Jill Stein suspends PA recount effort

Yeap, soros claims it was the Russians, so the moron is on here saying it was the Russians.

Did, did Jill stein prove it?

She sure paid a lot of money to find out.

Was it the Russians?

No, you never have anything correct.

Trump is blocking the recount, not the election, slow poke.

Isn't that what I said? Trump is blocking the recount but Stein is not blocking the election?

Stein is not "blocking" the election. The election would only be effectively "blocked" if the recounts showed foul play.
not true, a state in dispute, as in recount, is not by law allowed to cast its electoral votes in December. If she can hold up enough states, she could keep them from casting the votes and as such, keep trump from getting the 270, in which case the election could be decided by the house instead of the actual election results.
Now I wonder what game these pieces of shit are trying to play.
No, you never have anything correct.

Trump is blocking the recount, not the election, slow poke.

Isn't that what I said? Trump is blocking the recount but Stein is not blocking the election?

Stein is not "blocking" the election. The election would only be effectively "blocked" if the recounts showed foul play.
not true, a state in dispute, as in recount, is not by law allowed to cast its electoral votes in December. If she can hold up enough states, she could keep them from casting the votes and as such, keep trump from getting the 270, in which case the election could be decided by the house instead of the actual election results.
Now I wonder what game these pieces of shit are trying to play.

But does it matter? You don't think Trump can get the majority vote in the House?
Right. Trump's lead in PA was less than .08%, almost low enough to trigger an automatic recount, and you guys think pursuing this is a "waste of time."

Stein is going to confront Donald Monday at 10AM at Trump Tower to tell him to stop blocking the recounts.
Yes, it is a waste of time considering that there is zero evidence there the election results are incorrect.
Go home Jill. You're drunk. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish, but your political career is pretty much over at this point.

Green Party Drops Statewide Pennsylvania Recount

I really wouldn't be cheering this one. I don't expect they would find anything out of order, but Stein has raised donations to do a recount in these 3 states, and it would be foolish to try and stop it, as it only adds gasoline to the fire and those that will claim that the election was rigged, if they don't examine these machines. and do an audit of the votes.

Trump campaigning on a rigged election, and now challenging a recount doesn't really bode well for him.
Right. Trump's lead in PA was less than .08%, almost low enough to trigger an automatic recount, and you guys think pursuing this is a "waste of time."

Stein is going to confront Donald Monday at 10AM at Trump Tower to tell him to stop blocking the recounts.
Yes, it is a waste of time considering that there is zero evidence there the election results are incorrect.

You can't have a candidate campaigning on a rigged election, and then not expect people to want an audit and recount of those votes. In undermines our election system.

Stein did this primarily to put integrity back into our election system, after Trump campaigned on dead people voting, illegals voting, and all sorts of methods he described in detail. Just because he won, doesn't mean his statements regarding a rigged election, just vanished into thin air--LOL

By Trump challenging a recount-only makes people more suspicious than ever. Especially since Hillary Clinton has won the most popular votes ever at 2.5 million votes, only to lose the electoral college vote. Yes Americans are suspicious, and the only way they're going to be satisfied that the vote is correct is to do an audit and recount.
Stein is going to confront Donald Monday at 10AM at Trump Tower to tell him to stop blocking the recounts.

That'll show him

He must be quaking in his Gucci loafers.

It was Trump that campaigned on a rigged election. If he doesn't believe it was rigged why is he challenging a recount?

And he shocks everyone by grabbing her in the pussy and trying to kiss her. He gets arrested for sexual assault and fans rejoice!
Stein posted a response to the PA recount:

Statement from Jonathan Abady, lead counsel to the Stein recount efforts, and Founding Partner of Emery Celli Brinckerhoff + Abady LLP:

"Make no mistake – the Stein campaign will continue to fight for a statewide recount in Pennsylvania. We are committed to this fight to protect the civil and voting rights of all Americans. Over the past several days, it has become clear that the barriers to verifying the vote in Pennsylvania are so pervasive and that the state court system is so ill-equipped to address this problem that we must seek federal court intervention. As a result, on Monday the Stein campaign will escalate our campaign in Pennsylvania and file for emergency relief in federal court, demanding a statewide recount on constitutional grounds.”
Stein Recount Campaign Escalates Efforts in Pennsylvania, To File in Federal Court Monday Seeking Statewide Recount

As Ice Cube once said, "It ain't over motherfuckers."
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...

Too bad the money wasn't donated to poor families who can't afford Christmas presents and food for their kids. Instead the liberals burnt the money on a meaningless recount.
I think Jill's going to get roughly the same answer in MI as she did in PA:

A lawyer for the Green Party had acknowledged that the effort was without precedent in Pennsylvania.

