Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID Again

Wait, I thought you guys claimed the Vaccine was a cure and no one would get Covid?

So I was correct when I said you could still get Covid while even being vaccinated!
No one I know of said that. The CDC didn't even say that. The vaccine makers sure didn't.
Said so right on the disclaimer for the vaccine. But it did prevent severe sickness, hospitalization, and death.

You do remember the almost daily 9/11 body count we had in this country in the summer of 2020..right?

Oh, oh...wait. I see what you virus deniers/hoaxers/selfish pricks are getting at. You could get COVID even after
you got the vaccine so that was a reason to NOT get the vaccine.
Got it. :)
No one I know of said that. The CDC didn't even say that. The vaccine makers sure didn't.
Said so right on the disclaimer for the vaccine. But it did prevent severe sickness, hospitalization, and death.

You do remember the almost daily 9/11 body count we had in this country in the summer of 2020..right?

Oh, oh...wait. I see what you virus deniers/hoaxers/selfish pricks are getting at. You could get COVID even after
you got the vaccine so that was a reason to NOT get the vaccine.
Got it. :)

Now that "unknown" kills more people than covid, maybe pedo peter can warp speed a vaccine for it? Entitled cont might need it.
These elites use phony covid results to get off from working... Joe just got off from vacation and will be staying home for the next 7 days... 3 day weekend Joe is one lazy SOB and so is his disgusting greedy bitch of a wife....
You and I are retired. These aging politicos are still out in the thick of things regularly. My sister-in-law just got over it again. She had Covid, same trip, I caught Covid and she's vaccinated. Yep, she's still out in the workforce. This time hers was as bad as mine was in 2020. I have not had it since. Vaccination and minimal precaution, such as keeping distance when shopping has worked. Of course, I am not out around masses of people daily.
Note to Galt: Her first time, up in the mountains was like you described yours back in 2020. She's 9 years or more younger than us. She is always in excellent condition for late 50s non-smoker, probably better shape than you or I (army still paying the LTC to stay in shape) but caught it again anyway. Point of this paragraph is as I have seen with others I know that have had it, got vaccinated, but a year later came down with it again, only worse than the first time. Watch your ass over there. You don't want to experiment with it again if you can avoid it.
Early (pre-"vax") it almost took the wife out and my granddaughter who was with us at the time got a mild case of it. I was fine.

The supposed "vax" became available and my doctor said to go ahead and get it so I did.....Then the first variant came along and the booster nonsense started and my doctor told me that under no circumstances was he advising anyone to get a booster after he saw the failure of the first "vax" so I didn't.

Meanwhile a few months back my Mom got the covid (fully "vaxxed") and as I was the main caregiver I tended to her thinking she was just sick what with her being 89 and all......Damn near killed her.....I got nothing.....I just figured that when it hit the fist time I must have got the antibodies or some shit.

The .gov can stick their boosters up their ass.
Familiar sequence: Pfizer jab, Pfizer jab, Pfizer booster, Pfizer booster, Covid, Pfizer pill, Covid.
You and I are retired. These aging politicos are still out in the thick of things regularly. My sister-in-law just got over it again. She had Covid, same trip, I caught Covid and she's vaccinated. Yep, she's still out in the workforce. This time hers was as bad as mine was in 2020. I have not had it since. Vaccination and minimal precaution, such as keeping distance when shopping has worked. Of course, I am not out around masses of people daily.
Note to Galt: Her first time, up in the mountains was like you described yours back in 2020. She's 9 years or more younger than us. She is always in excellent condition for late 50s non-smoker, probably better shape than you or I (army still paying the LTC to stay in shape) but caught it again anyway. Point of this paragraph is as I have seen with others I know that have had it, got vaccinated, but a year later came down with it again, only worse than the first time. Watch your ass over there. You don't want to experiment with it again if you can avoid it.

Just because I'm retired doesn't mean I hid out at home during the pandemic. I went to at least a thousand garages sales, estate sales, flea markets, and gun shows from 2000 until now. I never wore a mask, I've been sprayed on during face to face conversations with people, sneezed at, and shook hands with scores of people. I never wore a mask when I went to Walmart, Goodwill, a bunch of restaurants, or other stores and public places.

