JFK Bombshell: Secret Service agent breaks silence with claim that blows up the 'magic bullet' theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter

What the article doesn't say is was it the same caliber bullet fired from Oswald's manlicher rifle?

He's only repeating what everyone else has known

Whomever was the shooter assuredly did not live long in any case. The conspirators could not allow it.
Oswald didn't live more than a few hours after he fired the shots.

If the accidental discharge theory is true then George Hickey lived until 2011.
all i can say is you NEED to read Jim Marrs book CROSSFIRE,the plot to kill kennedy.

Amazon product ASIN 0465031803
It was 100 times more accurate to the truth on what actually really happened than what the warren commission said.Gipper will tell you it is one of the very best books on the assassination. you also should watch this excellent documentary THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY. this excellent video series is over 7 hours long so IF you are SERIOUS about learning the truth,you need to watch it.just watch one hour a day for the first 7 days.

Its your choice,read the book and and watch this video and learn or dont,if you choose not to then you wont know many facts about the case me and gipper do,makes no difference to me one way or the other if you dont want to read Marrs book and watch the video and learn.

You don't know jackshit about what happen that day.

Pretending that you do will not change that.

There may be people that do know but they ain't talking.

I am not saying it is a fact that the fatal shot to JFK was an AD by a SS agent. I'm just saying that the evidence for it is pretty compelling and interesting to contemplate.

I gave up giving a shit about what happen decades ago, if I ever did.

I'll leave you silly conspiracy nut cases to lose sleep over it.
Of course he had a choice. He chose to join up. Give him credit.
I told you that I had the opportunity to hear of the PT 109 crew member give his personal account of what it was like to serve with JFK. He was not kind.

The older Cubans here in Florida hate his guts.

My relatives in Alabama remember when the sonofabitch sent Federal troops to their state to protect a goddamn Negro. Fuck State's Rights if you are a Liberal Yankee.

However, if you liked him then that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Not worth arguing over.
I told you that I had the opportunity to hear of the PT 109 crew member give his personal account of what it was like to serve with JFK. He was not kind.

The older Cubans here in Florida hate his guts.

My relatives in Alabama remember when the sonofabitch sent Federal troops to their state to protect a goddamn Negro. Fuck State's Rights if you are a Liberal Yankee.

However, if you liked him then that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Not worth arguing over.
You’re losing your mind.
According to this that bullet was removed from the back seat and placed on the stretcher where it became the magic bullet supposed falling out of Connolly’s thigh
The magic bullet always was a conspiracy theory. Somehow conspiracy theories pushed by those in power are believed by many.
The older Cubans here in Florida hate his guts.
Bay of Pigs. They'll never forgive. Fuck em
My relatives in Alabama remember when the sonofabitch sent Federal troops to their state to protect a goddamn Negro. Fuck State's Rights if you are a Liberal Yankee.
Racists assholes
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I always had a problem with the craziness of claiming Oswald (a mediocre shot at best) got off three shots in 6 seconds with two being dead on at a moving target after missing badly with the first (usually most accurate).

The AD SS shot helps explain that. One lucky shot is possible.
Oswald didn't live more than a few hours after he fired the shots.

If the accidental discharge theory is true then George Hickey lived until 2011.

You don't know jackshit about what happen that day.

Pretending that you do will not change that.

There may be people that do know but they ain't talking.

I am not saying it is a fact that the fatal shot to JFK was an AD by a SS agent. I'm just saying that the evidence for it is pretty compelling and interesting to contemplate.

I gave up giving a shit about what happen decades ago, if I ever did.

I'll leave you silly conspiracy nut cases to lose sleep over it.
So E Howard hunt a former CIA operative thst was arrested in the watergate burglary must be a conspiracy theorist according to your warped logic. :laughing0301: Looks like you missed the part I mentioned where hunts son tape recorded him on his deathbed confession thst he was in Dallas thst day as part of a cia operation to kill kennedy.don’t shoot the messenger,why don’t you call hunt a conspiracy nutcase while your at it.:cuckoo: Sorry the facts don’t go along with your warped opinions.

