Jill Stein suspends PA recount effort

Actually, no. I've been more interested in the voter suppression tactics than the recounts. I'm not 100% sure the recounts will even reveal the voter suppression. It might, it might not. What Stein needs to be going for, is the program called "Interstate Crosscheck."

Yep, I have a common name, thanks to you pointing this out, I know the next election to find out for sure if my vote will count or not.

I always check my registration status 45 days prior to and election. Just good business even though it hasn't changed in 20 years.

No, that's not what the crosscheck system is about. If you have a similar name to someone in another state you could get kicked out of the system and your vote won't count. I have a very common name and I never knew about this system.

That begs the question: without warning to the person getting kicked off the rolls? They just do this behind the scenes and you never know about it?

I thought that was what I read in his links, and they end up being given a provisional ballot... and we already know those don't matter unless the election is close.

Maybe he can elaborate.

It's just that with all these voter suppression claims, every one I investigated were pure bull--especially when it comes to Voter-ID.

Like I said, here in Ohio, they pulled the same stunt. I haven't followed the story, but last I heard, some liberal court ordered the reversal of the purge.

I found that there are always two sides of the story when it comes to voter suppression.
It's possible that the Klintons realized that most of the foreign "donations" to the Foundation had dried up after Hillary lost so the support for the recount from the Hillary campaign dried up as well.
The 3 Stooges of United States of America Presidential Election of 2016



Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...
No way! More than half!?

You know, this is the type of thing I should have done.

It was actually pretty ingenious. She cost hillary a lot of votes. She then endears herself to the hillary voters (like you) who are too fucking dumb to see it was a money grab and a launch for her presidential run in 2020.

Fucking hilarious how stupid you all are. I should make millions off of you.
you're being silly, stein has not been endeared by me...or Hillary....she was a complete bi*ch in her ads against Hillary that ran...and there is no 'making up' for her running and possibly taking votes from Hillary.... but I have no problem with her getting donors to fund a recount....

IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

All these recounts would really do if there was no hacking, is CONFIRM the election was not hacked, and put an end to all of this speculation and uncertainty that the liberals may be feeling after the DNC hacks and PODESTA hacks and voter registration hacks in the States.

It's as simple as that....

If anything, this will solidify Trump's win. You guys need to stop freaking out....it seems like you have something to hide or something you are afraid of the rest of us finding out... I mean, what the heck is wrong with you all and all this hyperventilating over this....?
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...
No way! More than half!?

You know, this is the type of thing I should have done.

It was actually pretty ingenious. She cost hillary a lot of votes. She then endears herself to the hillary voters (like you) who are too fucking dumb to see it was a money grab and a launch for her presidential run in 2020.

Fucking hilarious how stupid you all are. I should make millions off of you.
you're being silly, stein has not been endeared by me...or Hillary....she was a complete bi*ch in her ads against Hillary that ran...and there is no 'making up' for her running and possibly taking votes from Hillary.... but I have no problem with her getting donors to fund a recount....

IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

All these recounts would really do if there was no hacking, is CONFIRM the election was not hacked, and put an end to all of this speculation and uncertainty that the liberals may be feeling after the DNC hacks and PODESTA hacks and voter registration hacks in the States.

It's as simple as that....

If anything, this will solidify Trump's win. You guys need to stop freaking out....it seems like you have something to hide or something you are afraid of the rest of us finding out... I mean, what the heck is wrong with you all and all this hyperventilating over this....?

It's not hyperventilating. Finally, the left recognizes that cheating can happen and that it's not always obvious and requires a close look to find.

Why only now are there concerns? We know illegals have been voting but the left yawned. We've heard about ballots being filled out by poll workers and the left yawned. In those cases, there were usually witnesses, which is far more compelling than the mere claims of suspicions now. We have no evidence or witnesses and yet they just want to check and make sure. Why did Dems freak out at the thought of investigating fraud in the past? Why did we hear there was none and the left refused to even look?

Are we going to audit California's ballots to make sure only citizens voted? If illegals voted like Obama told them they could do, then it's outright cheating. And any kind of cheating is wrong and cannot be tolerated.

How far is everyone willing to go to make sure that only legal voters participated in this election?

If this were the other way around, just what would the left be saying about Trump wanting recounts with zero evidence of tampering? I can tell you the word 'butthurt' would be tossed around like fall leaves and the libs would probably demand that he personally pay for every bit of it.
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...
No way! More than half!?

You know, this is the type of thing I should have done.