I've had only one flu shot in my life, and can't remember the last time I've ever had the flu. I smoke a pack of the full-length black Marlboros every day, drink like a fish, and am on two meds from the VA for COPD. And when I tested positive for COVID in the fall of 2020, it only took three days of rest before it was gone.

My wife caught it this Spring and in spite of the fact that she's overweight, has diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney problems, went to a church full of people every Sunday, and went to choir practice and Bible studying groups every Wednesday and Thursday, it was like a mild case of the flu for her too. It took her about a week of rest at home to get over it. She never gets flu shots either, can't remember the last time she had the flu, and seldom ever gets a cold.

It's called "natural immunity." Aside from the wife's blood pressure and diabetes medicine, the only things we ever take are vitamins and zinc. Oh, and neither one of us had been vaccinated.
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The white trash Biden family are the biggest covid super-spreaders in the country.

That they are. Spreaders of disease, poverty, misinformation, lies, and spreaders of US currency and valuable American resources to foreign countries.
Most of us have probably had it multiple times and did not know about it unless you are a person that gets tested a lot, like the POTUS and FLOTUS.

I have a co-worker that test every time they feel "off". Totally crazy. A few weeks ago he was not feeling great and tested and told me he was negative. Two days later he said he had tested positive. I was like "did you test again" and he was "every day". But then when they get the first positive they quit testing. He did not like it when I asked how he knew it was not a false positive.

I have been tested twice, both for out-patient surgeries I was getting done.

If I had it more than once, I'm not aware of it. No colds or flu-like symptoms since 2000.
If I had it more than once, I'm not aware of it. No colds or flu-like symptoms since 2000.
No vaxx and I haven't even caught the sniffles since 2000.

To all the liberal well wishers who said I was gonna die last year, I am doing just fine. Thank You. :fu:
No vaxx and I haven't even caught the sniffles since 2000.

To all the liberal well wishers who said I was gonna die last year, I am doing just fine. Thank You. :fu:

And while I'm at it, I'll thank them for shutting down my country, fucking up my economy, voting for an idiot they thought was going to end COVID, causing gasoline to rise twice the price it was during 2018, for causing an inflation rate that rose to 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, for the recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. And then I'll thank them for the price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 4 million more illegals within the last two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, a weakened, pussified military, and IRS arming and training to be home invaders, an FBI acting like Nazi storm troopers, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens like they did to Salman Rushdie, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China being energy and militarily dominant, a war in Europe that could even go nuclear, and China and North Korea threatening the US.

Thanks a fuckin' lot, shitlibs, Biden-voters, progressives, socialists, Marxists, and Democrats.

They really screwed the pooch, didn't they?
What is this, like ten times now? I had it once back in 2020, and it was like a mild three-day case of the flu.

Maybe she'd better go get 10 more jabs. :laughing0301:

First lady Jill Biden tests positive again for COVID-19 in 'rebound' case​

"First lady Jill Biden has tested positive again for COVID-19 in a rebound case, White House officials confirmed Wednesday. President Joe Biden continues to test negative..."

She left isolation on Sunday after twice testing negative for the coronavirus and reunited with the president at their Delaware beach home..."

First lady Jill Biden tests positive again for COVID-19 in 'rebound' case

Dr. Jill doesn't douche.
Maybe she should reconsider. :dunno:
What is this, like ten times now? I had it once back in 2020, and it was like a mild three-day case of the flu.

Maybe she'd better go get 10 more jabs. :laughing0301:

First lady Jill Biden tests positive again for COVID-19 in 'rebound' case​

"First lady Jill Biden has tested positive again for COVID-19 in a rebound case, White House officials confirmed Wednesday. President Joe Biden continues to test negative..."

She left isolation on Sunday after twice testing negative for the coronavirus and reunited with the president at their Delaware beach home..."

First lady Jill Biden tests positive again for COVID-19 in 'rebound' case

Maybe she has a weak immune system.
It's so embarrassing when libs get COVID after all the "vaccinations."

About six months in, I used to brag about getting it multiple times, just to watch libs scream at me that a person can only get it once.

Good times . . .

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