Jill Stein: 'Clinton And Trump Are Warmongers; You Don't Have To Vote For Them'...

The next President will be HRC, or, if hell freezes over in the next three months, Donald Trump. The fantasy that anyone else in the universe "might" become President is not one for adults.
The chances of Stein or Johnson winning this election are slim to none. But that is not the point. This election is a good opportunity to make a difference.

We have a perfect storm. Both Clinton and Trump have the highest disapproval ratings in recent history. The DNC just pissed off almost half of its voters. Many will not vote for Clinton. Jill Stein is out scooping up as many Bernie or Bust voters as possible.

It is not throwing away our vote as the two corporate parties suggest. If the third parties get enough support to get on the debates or become "legitimate" parties, that will be a dramatic change.

Third parties will never move beyond being just a protest vote until they learn how to build a party .. not just show up every 4 years looking for support for the top job.

Jill Stein should be running for Congress, not President of the United States.
Change is in the works.

Those are friends.

We disagree, but we're still friends.
Pretty poor analogy. She and Sanders are more like the Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst, Jews that helped the NAZIs and sold out their fellow to the NAZI.


You are either Zionist or NAZI, eh??

Any evidence?
Gotta love how desperate Hillary supporters are to trash Stein and Johnson.

Hillary has her flunky opponent in Trump, the only person she can possibly beat.
Gotta love how desperate Hillary supporters are to trash Stein and Johnson.

Hillary has her flunky opponent in Trump, the only person she can possibly beat.

Gotta love how desperately Trump supporters pretend they care about Stein or Johnson.

Must be lonely on that planet. :0)
I could've told you Trump would F@@@ everything up a year ago.

I joined the Libertarian Party in 2004. I'm just angry that Johnson is such a puss. Bob Barr could win this election. Johnson doesn't have the courage to...
I could've told you Trump would F@@@ everything up a year ago.

I joined the Libertarian Party in 2004. I'm just angry that Johnson is such a puss. Bob Barr could win this election. Johnson doesn't have the courage to...

Bob Barr is a joke and yesterdays news.

Johnson should have been the republican nominee .. but Trumpies were having none of that.
I'm no Green Party Environmentalist at this point. But i gotta say, Jill Stein is making some waves. Her and Gary Johnson should be included in all of the Debates.

jill stein is an anti-vaccine nutter.

she isn't going to be on the ballot in 50 states.

she isn't going to win. wasted vote by dum dums.

She's the only real Progressive in the race.

meh.... I'm not a progressive. and an idiot anti-vaxer who isn't going to be on the ballot in 50 states and simply hands votes to dumb Donald isn't an option. *shrug*

Well, then vote for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. That's on you. But some Progressives will decide to support the only real Progressive in the race. And that's Jill Stein.

Less than 0.0001 will actually cast a vote for her.
You do not deny that you CHEER COP SHOOTINGS....

That's all we need to know about you...
If trump wants to win he should get her in the debates. She needs to siphon off votes from Hillary
One thing is for sure, both Clinton and Trump will continue the Permanent War. They will bring us closer to WWIII. I know some laugh at the notion of WWIII, but it really might become a reality in the near future. It is where this Permanent War agenda is taking us.

Look at who Hillary admires, President Wilson who got the US into WW1, FDR who got the US into WW2, and LBJ who got the US into Vietnam.

Dims are warmongers
If trump wants to win he should get her in the debates. She needs to siphon off votes from Hillary

Exactly how many states are Greens on the ballot?

23 .. less than half

Stein can't save Trump no more than Sanders could.

Then get her on more

I was informed about an hour ago that Georgia threw out just enough signatures to keep the Green Party off the Georgia ballot. This after Greens submitted far more ballots than is now required based on the new guidelines decided by court case.

Getting Stein on more ballots will not be easy.
The next President will be HRC, or, if hell freezes over in the next three months, Donald Trump. The fantasy that anyone else in the universe "might" become President is not one for adults.

Sadly true. It is a corrupt system. But you don't have to vote for Clinton or Trump. You do have alternatives.

What the hell though? Geeze louise how many election cycles do I have to endure when I tell you guys go third or go fourth party but you do nothing in between elections?

Aye carumba! Now all of a sudden out of the blue Johnson and Stein. You CANNOT get momentum now. Where have they been since November of 2012. How about back in 2008 when I was begging everyone to find a conservative alternate to the R's.

Shows they are not only shitty candidates but shitty organizers. If you had wanted to really do this it should have been in gear of all election cycles from the moment Romney went down in 2012.

Don't bitch now and don't be stupid and split the vote to give Obama another 8 years.

All your alternates should come together as a combined force and stand against Clinton.

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