Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
This is what I mean when I say muslim scum:mad:

During the four-day siege in Kenya’s Westgate shopping Mall, al-Shabaab jihadists raped, tortured, beheaded, dismembered, castrated, gouged out eyes, amputated fingers and hung hostages on hooks from the roof. According to a forensic medical doctor, “They [the al-Shabaab attackers] removed eyes, ears, noses. Fingers are cut by pliers, noses ripped by pliers”… “Those are not allegations. Those are f****** truths,”… “They removed balls, eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child’s body. Actually, if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers.” There were also reports that hostages were beheaded and their heads thrown out of the windows.

This inexplicable savage violence is typically attributed to psychological warfare, military tactics or individual acts of brutality but for Jihadists they are justifiable sacred acts against the enemies of Islam. They are ritual murders that are consistent with a growing global Jihadist method of operation [MO]. Similar acts of torture, rape, beheading and mutilation regularly occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria and other countries. The Westgate Mall massacre is comparable to the mass murder of 166 people by members of the Islamist Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, in ten coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai, India on November 26 -29, 2008. During their siege operation the LeT Jihadists also took the time to sexually humiliate, torture and mutilate some of the victims before shooting them dead.

Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall | FrontPage Magazine
This is what I mean when I say muslim scum:mad:

During the four-day siege in Kenya’s Westgate shopping Mall, al-Shabaab jihadists raped, tortured, beheaded, dismembered, castrated, gouged out eyes, amputated fingers and hung hostages on hooks from the roof. According to a forensic medical doctor, “They [the al-Shabaab attackers] removed eyes, ears, noses. Fingers are cut by pliers, noses ripped by pliers”… “Those are not allegations. Those are f****** truths,”… “They removed balls, eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child’s body. Actually, if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers.” There were also reports that hostages were beheaded and their heads thrown out of the windows.

This inexplicable savage violence is typically attributed to psychological warfare, military tactics or individual acts of brutality but for Jihadists they are justifiable sacred acts against the enemies of Islam. They are ritual murders that are consistent with a growing global Jihadist method of operation [MO]. Similar acts of torture, rape, beheading and mutilation regularly occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria and other countries. The Westgate Mall massacre is comparable to the mass murder of 166 people by members of the Islamist Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, in ten coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai, India on November 26 -29, 2008. During their siege operation the LeT Jihadists also took the time to sexually humiliate, torture and mutilate some of the victims before shooting them dead.

Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall | FrontPage Magazine
Sad thing is the mainstream media won't go into detail about this tragedy and the average person probably thinks a few disgruntled Muslim terrorists caused a civil disturbance.
I heard they also pulled the wings off of grasshoppers. .. :eek:
That statement is going to come back to haunt you, FunniMan.

people who convert to a religion do so for REASON---the religion acts as compenstory
for their specific psychopathy

-----Children who torment little
animals----as in by ripping the wings off grasshoppers do so for reason too----
they are exhibiting the early signs of sociopathy
True, there was a kid in my neighborhood where I grew up.

He once tied a firecracker to a cat's tail and lit it.

Years later he ended up on death row as a serial killer. .. :cool:
True, there was a kid in my neighborhood where I grew up.

He once tied a firecracker to a cat's tail and lit it.

Years later he ended up on death row as a serial killer. .. :cool:

Not an unusual history----so tell us----what attracted you to the creed of
eye-gouging, rape, and mutilation?
Not an unusual history----so tell us----what attracted you to the creed of
eye-gouging, rape, and mutilation?
You seem to have me confused with a zionist jew. . :cool:

An interesting PROJECTION sunni Judaism prohibits mutilation for ANY reason.
There are no criminal penalties that include mutilation in Jewish jurisprudence and
unlike the females of the meccaist creed----jewish women do not find the activities
that excite the meccaist females -----at all 'exciting'. Executions are not public
events. They must be witnessed----but only by the judges who ordered them.
Whipping was a penalty at one time----but even that was very regulated ----
------I know of no case ---historically--- of it being imposed on a female.
Mutilations in shariah law are celebrated ---kinda like a JUMAH PARTY

there are a whole bunch of laws to protect the dead body of an executed person.