You keep telling people to read that garbage mortal error and when someone gives you a link to a book that has an opposing viewpoint than your own,you refuse to read it.how do you expect people to take you serious to read a book you want them to when you won’t even read a book that has an opposing view differerent than your own? Can you say hypocrite.
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You’re losing your mind.
The understatement of the year,he thinks CIA operative E Howard hunt who admitted to being in Dallas that day as part of a cia operation to kill kennedy is somehow a conspiracy theorist.:cuckoo: He is ready to join soupnazi in the rubber room.
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We all know by now that Oswald was a mere patsy...

It's just that people can not believe their President was killed in a Coup d'Etat originated by their own government and intelligence services.
We all know by now that Oswald was a mere patsy...

It's just that people can not believe their President was killed in a Coup d'Etat originated by their own government and intelligence services.
Yeah flash is in total denial mode,he somehow thinks e Howard hunt confessing he was in Dallas that day as part of a cia operation to kill kennedy is a conspiracy theorist,I can’t make this shit up.:laughing0301:

He tries to get people to read the fictional mortal error book but you give him a book to read that is an opposing view differerent than that book,he calls you a conspiracy nutcase,what a hypocrite asking someone to read a book on it when he won’t read a book of an opposing viewpoint than the fictional mortal error.flash is afraid to believe our government would do thst.he does not want to believe we live in a banana republic.
I think you are lying. I don't think you read the book.

If you read Menninger's book then you know that it is a very compelling theory supported by some damn good research.

I know the stupid conspiracy theorists love to come up with all kinds of silly ass shit about other shooters and that is fine if that floats your boat.

I personally believe that the connection to Oswald by some other group either in the government or elsewhere is much more sinister than we could ever imagine.

The fact of the matter is that Oswald put bullets into JFK.

The only question is did he shoot all the bullets?

The last thing anybody would want to believe is that some dumb accident resulted in the fatal shot from JFK's own SS detail. That would be horrific.

However, occasionally shit happens.

I don't know if did happen or not. I just know that Menniger put forth a very strong case that it did happen.
You are the one lying,there was never a shread of evidence that oswald put any bullets into kennedy.Menningers book has been proven bullshit because fir the 100th freaking goddamn time,all the Dallas doctors said the entrance wound to the head came from the front,not the back which proves it was impossible fir oswald to do it or fir that ss agent to have accidentLy fired the shot. :uhoh3: :cuckoo: I read that garbage and got nauseated over thst bullshit.

Do you have fucking memory and reading comprehendion problems or something? I have to keep repeating myself over and over cause you ignore the facts.
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His rich father may have been able to get him out of serving but most men his age served in WWII either in the military or building weapons.

I doubt he had much of choice. He was no hero. He was an arrogant dumbass.

Like I said, the media and Hollywood that loved him dearly did a lot to craft the public perception of him.

In fact it was understanding that I had been duped by them about JFK that led to my distrust of the media and Hollywood that I still have to this day. If they pulled the wool over our eyes about JFK what else were they lying about?
Hollywood and the media pulled the wool over the eyes of half Americans on Reagan including you. :auiqs.jpg: they worship him as a god and glamorize him ignoring what a mass murderer and globalist he was.
Poor Allen Dulles bot.so desperate fir attention he talks to himself and can never get anybody to listen to him. :itsok: cheer up Alllen grandson bot,you’re not alone anymore,flash has joined you in the rubber room.no need to cry anymore being lonely there anymore little bot.little bot you git company now.:itsok:

Now that you are no longer alone in the rubber room and have company with flash now joining you,you and flash can exchange fairy tales with each other,you how oswald killed kennedy with a magic bullet and him with fantasy’s thst an ss agent accidently shot him in the back of the head.take heart your not by yourself anymore in the rubber room and have flash to keep you company.
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JFK Assassination Witness Breaks 60-Year Silence and Blows Up Key Government Claim Regarding the President’s Death – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds​

I have no respect for anyone that would wait 60 yrs. to say something that should have been said at that time.

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