

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the animosity jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.
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Sometimes it is quite difficult to pinpoint when one’s world view on a contentious topic undergoes sharp transformation, but at other times it is quite easy. My own perceptions of the Middle East conflict drastically shifted during Fall 1982, and they have subsequently changed only to a far smaller extent. As some might remember, that period marked the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and culminated in the notorious Sabra-Shatila Massacre during which hundreds or even thousands of Palestinians were slaughtered in their refugee camps. But although those events were certainly major factors in my ideological realignment, the crucial trigger was actually a certain letter to the editor published around that same time.

A few years earlier, I had discovered The London Economist, as it was then called, and it had quickly become my favorite publication, which I religiously devoured cover-to-cover every week. And as I read the various articles about the Middle East conflict in that publication, or others such as the New York Times, the journalists occasionally included quotes from some particularly fanatic and irrational Israeli Communist named Israel Shahak, whose views seemed totally at odds with those of everyone else, and who was consequently treated as a fringe figure. Opinions that seem totally divorced from reality tend to stick in one’s mind, and it took only one or two appearances from that apparently die-hard and delusional Stalinist for me to guess that he would always take an entirely contrary position on every given issue.
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In 1982 Israel Defense Minister Ariel Sharon launched his massive invasion of Lebanon using the pretext of the wounding of an Israeli diplomat in Europe at the hands of a Palestinian attacker, and the extreme nature of his action was widely condemned in the media outlets I read at the time. His motive was obviously to root out the PLO’s political and military infrastructure, which had taken hold in many of Lebanon’s large Palestinian refugee camps. But back in those days invasions of Middle Eastern countries on dubious prospects were much less common than they have subsequently become, after our recent American wars killed or displaced so many millions, and most observers were horrified by the utterly disproportionate nature of his attack and the severe destruction he was inflicted upon Israel’s neighbor, which he seemed eager to reduce to puppet status. From what I recall from that time, he made several entirely false assurances to top Reagan officials about his invasion plans, such that they afterward called him the worst sort of liar, and he ended up besieging the Lebanese capital of Beirut even though he had originally promised to limit his assault to a mere border incursion.
This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.

Jews have animosity for Christians and the Rabbi's are aware of this meaning it's still in existence? Maybe there are good reasons why some might still feel that way

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Just one SMALL example. Wait; there are others

Again; Just one more example.

When Pope Francis embraced an anti-Semite, and the media didn’t mind

Still object because of the adverse view some Jewish individuals have towards Christians? Too bad

You obviously brought up the Israeli/ Palestinian Coonflict. That's what you do when attempting to justify over 2000 years of Anti Semitic Christianity which is still present . Obviously that Conflict contradicts the Anti Semitism of the Catholic Church which is now 2020 years old. In discussing the conflict you didn't mention Israelis. You mentioned Jews which have nothing to do with the politics there.

Go back into your Christian " hole" land on your knees and take what your " father" gives to you. You learned so much from him
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This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.

Jews have animosity for Christians and the Rabbi's are aware of this meaning it's still in existence? Maybe there are good reasons why some might still feel that way

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Just one SMALL example. Wait; there are others

Again; Just one more example.

When Pope Francis embraced an anti-Semite, and the media didn’t mind

Still object because of the adverse view some Jewish individuals have towards Christians? Too bad

You obviously brought up the Israeli/ Palestinian Coonflict. That's what you do when attempting to justify over 2000 years of Anti Semitic Christianity which is still present . Obviously that Conflict contradicts the Anti Semitism of the Catholic Church which is now 2020 years old. In discussing the conflict you didn't mention Israelis. You mentioned Jews which have nothing to do with the politics there.

Go back into your Christian " hole" land on your knees and take what your " father" gives to you. You learned so much from him
How do you know he's not Jewish?

He's certainly not a Christian.

As an aside, you will not find a bigger supporter of the Jewish people than me, yet most (if not all) of the Jews on this site attack my faith regularly. If there is any animosity, it's coming from your friends.
This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the animosity jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.

what is known as "Christianity" started as a grassroots movement among some people in the Middle Eastern portion of the Roman Empire. Then theological disputes started occurring, with Christians joining factions and declaring their opponents "heretics." But Christians did not formally split until the Great Schism of 1054 CE, which gave rise to the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Christian Churches.

I don't think that there is any "animosity" or "hatred" that Jews have for Christianity (fear, I can understand). They just decided to continue the way they were and not join the new club, a decision that has proven quite fatal throughout the centuries as they were continually vilified and many times killed for not doing so. Then the Islamic faith arose and its members then got mad at both the Christians and the Jews for not joining their new club. This Idea of forcing somebody to join your club is a putrid today as it has been throughout history.

What I would say, if I were a Jew, is "why don't the two of you just fuck off" and leave us alone? Jews have never owed anyone anything, yet they have been shit on over the last 2,000 years.
This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.

Jews have animosity for Christians and the Rabbi's are aware of this meaning it's still in existence? Maybe there are good reasons why some might still feel that way

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Just one SMALL example. Wait; there are others

Again; Just one more example.

When Pope Francis embraced an anti-Semite, and the media didn’t mind

Still object because of the adverse view some Jewish individuals have towards Christians? Too bad

You obviously brought up the Israeli/ Palestinian Coonflict. That's what you do when attempting to justify over 2000 years of Anti Semitic Christianity which is still present . Obviously that Conflict contradicts the Anti Semitism of the Catholic Church which is now 2020 years old. In discussing the conflict you didn't mention Israelis. You mentioned Jews which have nothing to do with the politics there.

