JFK was the last great Democrat President

Kennedy's tax cuts, that included lowering the obscenely high top tax rate of 91% to 70%, was a big reason Kennedy is fondly remembered by many Republicans, and one of the reasons he was the last great Dim.
History would have been kinder to Bill if he hadn't been such a sleaze. Yeah, a run of LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama is a remarkable run of failure.
The chasm between JFK and today's Democrats is a "grand canyon," the main difference being that JFK, with all his faults, loved his country. Today's Democrats hate and scorn the ideals that this country was founded upon, and claim to have its interests at heart when it tries to transform the U.S. into a copy of an idealized version of the social democracies of Europe. JFK's younger brothers were totally coopted by the Left, so it's difficult to say whether John would have gone soft in later years, had be survived, but there is no more stark observation than to point out that the single quote for which he is most remembered is anathema to today's Leftists...

"...ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!"

Can you even imagine any of today's Democrats expressing such a thought? Inconceivable.
JFK was The Man, and Clinton's 90's were great, blue dress notwithstanding.

It was after that, that the non-liberal leftist authoritarian zealots took over the party.

And here we are, with Trump. That's not a coincidence.
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After Johnson and/or the CIA took him out, that was the end of the Democrat Party.

I will always remember him as having a War on Women, cheating on Jackie, his failure with the Bay of Pigs and getting US involved in the Vietnam War, that had 10's of thousands of US boys killed for a bullshit cause. If Lee Harvey never killed J.F. , Kennedy would of gone down as a bad president like Jimmy Carter and the Bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator.
JFK was The Man, and Clinton's 90's were great, blue dress notwithstanding.

It was after that, that the non-liberal leftist authoritarian zealots took over the party.

And here we are, with Trump. That's not a coincidence.

We have Trump because of Obama and the radical left. We got Obama because of the warmongering fool W. It goes round and round...
JFK wasn't that bad. That was a period of time before Democrats became eunuchs.
JFK was The Man, and Clinton's 90's were great, blue dress notwithstanding.

It was after that, that the non-liberal leftist authoritarian zealots took over the party.

And here we are, with Trump. That's not a coincidence.

We have Trump because of Obama and the radical left. We got Obama because of the warmongering fool W. It goes round and round...
Yup, it does go round and round.

I do wish, though, it would go round and round in an upward trajectory, instead of feeling like it's circling the drain.
Part of the JFK 'New Frontier' agenda that conservatives now pretend they would have supported:

The Kennedy Administration pushed an economic stimulus program through congress in an effort to kick-start the American economy following an economic downturn. On February 2, 1961, Kennedy sent a comprehensive Economic Message to Congress which had been in preparation for several weeks. The legislative proposals put forward in this message included:[6]

  1. The addition of a temporary thirteen-week supplement to jobless benefits,
  2. The extension of aid to the children of unemployed workers,
  3. The redevelopment of distressed areas,
  4. An increase in Social Security payments and the encouragement of earlier retirement,
  5. An increase in the minimum wage and an extension in coverage,
  6. The provision of emergency relief to feed grain farmers, and
  7. The financing of a comprehensive home building and slum clearance program.
New Frontier - Wikipedia
Here's some of JFK's 'conservatism':

  • Unemployment and welfare benefits were expanded.[27]
  • In 1961, Social Security benefits were increased by 20% and provision for early retirement was introduced, enabling workers to retire at the age of sixty-two while receiving partial benefits.[28]
  • The Social Security Amendments of 1961 permitted male workers to elect early retirement age 62, increased minimum benefits, liberalized the benefit payments to aged widow, widower, or surviving dependent parent, and also liberalized eligibility requirements and the retirement test.[29]
  • The 1962 amendments to the Social Security Act authorized the federal government to reimburse states for the provision of social services.[30]
  • The School Lunch Act was amended for authority to begin providing free meals in poverty-stricken areas.[5]
  • A pilot food stamp program was launched (1961), covering six areas in the United States. In 1962, the program was extended to eighteen areas, feeding 240,000 people.[31]
  • Various school lunch and school milk programs were extended, “enabling 700,000 more children to enjoy a hot school lunch and eighty-five thousand more schools, child care centers, and camps to receive fresh milk”.[31]
  • ADC was extended to whole families (1961).[32]
  • Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) replaced the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) program, as coverage was extended to adults caring for dependent children.[31]
  • A major revision of the public welfare laws was carried out, with a $300 million modernisation which emphasised rehabilitation instead of relief”.[6]
  • A temporary antirecession supplement to unemployment compensation was introduced.[6]
  • Food distribution to needy Americans was increased.[6] In January 1961, the first executive order issued by Kennedy mandated that the Department of Agriculture increase the quantity and variety of foods donated for needy households. This executive order represented a shift in the Commodity Distribution Programs’ primary purpose, from surplus disposal to that of providing nutritious foods to low-income households.[33]
  • Social Security benefits were extended to an additional five million Americans.[27]
  • The Self-Employed Individuals Tax Retirement Act (1962) provided self-employed people with a tax postponement for income set aside in qualified pension plans.[29]
  • The Public Welfare Amendments of 1962 provided for greater Federal sharing in the cost of rehabilitative services to applicants, recipients, and persons likely to become applicants for public assistance. It increased the Federal share in the cost of public assistance payments, and permitted the States to combine the various categories into one category. The amendments also made permanent the 1961 amendment which extended aid to dependent children to cover children removed from unsuitable homes.[29]
  • Federal funds were made available for the payment of foster care costs for AFDC-eligible children who had come into state custody.[34]
  • An act was approved (1963) which extended for one year the period during which responsibility for the placement and foster care of dependent children, under the program of aid to families with dependent children under Title IV of the Social Security Act.[29]
  • Federal civil service retirement benefits were index-linked to changes in the Consumer Price Index (1962).[35]
Part of the JFK 'New Frontier' agenda that conservatives now pretend they would have supported:

The Kennedy Administration pushed an economic stimulus program through congress in an effort to kick-start the American economy following an economic downturn. On February 2, 1961, Kennedy sent a comprehensive Economic Message to Congress which had been in preparation for several weeks. The legislative proposals put forward in this message included:[6]

  1. The addition of a temporary thirteen-week supplement to jobless benefits,
  2. The extension of aid to the children of unemployed workers,
  3. The redevelopment of distressed areas,
  4. An increase in Social Security payments and the encouragement of earlier retirement,
  5. An increase in the minimum wage and an extension in coverage,
  6. The provision of emergency relief to feed grain farmers, and
  7. The financing of a comprehensive home building and slum clearance program.
New Frontier - Wikipedia
In liberal terms, MORE FUCKING TAXES..... When you tax enough people into the poor farm, that country ends up like Venezuela. BANKRUPT.. When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then everyone is equal, except the liberal elites, that is called FAIRNESS....
Kennedy's tax cuts, that included lowering the obscenely high top tax rate of 91% to 70%, was a big reason Kennedy is fondly remembered by many Republicans, and one of the reasons he was the last great Dim.
I too would gladly go back to the tax rates of JFK
What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label “Liberal?” If by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.” But if by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.” ..........JFK 1960

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