Jihadists could use homeless as cover to attack Paris Metro


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Terrorists could easily access the Paris Metro system at night by blending in with the many homeless who sleep there, say two senators who have shone a light on what they call "difficulties" with the Paris Metro security system.

The senators, Alain Fouché and François Bonhomme, penned a 50-page report detailing how security on the French rail network is lacking.

A particular focus was on the Paris Metro, where they claimed the 300 homeless people who sleep in the stations at night are a prime cover for terrorists.

"Terrorists can get in by blending with the homeless people that sleep in the Metro at night, then seize the opportunity to carry out any number of attacks," they wrote.

They added that a potential terrorist could sabotage the stations or install explosives.

To prevent this, the senators called to prioritize a housing option for the homeless community living at the stations, stressing that it wasn't a case of "chasing them out".
Jihadists could use homeless as cover to attack Paris Metro

Ok. They want to take care of the homeless due to a threat to national security? I must be missing something.
Homeless go home....

Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
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... not a good idea...

... to broadcast it.

Oh lookit!...

... there's Disir...

... Uncle Ferd says "Hidy!"

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