Jill Stein suspends PA recount effort

You afraid we're going to find something?

Maybe the polls were right and Don's right we have rigged elections

Sounds great, then let's do this every single election. The loser can challenge the results just because......
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared
Did you not read the title? She isn't going for the PA recount, claims it's about money, yet it only requires half of what she received in donations, so she nows sits on $7 million in donations.
Go home Jill. You're drunk. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish, but your political career is pretty much over at this point.

Green Party Drops Statewide Pennsylvania Recount

I really wouldn't be cheering this one. I don't expect they would find anything out of order, but Stein has raised donations to do a recount in these 3 states, and it would be foolish to try and stop it, as it only adds gasoline to the fire and those that will claim that the election was rigged, if they don't examine these machines. and do an audit of the votes.

Trump campaigning on a rigged election, and now challenging a recount doesn't really bode well for him.
Go home Jill. You're drunk. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish, but your political career is pretty much over at this point.

Green Party Drops Statewide Pennsylvania Recount
Looks like the Republicans don't want us to find out they stole Michigan too. At first it was $800k now it's $5 mill.

The integrity of our electronic voting system has been in question since 2000. I think a hand recount in Michigan is a great idea. Let's see if trump really won by 10,000 votes.

And I don't know why it has to cost so much. Government employees will be doing the recount. We already pay them. If it's the lawyers then that's just burocracy bs

They would need thousands of people to hand recount in time. The government doesn't have that many employees.
You afraid we're going to find something?

Maybe the polls were right and Don's right we have rigged elections

Sounds great, then let's do this every single election. The loser can challenge the results just because......
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared
Trump won in a landslide mandate....remind us again what we need to fear?
You afraid we're going to find something?

Maybe the polls were right and Don's right we have rigged elections

Sounds great, then let's do this every single election. The loser can challenge the results just because......
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared
Trump won in a landslide mandate....remind us again what we need to fear?
That you are wrong and we are following a rigged president and fools like you when we actually won. Thats what I fear
You afraid we're going to find something?

Maybe the polls were right and Don's right we have rigged elections

Sounds great, then let's do this every single election. The loser can challenge the results just because......
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared
Trump won in a landslide mandate....remind us again what we need to fear?
That you are wrong and we are following a rigged president and fools like you when we actually won. Thats what I fear
Epic mandate.....

You fear your world is ending...I don't blame you, it is.....
Did you not read the title? She isn't going for the PA recount, claims it's about money, yet it only requires half of what she received in donations, so she nows sits on $7 million in donations.
Go home Jill. You're drunk. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish, but your political career is pretty much over at this point.

Green Party Drops Statewide Pennsylvania Recount

I really wouldn't be cheering this one. I don't expect they would find anything out of order, but Stein has raised donations to do a recount in these 3 states, and it would be foolish to try and stop it, as it only adds gasoline to the fire and those that will claim that the election was rigged, if they don't examine these machines. and do an audit of the votes.

Trump campaigning on a rigged election, and now challenging a recount doesn't really bode well for him.

Lol. It must be liberals who fall for the con artist scams. :D
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared

What are you talking about? The last three elections you lost the left claimed foul play. Next time you lose, we will have to go through this all over again.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000? Why was it not in doubt by the Democrats the last two elections? Didn't seem to have a problem with voting machines or the electoral college then.
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...

Too bad the money wasn't donated to poor families who can't afford Christmas presents and food for their kids. Instead the liberals burnt the money on a meaningless recount.
Liberals don't really care about the needy. Unless they can be used as props to gain political power.
You afraid we're going to find something?

Maybe the polls were right and Don's right we have rigged elections

Sounds great, then let's do this every single election. The loser can challenge the results just because......
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared
Trump won in a landslide mandate....remind us again what we need to fear?
That you are wrong and we are following a rigged president and fools like you when we actually won. Thats what I fear
Epic mandate.....

You fear your world is ending...I don't blame you, it is.....
I hope you are right. For goofs we should each tell what we do and how trumps going to help people like you. Are you a hedge fund manager, defense, oil company, coal?
Sounds great, then let's do this every single election. The loser can challenge the results just because......
We won't have a candidate claiming its rigged after this.

The integrity of our voting system has been in doubt since 2000. Let's see if trumps right and the system is rigged.

You're scared
Trump won in a landslide mandate....remind us again what we need to fear?
That you are wrong and we are following a rigged president and fools like you when we actually won. Thats what I fear
Epic mandate.....

You fear your world is ending...I don't blame you, it is.....
I hope you are right. For goofs we should each tell what we do and how trumps going to help people like you. Are you a hedge fund manager, defense, oil company, coal?
I am an engineer.....Trump is a builder....MAGA.....
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

Of course it isn't. You guys have a different excuse for each election you lose.

If it wasn't the Russians, your excuse would be Trump rigged the election. If not Trump, his wealthy business associates rigged the election. If not his wealthy friends, it would have been aliens from another planet rigged the elections, and we want to double check martians didn't pick our President.

The Russians are laughing their asses off at you Democrats because they were probably sitting at a bar on election night nowhere near a computer. And where was all this rigged election concern when Sanders lost to Hil-Liar?

What I really hope for is that the next time a Republican presidential contender loses, they do the exact same thing you're side is doing now. Just "double check" something wasn't amiss with no evidence to support their case. See how much you like it.
The repubs should do exactly as you say, especially if the Russians hacked their campaign and released them in a timed and calculated manner on wikileaks to affect the election, and if the Russian hackers made 20 attempts to hack state registration files!!! Go for it!!

AND may I remind you it is the green party that is asking for recounts and not the democratic party.

