Jill Stein suspends PA recount effort

I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression.

Then why are you making direct accusations of fraud and Republicans stealing elections?

Because it happened BEFORE the elections ever took place. Hundreds of thousands of voters were "purged" from the voter rolls, namely minority voters -- people who vote democrat.

I forgot to ask you to post links proving that. If you're talking about the NC voter purge, that was struck down.

Judge: North Carolina counties must restore voters removed in 'insane' process
i think her brain is already suspended in the same manner elizabeth warren is suspended in tribal time.
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

Of course it isn't. You guys have a different excuse for each election you lose.

If it wasn't the Russians, your excuse would be Trump rigged the election. If not Trump, his wealthy business associates rigged the election. If not his wealthy friends, it would have been aliens from another planet rigged the elections, and we want to double check martians didn't pick our President.

The Russians are laughing their asses off at you Democrats because they were probably sitting at a bar on election night nowhere near a computer. And where was all this rigged election concern when Sanders lost to Hil-Liar?

What I really hope for is that the next time a Republican presidential contender loses, they do the exact same thing you're side is doing now. Just "double check" something wasn't amiss with no evidence to support their case. See how much you like it.
The repubs should do exactly as you say, especially if the Russians hacked their campaign and released them in a timed and calculated manner on wikileaks to affect the election, and if the Russian hackers made 20 attempts to hack state registration files!!! Go for it!!

AND may I remind you it is the green party that is asking for recounts and not the democratic party.
You think Jill Stein will win?
No but hillary might.

What's trump going to do lock Jill Stein up too if she continues?
So, Hillary is behind the recounts?

Referring to Trump: “Yes, we’re worried that our president might actually turn out be to a fascist,” said one Department of Labor employee.

So either they don't know what fascist means or you don't. I'm thinking it's you who doesn't know.
Of course it isn't. You guys have a different excuse for each election you lose.

If it wasn't the Russians, your excuse would be Trump rigged the election. If not Trump, his wealthy business associates rigged the election. If not his wealthy friends, it would have been aliens from another planet rigged the elections, and we want to double check martians didn't pick our President.

The Russians are laughing their asses off at you Democrats because they were probably sitting at a bar on election night nowhere near a computer. And where was all this rigged election concern when Sanders lost to Hil-Liar?

What I really hope for is that the next time a Republican presidential contender loses, they do the exact same thing you're side is doing now. Just "double check" something wasn't amiss with no evidence to support their case. See how much you like it.
The repubs should do exactly as you say, especially if the Russians hacked their campaign and released them in a timed and calculated manner on wikileaks to affect the election, and if the Russian hackers made 20 attempts to hack state registration files!!! Go for it!!

AND may I remind you it is the green party that is asking for recounts and not the democratic party.
You think Jill Stein will win?
No but hillary might.

What's trump going to do lock Jill Stein up too if she continues?
So, Hillary is behind the recounts?

Referring to Trump: “Yes, we’re worried that our president might actually turn out be to a fascist,” said one Department of Labor employee.

So either they don't know what fascist means or you don't. I'm thinking it's you who doesn't know.
A fascist Department of Labor employee....huh....
If there's any justice, she'll drink some wine and take some xanex and get in a very warm bath with a razor.

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