What I don't understand is why is the announcement going to be in front of Trump Tower on Monday? Is she hoping for a riot or something?

Doubtful. She just wants to confront the orange turd face to face. Let's see if the president-rigged-elect has the courage to face the woman he tried to block.

Monday should be interesting.

Let's see if I have this right. Trump is in the process of assuming the most powerful position on the planet and in pursuit thereof he is in the midst of assembling a cabinet which will direct the course of the future of this nation. He also has obligations to family and friends and a multi-billion business empire to deal with and in spite of all this the ultra-left wing weirdos expect him to take the time to meet with some neurotic scam artist.

I don't think so.

You ultra-liberals are truly laughable. On the one hand you accuse Trump of being a pussy groping misogynist, and on the other hand you claim he is afraid to meet with Stein. Trump is not afraid of her, he just doesn't want to waste his time with her. You may not think Trump has more important things to do and that says a lot about you.

I will give you the last word. Say what you will. Like Trump, I have better things to do.

Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...

Too bad the money wasn't donated to poor families who can't afford Christmas presents and food for their kids. Instead the liberals burnt the money on a meaningless recount.

Democrats don't give on their own. Instead, they use other people's money and then take credit for the charity.
Stein posted a response to the PA recount:

Statement from Jonathan Abady, lead counsel to the Stein recount efforts, and Founding Partner of Emery Celli Brinckerhoff + Abady LLP:

"Make no mistake – the Stein campaign will continue to fight for a statewide recount in Pennsylvania. We are committed to this fight to protect the civil and voting rights of all Americans. Over the past several days, it has become clear that the barriers to verifying the vote in Pennsylvania are so pervasive and that the state court system is so ill-equipped to address this problem that we must seek federal court intervention. As a result, on Monday the Stein campaign will escalate our campaign in Pennsylvania and file for emergency relief in federal court, demanding a statewide recount on constitutional grounds.”
Stein Recount Campaign Escalates Efforts in Pennsylvania, To File in Federal Court Monday Seeking Statewide Recount

As Ice Cube once said, "It ain't over motherfuckers."

Oh it's over alright. What does she think the federal courts are going to do, override states rights?
Right. Trump's lead in PA was less than .08%, almost low enough to trigger an automatic recount, and you guys think pursuing this is a "waste of time."

Stein is going to confront Donald Monday at 10AM at Trump Tower to tell him to stop blocking the recounts.
Yes, it is a waste of time considering that there is zero evidence there the election results are incorrect.

You can't have a candidate campaigning on a rigged election, and then not expect people to want an audit and recount of those votes. In undermines our election system.

Stein did this primarily to put integrity back into our election system, after Trump campaigned on dead people voting, illegals voting, and all sorts of methods he described in detail. Just because he won, doesn't mean his statements regarding a rigged election, just vanished into thin air--LOL

By Trump challenging a recount-only makes people more suspicious than ever. Especially since Hillary Clinton has won the most popular votes ever at 2.5 million votes, only to lose the electoral college vote. Yes Americans are suspicious, and the only way they're going to be satisfied that the vote is correct is to do an audit and recount.

No, Americans aren't suspicious of anything, only liberals are, and they're not real Americans anyway.
Go home Jill. You're drunk. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish, but your political career is pretty much over at this point.

Green Party Drops Statewide Pennsylvania Recount

I really wouldn't be cheering this one. I don't expect they would find anything out of order, but Stein has raised donations to do a recount in these 3 states, and it would be foolish to try and stop it, as it only adds gasoline to the fire and those that will claim that the election was rigged, if they don't examine these machines. and do an audit of the votes.

Trump campaigning on a rigged election, and now challenging a recount doesn't really bode well for him.

Well........we just went through eight years of "It's Bush's fault" why would we be surprised at Democrats blaming Trump for their recount when there isn't even the slightest bit of evidence of foul play?
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

Of course it isn't. You guys have a different excuse for each election you lose.

If it wasn't the Russians, your excuse would be Trump rigged the election. If not Trump, his wealthy business associates rigged the election. If not his wealthy friends, it would have been aliens from another planet rigged the elections, and we want to double check martians didn't pick our President.

The Russians are laughing their asses off at you Democrats because they were probably sitting at a bar on election night nowhere near a computer. And where was all this rigged election concern when Sanders lost to Hil-Liar?

What I really hope for is that the next time a Republican presidential contender loses, they do the exact same thing you're side is doing now. Just "double check" something wasn't amiss with no evidence to support their case. See how much you like it.

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