Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

I love Lebanon .We used to go there ever 18 months.. Stayed at the Phoenicia or the St. George.
I travelled to Lebanon through Turkey and Syria in 1977. Beirut was bombed to hell and every night there were bombs and rockets going off. I could imagine that the city was probably very nice before the war.
I know.. The Zionists started destroying Arab villages in late 1947.. I guess they looted and leveled some 300 Arab villages.
I am saying Americans don't give a shit about Arab Christians whether they are Palestinian or Iraqi or Iranian.
I agree.
I believe they used to call Beirut the Paris of the Middle East when Lebanon had a secular government.
That's right.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.
.... all Jews should be killed.
It was necessary to eliminate the "lebensraum" Nazis from within the German population in order to achieve peace during WW II and if it is necessary to eliminate the "lebensraum" Nazi-Zionists within the Jewish population to achieve peace today then it has to be done. Simple as that. Anyone with a brain can understand it.

applaus 1.gif
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.

So you know you're deflecting and won't answer my point. FYI, the Druze are Israeli allies, and and some are high ranked IDF officers, so I doubt your terrorist heroes will let them live if they take over either. The Arabs don't like losing land then they should stop declaring wars they're too stupid and corrupt to win.
Are you familiar with Sabeel in Galilee?

I read up on Sabeel - it is black liberation "theology." Heavy on racism and Antisemitism, devoid of any actual Christianity. Mutts of Radical Islam dedicated to Muslim Supremacy and genocide of the Jews.

Jerimiah Wright "God Damn America" shit.
Are you familiar with Sabeel in Galilee?

I read up on Sabeel - it is black liberation "theology." Heavy on racism and Antisemitism, devoid of any actual Christianity. Mutts of Radical Islam dedicated to Muslim Supremacy and genocide of the Jews.

Jerimiah Wright "God Damn America" shit.

Why don't you actually read about Sabeel in Jerusalem and Galilee? Its Episcopalian and now Ecumenical.. and its all about reconciliation. Its has NOTHING to do with Black people or anti-Semitism.

Non violent resistance to Roman oppression and Roman law is from the Sermon on the Mount.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.
Fuck Syria, let's nuke them.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.

So you know you're deflecting and won't answer my point. FYI, the Druze are Israeli allies, and and some are high ranked IDF officers, so I doubt your terrorist heroes will let them live if they take over either. The Arabs don't like losing land then they should stop declaring wars they're too stupid and corrupt to win.

Sure they are.. That's why Israel destroyed their villages and won't allow them to sell their apples without a Jewish middleman.

Israel planned the 1967 war for a decade. Nasser had already called for a summit to resolve the issue of the Straits of Tiran when Israel attacked Egypt. All seasoned Egyptian military were deployed in Yemen.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.
Why are arabs so shit at fighting? Their motto appears to be "We Lost Again".
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.
Why are arabs so shit at fighting? Their motto appears to be "We Lost Again".

Arabs have a long history as merchants and traders and until European Zionism came along they were sleepy and apolitical. The Ottomans let the various groups.. Christian, Muslims and Jew govern themselves.
Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

When you engage in combat and try to kill people, you risk having your village destroyed.

You're a typical Muslim SUpremacist: "JOOOZZZ are supposed to just lay down and die, NO FAIR that they fight back."

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.

They wanted Muslims to stop killing their children.

You think that's unreasonable. You think Jews should be willing to die and have their children die in order for Islam to be supreme.
Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

When you engage in combat and try to kill people, you risk having your village destroyed.

You're a typical Muslim SUpremacist: "JOOOZZZ are supposed to just lay down and die, NO FAIR that they fight back."

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.

They wanted Muslims to stop killing their children.

You think that's unreasonable. You think Jews should be willing to die and have their children die in order for Islam to be supreme.

There is no question the Jews suffered horrible treatment in Europe .. but not in the Arab world where they were largely successful and prosperous.

Nationalism and racism are not a feature of Arab conscience. Many Jews moved to the Arab town of Hebron after the expulsion from Spain and Portugal without incident.
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.
Why are arabs so shit at fighting? Their motto appears to be "We Lost Again".

Arabs have a long history as merchants and traders and until European Zionism came along they were sleepy and apolitical. The Ottomans let the various groups.. Christian, Muslims and Jew govern themselves.
So why are arabs so shit at fighting? Are they too stupid to fight? Buncha momma's boys?
Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

When you engage in combat and try to kill people, you risk having your village destroyed.

You're a typical Muslim SUpremacist: "JOOOZZZ are supposed to just lay down and die, NO FAIR that they fight back."

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.

They wanted Muslims to stop killing their children.

You think that's unreasonable. You think Jews should be willing to die and have their children die in order for Islam to be supreme.

There is no question the Jews suffered horrible treatment in Europe .. but not in the Arab world where they were largely successful and prosperous.

Nationalism and racism are not a feature of Arab conscience. Many Jews moved to the Arab town of Hebron after the expulsion from Spain and Portugal without incident.
Why doesn't the arab world just say, ok, fuck it, take Israel and we make peace.
Why don't you actually read about Sabeel in Jerusalem and Galilee? Its Episcopalian and now Ecumenical.. and its all about reconciliation. Its has NOTHING to do with Black people or anti-Semitism.

Non violent resistance to Roman oppression and Roman law is from the Sermon on the Mount.

I "corrected" you on the Sermon on the Mount before. That you misrepresent it again is evidence of a deep lack of integrity. The Beatitudes are not a call to civil disobedience.

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