Jill Stein suspends PA recount effort

Well, even if Trump lost PA, He would still have 286 electoral votes. Still the president.

But not if he lost MI and WI as well. Then guess who's president?

You're really setting yourself up, aint' cha?

To set oneself up, one first needs a foundation. And he doesn't have one.

I don't understand it. When Republicans lose, we look back to see where we went wrong. When a Democrat loses, they look to the other side to see how they cheated. If they can never admit they were wrong, how do they expect to win elections in the future?

It kinds of reminds me years ago when a family member had an alcohol problem. When we went to seek help, one of the first questions asked was if the family member realized they had a problem? If an alcoholic doesn't realize alcohol is a problem, then it's difficult to solve a problem that isn't there in their mind.

It seems to me that Democrats have a political alcohol problem. I guess that's good for us in the future though.
True, but why? If he's got nothing to hide, why not just let it go and let the recount happen?

Answer: Because he DOES have something to hide.

Or he is aware, as is most everyone else, that there is no indication that the system was hacked or that cheating occurred. Considering the total lack of evidence to support concerns in the 3 states she chose, you have to ask why only a few. If the reason is truly integrity of the system, as claimed, then wouldn't a recount be requested in all states? If the only reason is to double check, then why leave out the majority?

It will save the tax payers millions if the recount stops. To some, that is actually important. Had there been any cause to doubt the results, states would likely initiate recounts on their own. To randomly select three states, just because they are surprised that Hillary didn't have the support they thought, is just stupid.

No evidence of tampering, no evidence of people cheating, and no hanging chads.
This is you right now:


Yup, kicking your ass as everyone does on this forum.

Not exactly a challenge.

Really? I'm not the one hashing conspiracy theories or citing my own threads in this forum to make my arguments.

You want to try to prove there is fraud going on?

Or do you want to continue appeasing your Napoleon complex?

I've already started several threads that discuss the voter suppression and other tactics used in this election. You should read them.

Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Oh geeze. It never stops with you guys, I'm telling ya.
The reason for dropping it is because they can't afford the $1 million fee. Seriously? She took in almost $7 million in donations. I guess she never intended to spend it on recounts. What will she do with all the money? She should be investigated for fraud. People donated because they wanted recounts and she told them she'd only keep the money left over after they spent what was necessary on recounts.

We here in MI might have to pay up to 3 million ....Fu..king bitch:mad:
Answer: Because he DOES have something to hide.

Or he is aware, as is most everyone else, that there is no indication that the system was hacked or that cheating occurred. Considering the total lack of evidence to support concerns, then wouldn't a recount be requested in all states? If the only reason is to double check, then why leave out the majority?

It will save the tax payers millions if the recount stops. To some, that is actually important. Had there been any cause to doubt the results, states would likely initiate recounts on their own. To randomly select three states, just because they are surprised that Hillary didn't have the support they thought, is just stupid.

No evidence of tampering, no evidence of people cheating, and no hanging chads.

This is true. But think of the entertainment Russia is having right now watching these Democrats go bonkers trying to prove they rigged the election when instead, they were out drinking Vodka that night paying little attention. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
This is you right now:


Yup, kicking your ass as everyone does on this forum.

Not exactly a challenge.

Really? I'm not the one hashing conspiracy theories or citing my own threads in this forum to make my arguments.

You want to try to prove there is fraud going on?

Or do you want to continue appeasing your Napoleon complex?

I've already started several threads that discuss the voter suppression and other tactics used in this election. You should read them.

Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."
Since nothing will reveal voter suppression it is really important that we just say it is so, without the evidence. Just like Stein and the recounts.
Yup, kicking your ass as everyone does on this forum.

Not exactly a challenge.

Really? I'm not the one hashing conspiracy theories or citing my own threads in this forum to make my arguments.

You want to try to prove there is fraud going on?

Or do you want to continue appeasing your Napoleon complex?

I've already started several threads that discuss the voter suppression and other tactics used in this election. You should read them.

Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Yep, I have a common name, thanks to you pointing this out, I know the next election to find out for sure if my vote will count or not.

I always check my registration status 45 days prior to an election. Just good business even though it hasn't changed in 20 years.
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I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression.

