was the only solution
The Egyptian troops were in Yemen from 1962 to 1970. Read Moshe Dayan. They planned the 1967 war for a decade.
Did Israel have a functioning nuclear weapon in 1967?

Yes. They had Diamona.
Sad state of affairs when brothers born of Abraham live in hostility instead of love. I hope they someday soon become friends again. I guess only God himself knows when brotherly love is restored.
I was born in Ashkhelon.

My entire family is from Ashkhelon.

What am I doing here in Gaza City?

I don't belong here.


Ahmed Yassin

"The ancient seaport of Ashkelon dates back to the Neolithic Age.

"In the course of its history, it has been ruled by the Ancient Egyptians, the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Phoenicians, the Hasmoneans, the Romans, the Persians, the Arabs and the Crusaders, until it was destroyed by the Mamluks in 1270.

"The Arab village of al-Majdal or al-Majdal Asqalan ...was established a few kilometres inland from the ancient site by the late 15th century, under Ottoman rule..."

Al-Majdal was the forward position of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force based in Gaza.[3]

"The village was conquered by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population had fled,[4] leaving some 2,700 inhabitants, of which 500 were deported by Israeli soldiers in December 1948.[4]

The town was initially named Migdal Gaza, Migdal Gad and Migdal Ashkelon by the new Jewish inhabitants.

"Most of the remaining Arabs were deported by 1950.[5]

"In 1953, the coastal neighborhood of Afridar was incorporated and the name 'Ashkelon' was adopted for the combined town."

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