Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall

No it isn't -----Philistines are the people who lived for a fairly short
time in and around Ashkelon ----biblical times of "judges"----and
they were NOT ARABS From where do you get your information
Hoffstra and why do you focus on silly things like "well ---they were named
in a similar manner" ------they have no cultural or familial link whatsoever.
They had a written language sorta close to PHONECIAN -----and a religion --
and a national identity

Philistine and Phoenician are completely different, you idiot.

The languages are related ---you IDIOT The Philistine language ---scholars--
believe ---had more INDO EUROPEAN influence. It was not anything like arabic and
it is utterly extinct as are the philistine people. Jihado propagandaists ATTEMPT to
create arguements that the POPULATION of the land mass Herodotus called "palestina"
has REMAINED STATIC FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS and "palestinians" is ----them
"natives" of the "palestina" of Herodotus. Jihados are entirely incorrect----the
populations of "palestina" have been in EXTREME FLUX---related to both wars and
significant climactic changes ------arabic is a recent INNOVATION in "palestina" based on
an INVASION OF FOREIGNERS from arabia The subsistence level ---virtually stone
age BEDOUIN do not speak arabic because they LEARNED IT FROM THE INVADERS---
the fact is that the Bedouin are ------invaders FROM ARABIA ----they are certainly not
PHILISTINES For culture and peoplehood-----etymology beats DNA ---especially
amongst the ILLITERATE Bedouin did not learn arabic in kindergarten or
from the ARABIC VERSION OF SESAME street off the TV's in their tents

----the 'ahead of the stone-age" people of egypt and lebanon and syria --etc did
LEARN arabic when it got to be the language of the CONQUORORS ---the RULERS---
those invaders from Arabia

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