Then why are you making direct accusations of fraud and Republicans stealing elections?

Because it happened BEFORE the elections ever took place. Hundreds of thousands of voters were "purged" from the voter rolls, namely minority voters -- people who vote democrat.

We had the same thing happen here. The problem is there were hundreds of thousands of people on our voter rolls who either moved out of state or died. So they sent out several letters to the people suspected to be in those categories and encouraged them to respond in order to not be removed from the voter rolls. When they didn't respond to the multiple warnings, they were removed, and then later claimed voter suppression.
Really? I'm not the one hashing conspiracy theories or citing my own threads in this forum to make my arguments.

You want to try to prove there is fraud going on?

Or do you want to continue appeasing your Napoleon complex?

I've already started several threads that discuss the voter suppression and other tactics used in this election. You should read them.

Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Yep, I have a common name, thanks to you pointing this out, I know the next election to find out for sure if my vote will count or not.

I always check my registration status 45 days prior to and election. Just good business even though it hasn't changed in 20 years.

No, that's not what the crosscheck system is about. If you have a similar name to someone in another state you could get kicked out of the system and your vote won't count. I have a very common name and I never knew about this system.
I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression.

Then why are you making direct accusations of fraud and Republicans stealing elections?

Because it happened BEFORE the elections ever took place. Hundreds of thousands of voters were "purged" from the voter rolls, namely minority voters -- people who vote democrat.

It's up to each of us to stay current with our registration. If these minorities you speak of don't do motor voter, then they fill out registration forms. States have a right to purge rolls when people are dead or moved away. It is not the least bit difficult to protect your right to vote and states are obligated to preserve the integrity of our system by maintaining accurate voter rolls.

I know the left insists that minorities are so incredibly inept that this whole process confounds them but you guys are full of shit. Stop insulting minorities by pretending that this is rocket science to them. Even if you show up to vote or request an absentee ballot, you will know instantly if you are currently registered and it is no big deal to correct that. My daughter moved and was able to register at a new poll by showing ID and filling out a brief form.

Many did early voting. There is ample time to check before any election and make sure you are registered and if you are a legal citizen, no one will deny you your right.
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I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression.

Then why are you making direct accusations of fraud and Republicans stealing elections?

You don't read any links or watch any videos posted by people you argue against do you?

I do. But I'm not interested in reading links and watching videos from people claiming the other side engaged in voter fraud and suppression without there being evidence of any.
I've already started several threads that discuss the voter suppression and other tactics used in this election. You should read them.

Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Yep, I have a common name, thanks to you pointing this out, I know the next election to find out for sure if my vote will count or not.

I always check my registration status 45 days prior to and election. Just good business even though it hasn't changed in 20 years.

No, that's not what the crosscheck system is about. If you have a similar name to someone in another state you could get kicked out of the system and your vote won't count. I have a very common name and I never knew about this system.

That begs the question: without warning to the person getting kicked off the rolls? They just do this behind the scenes and you never know about it?
I've already started several threads that discuss the voter suppression and other tactics used in this election. You should read them.

Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Yep, I have a common name, thanks to you pointing this out, I know the next election to find out for sure if my vote will count or not.

I always check my registration status 45 days prior to and election. Just good business even though it hasn't changed in 20 years.

No, that's not what the crosscheck system is about. If you have a similar name to someone in another state you could get kicked out of the system and your vote won't count. I have a very common name and I never knew about this system.

I think you need to read up on it, it crosschecks registered names and used for registration maintenance prior to the elections. Rolls are frozen in most States 30 days prior.
Oh, so now that the recount thing didn't work out for you, that's the new angle?

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Yep, I have a common name, thanks to you pointing this out, I know the next election to find out for sure if my vote will count or not.

I always check my registration status 45 days prior to and election. Just good business even though it hasn't changed in 20 years.

No, that's not what the crosscheck system is about. If you have a similar name to someone in another state you could get kicked out of the system and your vote won't count. I have a very common name and I never knew about this system.

That begs the question: without warning to the person getting kicked off the rolls? They just do this behind the scenes and you never know about it?

I thought that was what I read in his links, and they end up being given a provisional ballot... and we already know those don't matter unless the election is close.

Maybe he can elaborate.

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