I believe that the barbarity of shariah law was taken from The Code of Hummarabi---
and the Romans since it is so similar IN DETAILS
Not an unusual history----so tell us----what attracted you to the creed of
eye-gouging, rape, and mutilation?
You seem to have me confused with a zionist jew. . :cool:

An interesting PROJECTION sunni Judaism prohibits mutilation for ANY reason.
There are no criminal penalties that include mutilation in Jewish jurisprudence ........
The vast majority of zionist juden are secular and could care less about Judaic laws or the Torah.

So they are free to mutilate and murder goyim as much as possible. . :doubt:
This is what I mean when I say muslim scum:mad:

During the four-day siege in Kenya’s Westgate shopping Mall, al-Shabaab jihadists raped, tortured, beheaded, dismembered, castrated, gouged out eyes, amputated fingers and hung hostages on hooks from the roof. According to a forensic medical doctor, “They [the al-Shabaab attackers] removed eyes, ears, noses. Fingers are cut by pliers, noses ripped by pliers”… “Those are not allegations. Those are f****** truths,”… “They removed balls, eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child’s body. Actually, if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers.” There were also reports that hostages were beheaded and their heads thrown out of the windows.

This inexplicable savage violence is typically attributed to psychological warfare, military tactics or individual acts of brutality but for Jihadists they are justifiable sacred acts against the enemies of Islam. They are ritual murders that are consistent with a growing global Jihadist method of operation [MO]. Similar acts of torture, rape, beheading and mutilation regularly occur in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria and other countries. The Westgate Mall massacre is comparable to the mass murder of 166 people by members of the Islamist Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, in ten coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai, India on November 26 -29, 2008. During their siege operation the LeT Jihadists also took the time to sexually humiliate, torture and mutilate some of the victims before shooting them dead.

Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall | FrontPage Magazine
And they wonder why people call Islamists ANIMALS.
You seem to have me confused with a zionist jew. . :cool:

An interesting PROJECTION sunni Judaism prohibits mutilation for ANY reason.
There are no criminal penalties that include mutilation in Jewish jurisprudence ........
The vast majority of zionist juden are secular and could care less about Judaic laws or the Torah.

So they are free to mutilate and murder goyim as much as possible. . :doubt:
Yada yada yada...yet Islamic Idiot Man can't show us instances of Jews mutilating or decapitating people.
You seem to have me confused with a zionist jew. . :cool:

An interesting PROJECTION sunni Judaism prohibits mutilation for ANY reason.
There are no criminal penalties that include mutilation in Jewish jurisprudence ........
The vast majority of zionist juden are secular and could care less about Judaic laws or the Torah.

So they are free to mutilate and murder goyim as much as possible. . :doubt:

Once again Sunni Boy, you are a Muslim Jihadist Jew hating terrorist supporter, rendering ANYTHING you have to say about Jews, Zionism and Israel USELESS

An interesting PROJECTION sunni Judaism prohibits mutilation for ANY reason.
There are no criminal penalties that include mutilation in Jewish jurisprudence ........
The vast majority of zionist juden are secular and could care less about Judaic laws or the Torah.

So they are free to mutilate and murder goyim as much as possible. . :doubt:
Yada yada yada...yet Islamic Idiot Man can't show us instances of Jews mutilating or decapitating people.

Coming from a guy who said that Jews were put in concentration camps for their benefit haha
True, there was a kid in my neighborhood where I grew up.

He once tied a firecracker to a cat's tail and lit it.

Years later he ended up on death row as a serial killer. .. :cool:

Not an unusual history----so tell us----what attracted you to the creed of
eye-gouging, rape, and mutilation?
It must have been all the Islamic decapitation videos on youtube with Islamic savages yelling "Allah Akbar" while sawing off an abducted civilian prisoner's head, it truly confirmed the peaceful - pieceful nature of Islam home to Sunni.
And here's the jewish "Expert" on ritual Murder who wrote the "Story":eusa_whistle:


There's now a new breed of "ritualistic crime experts" setting up shop as police consultants. Or, at least, there's now the Institute for the Research of Organized and Ritual Violence, run by one Dawn Perlmutter.

Perlmutter seems to be one of the leading witch-finders these days, perhaps the leading witch-finder. She has managed to convince a lot of people to take her seriously. despite her utterly unscientific approach, as amply demonstrated in critiques listed at the bottom of this page, and despite her lack of genuine scientific credentials.
Dawn Perlmutter and her Institute for the Research of Organized and Ritual Violence

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