Go back into your Christian " hole" land on your knees and take what your " father" gives to you. You learned so much from him
How do you know he's not Jewish?

He's certainly not a Christian.

As an aside, you will not find a bigger supporter of the Jewish people than me, yet most (if not all) of the Jews on this site attack my faith regularly. If there is any animosity, it's coming from your friends.

Your “ faith” has been attacked but you see no harm in attacking others? You didn’t even acknowledge my proof of the Church’s Vile Anti Semitism

The “ Church” OFFICIALLY stopped it in 1964. However when something is taught for almost 2000
Years the teaching continues

Again, the Israeli Palestinian conflict has nothing to do with the Church’s history of Hate, bigotry and being held responsible for the countless deaths of Jews ( Not WW 11) for centuries
Get back down on your knees to continue your lessons
This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.

Jews have animosity for Christians and the Rabbi's are aware of this meaning it's still in existence? Maybe there are good reasons why some might still feel that way

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

Just one SMALL example. Wait; there are others

Again; Just one more example.

When Pope Francis embraced an anti-Semite, and the media didn’t mind

Still object because of the adverse view some Jewish individuals have towards Christians? Too bad

You obviously brought up the Israeli/ Palestinian Coonflict. That's what you do when attempting to justify over 2000 years of Anti Semitic Christianity which is still present . Obviously that Conflict contradicts the Anti Semitism of the Catholic Church which is now 2020 years old. In discussing the conflict you didn't mention Israelis. You mentioned Jews which have nothing to do with the politics there.

Go back into your Christian " hole" land on your knees and take what your " father" gives to you. You learned so much from him
How do you know he's not Jewish?

He's certainly not a Christian.

As an aside, you will not find a bigger supporter of the Jewish people than me, yet most (if not all) of the Jews on this site attack my faith regularly. If there is any animosity, it's coming from your friends.

Your “ faith” has been attacked but you see no harm in attacking others? You didn’t even acknowledge my proof of the Church’s Vile Anti Semitism

The “ Church” OFFICIALLY stopped it in 1964. However when something is taught for almost 2000
Years the teaching continues

Again, the Israeli Palestinian conflict has nothing to do with the Church’s history of Hate, bigotry and being held responsible for the countless deaths of Jews ( Not WW 11) for centuries
Get back down on your knees to continue your lessons
I haven’t attacked anyone so you are barking up the wrong tree.
Go back into your Christian " hole" land on your knees and take what your " father" gives to you. You learned so much from him
I'm not christian- or even religious. Try again.

OK. I’ll try again. :cuckoo: Just responding to your post that Jews hate Christians and are still being” taught”
You don’t have any proof of that and even IF you did so what? I have provided threads which supports my claim of AntiSemitism from the Church
Do I believe it stopped because the Pope said it should in 1964? Of course not
You also spoke about the Israeli Palestinian conflict which in Historical terms is recent and has nothing to do with the Vile Antisemitic History; past and present
You’re not religious? OK; just go back into your Non Religious Antisemitic hole and stay there :cuckoo::dig:
Sometimes it is quite difficult to pinpoint when one’s world view on a contentious topic undergoes sharp transformation, but at other times it is quite easy. My own perceptions of the Middle East conflict drastically shifted during Fall 1982, and they have subsequently changed only to a far smaller extent. As some might remember, that period marked the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and culminated in the notorious Sabra-Shatila Massacre during which hundreds or even thousands of Palestinians were slaughtered in their refugee camps. But although those events were certainly major factors in my ideological realignment, the crucial trigger was actually a certain letter to the editor published around that same time.

A few years earlier, I had discovered The London Economist, as it was then called, and it had quickly become my favorite publication, which I religiously devoured cover-to-cover every week. And as I read the various articles about the Middle East conflict in that publication, or others such as the New York Times, the journalists occasionally included quotes from some particularly fanatic and irrational Israeli Communist named Israel Shahak, whose views seemed totally at odds with those of everyone else, and who was consequently treated as a fringe figure. Opinions that seem totally divorced from reality tend to stick in one’s mind, and it took only one or two appearances from that apparently die-hard and delusional Stalinist for me to guess that he would always take an entirely contrary position on every given issue.
Which conflict?
Iran vs Iraq?
Iran vs SA?
Iraq vs SA?
Syria vs Lebanon?
Syria vs Turkey?
Egypt vs Gaza?
Turkey vs Europe?
Please be specific because these conflicts are centuries old.
This article could just as well go in the What Are You Reading forum since it does address a lot of history, but, Jewry is a religion. The author is a jew and no doubt he'll be attacked and likely as not the article won't be read- (it's gasp, anti semite and we are all aware that is a sin of the highest order, right?) but here it is. And it brings to light the question I have yet to have satisfactorily answered; Why do US Christians defend jews with such zeal?
This article, while not dwelling on it, points out the animosity jews have for christianity in their "doctrine" which apparently Rabbi's are very well aware of, meaning the teaching is still in existence. Also, in my reading of the novel the Malta Exchange which told briefly of the founding of catholicism, which is the birth of christianity, the expanse of the catholic religion should not be discounted to help understand the fear and hatred the jews have of christianity. Yes, I said hatred. This article, while not saying that explicitly, points out the history of jewry which can only be concluded as hatred though fueled by fear is at the heart, the very core of what drives jewry. Of course if a reader has a different take on the article I would very much enjoy seeing it.

Oddities of the Jewish Religion

About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.
Israel can wipe out the Arabs and isn’t.
Jews do not discuss Christians...ever.

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