Jill Biden Thinks It's Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries

Schools nationwide contain inappropriate and sometimes pornographic materials in their libraries, often under the guise of “inclusivity.” Thankfully, states like Florida are empowering parents to have more input over materials and curricula, and parents are starting to fight back against subversive and obscene materials being made available to their children.

And First Lady Jill Biden doesn’t like it one bit. In an interview with NBC News correspondent Sheinelle Jones, she argued that parents shouldn’t be able to exclude any books from school libraries.

“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries, and what their kids are being taught,” Jones began “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review—”

Wow. Quite the fake Catholic mom. Another filthy degenerate Biden.
I bet if they put a Bible in the class room Jill would explode into flames
Both are guilty? What "guilt" is there in keeping children safe from porn?

Jill Biden is a grooming pig, another filthy sick Biden
No, no, book banning in general.

Only the liberals have issues with porn and homosexuality indoctrination in the schools.
I don't care even the tiniest bit about whether those books are in a library or not. If there is child pornography in there, call the police. If the parents in those photos are carrying child pornography around with them, report them to the police.
Again, which libraries have this books in the Children section?

Name some of these books
I say, lets ban the New Testament. There is plenty of violence and lies in it. And none are acceptable.

Let us ban "The Art of the Deal", the book Donald Trump alleges to have written. He did not write it.
Ban it.

I should be able to find plenty of other books which I would like to see banned.

But it goes against the First Ammendment .

So does the endless attempts by Republicans to be the censorship police on all things which do not suit them, especially those who are religious extremists and want to have the US shaped in their image. Which is usually not as clean as they profess it to be.

Please feel free to show me how either the Bible or Trump's book contains sexually-explicit content, and why they shouldn't be in school libraries. This is parents who don't want their children exposed to perverse literature in a school library and apparently, the Republicans are the only party supporting those parents.

Schools nationwide contain inappropriate and sometimes pornographic materials in their libraries, often under the guise of “inclusivity.” Thankfully, states like Florida are empowering parents to have more input over materials and curricula, and parents are starting to fight back against subversive and obscene materials being made available to their children.

And First Lady Jill Biden doesn’t like it one bit. In an interview with NBC News correspondent Sheinelle Jones, she argued that parents shouldn’t be able to exclude any books from school libraries.

“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries, and what their kids are being taught,” Jones began “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review—”

Wow. Quite the fake Catholic mom. Another filthy degenerate Biden.
Nice fake news headline. Nothing more than empty clickbait
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Schools nationwide contain inappropriate and sometimes pornographic materials in their libraries, often under the guise of “inclusivity.” Thankfully, states like Florida are empowering parents to have more input over materials and curricula, and parents are starting to fight back against subversive and obscene materials being made available to their children.

And First Lady Jill Biden doesn’t like it one bit. In an interview with NBC News correspondent Sheinelle Jones, she argued that parents shouldn’t be able to exclude any books from school libraries.

“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries, and what their kids are being taught,” Jones began “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review—”

Wow. Quite the fake Catholic mom. Another filthy degenerate Biden.
Can this woman get any stupider?
If you’ve been following the news recently, you’ve likely seen headlines about an escalating push to ban books in schools across the country.

Be it the removal of the Holocaust graphic novel Maus from a Tennessee school district’s eighth-grade curriculum or attempts to yank classics like The Handmaid’s Tale from library shelves, incidents of grassroots (and mostly conservative) pressure against schools to control the materials children can access have seemingly grown in frequency and intensity.

According to a new American Library Association report, there were 330 “book challenges” in the fall of 2021, an uptick from the same periods in recent years. “Parents, activists, school board officials and lawmakers around the country are challenging books at a pace not seen in decades,” the New York Times reported last month.

Viewed in a broader national context — there are roughly 99,000 public K-12 schools in the US — these numbers are still far too low to describe as a national crisis. But free speech advocates insist the new campaigns are worth paying attention to — and worrying about.

The rise of book bans, in their view, is the tip of a deeper iceberg: a growing movement on the right to use the levers of local and state governance to control teachers and push an ideologically slanted vision of what children should learn about American culture, society, and history.

“You’re seeing really powerful movements under way to constrain expression. It’s not about discussing ideas objectively. It’s about not discussing them at all,” says Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Acadia University who tracks free speech in education.

On the local level, the effort manifests in parent- and activist-led drives to remove books from shelves and curriculums. On the state level, there’s been a push to pass “critical race theory” bans that constrain teachers’ speech and “educational transparency” rules that sometimes go as far as putting teachers on publicly accessible webcams and forcing them to seek parental permission if students try to join LGBTQ clubs.

This movement is picking up steam. According to Sachs, every single Republican-controlled state where the legislature is currently in session is considering a new “educational gag order” bill. Many even target university education, which traditionally enjoys much wider latitude to discuss politically controversial ideas.

It’s too early to judge the campaign’s effects yet, but all the activity offers an instructive window into where the energy on the American right is today. A conservative movement that once claimed to stand for limited government is increasingly embracing the coercive use of law to commandeer a culture it fears it has lost.

Extremist religious beliefs and fascism, hiding behind erroneous claims of pornography in America's schools.
It’s not fascism, it’s called democracy where parents get a say in what books are available at school libraries. Mainly to ban porn. Only a sycophant would argue against that.
Extremist religious beliefs and fascism, hiding behind erroneous claims of pornography in America's schools.

You never let me down, Don.. You just can't help yourself :auiqs.jpg:

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