Yeah, sure they are. And I have bridge for sale in case you're interested.

The only reason Hillary can't come out and say she's behind this is because of what she said about Trump not accepting the results during the debates. She said it would be a threat to Democracy if he challenged it. If Stein was so interested in Hillary winning, WTF did she run against her taking her votes away?

There is no evidence of hacking by the Russians: not one state, not one county, not one machine. The left just made the entire story up.

Like I said, I hope the next election we lose Republicans will make the same claim. Say that the Iranians hacked the election.
what utter bull crud!

Trump implied in the debate that if he felt like it, he would not accept the election results once they were said and done....(once all recounts and certification was over if he chose to, he would not accept them)...and then went on to rant in his rallies, that ''the election is rigged folks''

The issue with Trump was that AFTER the election counts and recounts were over, he may not accept the results...

THAT was the issue with Trump, THAT is what Hillary called him out for... THAT is what made the media have a frenzy over...

STOP trying to rewrite history with lies.
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

Of course it isn't. You guys have a different excuse for each election you lose.

If it wasn't the Russians, your excuse would be Trump rigged the election. If not Trump, his wealthy business associates rigged the election. If not his wealthy friends, it would have been aliens from another planet rigged the elections, and we want to double check martians didn't pick our President.

The Russians are laughing their asses off at you Democrats because they were probably sitting at a bar on election night nowhere near a computer. And where was all this rigged election concern when Sanders lost to Hil-Liar?

What I really hope for is that the next time a Republican presidential contender loses, they do the exact same thing you're side is doing now. Just "double check" something wasn't amiss with no evidence to support their case. See how much you like it.
The repubs should do exactly as you say, especially if the Russians hacked their campaign and released them in a timed and calculated manner on wikileaks to affect the election, and if the Russian hackers made 20 attempts to hack state registration files!!! Go for it!!

AND may I remind you it is the green party that is asking for recounts and not the democratic party.

Yeah, sure they are. And I have bridge for sale in case you're interested.

The only reason Hillary can't come out and say she's behind this is because of what she said about Trump not accepting the results during the debates. She said it would be a threat to Democracy if he challenged it. If Stein was so interested in Hillary winning, WTF did she run against her taking her votes away?

There is no evidence of hacking by the Russians: not one state, not one county, not one machine. The left just made the entire story up.

Like I said, I hope the next election we lose Republicans will make the same claim. Say that the Iranians hacked the election.
what utter bull crud!

Trump implied in the debate that if he felt like it, he would not accept the election results once they were said and done....(once all recounts and certification was over if he chose to, he would not accept them)...and then went on to rant in his rallies, that ''the election is rigged folks''

The issue with Trump was that AFTER the election counts and recounts were over, he may not accept the results...

THAT was the issue with Trump, THAT is what Hillary called him out for... THAT is what made the media have a frenzy over...

STOP trying to rewrite history with lies.

What did I lie about? Yes, Trump did say that and yes, Hilary had harsh criticism about what Trump said. Had she kept her mouth shut, she wouldn't need Stein. She would be doing her dirty work herself. But she bashed Trump on several occasions for saying he may not accept the election results. Now she's not accepting the election results but that's all fine by the left.
Stein posted a response to the PA recount:

Statement from Jonathan Abady, lead counsel to the Stein recount efforts, and Founding Partner of Emery Celli Brinckerhoff + Abady LLP:

"Make no mistake – the Stein campaign will continue to fight for a statewide recount in Pennsylvania. We are committed to this fight to protect the civil and voting rights of all Americans. Over the past several days, it has become clear that the barriers to verifying the vote in Pennsylvania are so pervasive and that the state court system is so ill-equipped to address this problem that we must seek federal court intervention. As a result, on Monday the Stein campaign will escalate our campaign in Pennsylvania and file for emergency relief in federal court, demanding a statewide recount on constitutional grounds.”
Stein Recount Campaign Escalates Efforts in Pennsylvania, To File in Federal Court Monday Seeking Statewide Recount

As Ice Cube once said, "It ain't over motherfuckers."

Thing is with Federal Courts, you need evidence that A) You were aggrieved, and B) that there was evidence of fraud, tampering, hacking, etc. Her case is hopeless. And unless the court issues an injunction, that little stunt is going nowhere.

One other thing. You're getting into the territory of states rights vs. government rule. What would be the likelihood of a federal court overruling the will of voters in a state, given no evidence of anything you say happened?
WHAT are you so afraid of happening? Do you really think the Donald could lose once the votes are recounted?

What are YOU afraid of? A Trump presidency? Has he scared you so much you'll do anything to keep him from being elected?

You're shakin' so much in those boots that they've become sandals.
I think Jill's going to get roughly the same answer in MI as she did in PA:

A lawyer for the Green Party had acknowledged that the effort was without precedent in Pennsylvania.

I want the names of the lawyers and law firms that are representing the CatLady, and I want them NOW!.........:whip:
I think Jill's going to get roughly the same answer in MI as she did in PA:

A lawyer for the Green Party had acknowledged that the effort was without precedent in Pennsylvania.

I want the names of the lawyers and law firms that are representing the CatLady, and I want them NOW!.........:whip:
Hill & Stein, LLC, Attorneys at Law.
I think Jill's going to get roughly the same answer in MI as she did in PA:

A lawyer for the Green Party had acknowledged that the effort was without precedent in Pennsylvania.

I want the names of the lawyers and law firms that are representing the CatLady, and I want them NOW!.........:whip:
Hill & Stein, LLC, Attorneys at Law.

I thought it was Stein, Stein, Hillstein, Rothberg & Greenberg............

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