It was actually pretty ingenious. She cost hillary a lot of votes. She then endears herself to the hillary voters (like you) who are too fucking dumb to see it was a money grab and a launch for her presidential run in 2020.

Fucking hilarious how stupid you all are. I should make millions off of you.
you're being silly, stein has not been endeared by me...or Hillary....she was a complete bi*ch in her ads against Hillary that ran...and there is no 'making up' for her running and possibly taking votes from Hillary.... but I have no problem with her getting donors to fund a recount....

IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

All these recounts would really do if there was no hacking, is CONFIRM the election was not hacked, and put an end to all of this speculation and uncertainty that the liberals may be feeling after the DNC hacks and PODESTA hacks and voter registration hacks in the States.

It's as simple as that....

If anything, this will solidify Trump's win. You guys need to stop freaking out....it seems like you have something to hide or something you are afraid of the rest of us finding out... I mean, what the heck is wrong with you all and all this hyperventilating over this....?

The Democrats could care less about hacking. The Democrats really care about losing and finding a way to turn their loss into a win.

If we have to go through this every Fn time a Democrat presidential candidate loses, then just do away with the machines altogether. Let's just have humans process the actual voting cards or slips and do it that way. It would save us a lot of money and drama at the same time.

What's wrong with checking to make sure the election was on the up and up? Then we would have to do the same for both candidates to make it fair. We should have done it when McCain lost. We should have done it when Romney lost. But we didn't because we Republicans just accepted our losses and moved on.

Democrats are reluctant to do the same. If the Democrat lost, then lets start an all out investigation even if there is not a slight hint of wrongdoing; just double check.

"Folks, Democrats have two set of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...
No way! More than half!?

You know, this is the type of thing I should have done.

It was actually pretty ingenious. She cost hillary a lot of votes. She then endears herself to the hillary voters (like you) who are too fucking dumb to see it was a money grab and a launch for her presidential run in 2020.

Fucking hilarious how stupid you all are. I should make millions off of you.
you're being silly, stein has not been endeared by me...or Hillary....she was a complete bi*ch in her ads against Hillary that ran...and there is no 'making up' for her running and possibly taking votes from Hillary.... but I have no problem with her getting donors to fund a recount....

IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

All these recounts would really do if there was no hacking, is CONFIRM the election was not hacked, and put an end to all of this speculation and uncertainty that the liberals may be feeling after the DNC hacks and PODESTA hacks and voter registration hacks in the States.

It's as simple as that....

If anything, this will solidify Trump's win. You guys need to stop freaking out....it seems like you have something to hide or something you are afraid of the rest of us finding out... I mean, what the heck is wrong with you all and all this hyperventilating over this....?

The Democrats could care less about hacking. The Democrats really care about losing and finding a way to turn their loss into a win.

If we have to go through this every Fn time a Democrat presidential candidate loses, then just do away with the machines altogether. Let's just have humans process the actual voting cards or slips and do it that way. It would save us a lot of money and drama at the same time.

What's wrong with checking to make sure the election was on the up and up? Then we would have to do the same for both candidates to make it fair. We should have done it when McCain lost. We should have done it when Romney lost. But we didn't because we Republicans just accepted our losses and moved on.

Democrats are reluctant to do the same. If the Democrat lost, then lets start an all out investigation even if there is not a slight hint of wrongdoing; just double check.

"Folks, Democrats have two set of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

this is NOT LIKE all these other elections.
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...
No way! More than half!?

You know, this is the type of thing I should have done.

It was actually pretty ingenious. She cost hillary a lot of votes. She then endears herself to the hillary voters (like you) who are too fucking dumb to see it was a money grab and a launch for her presidential run in 2020.

Fucking hilarious how stupid you all are. I should make millions off of you.
you're being silly, stein has not been endeared by me...or Hillary....she was a complete bi*ch in her ads against Hillary that ran...and there is no 'making up' for her running and possibly taking votes from Hillary.... but I have no problem with her getting donors to fund a recount....

IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

All these recounts would really do if there was no hacking, is CONFIRM the election was not hacked, and put an end to all of this speculation and uncertainty that the liberals may be feeling after the DNC hacks and PODESTA hacks and voter registration hacks in the States.

It's as simple as that....

If anything, this will solidify Trump's win. You guys need to stop freaking out....it seems like you have something to hide or something you are afraid of the rest of us finding out... I mean, what the heck is wrong with you all and all this hyperventilating over this....?

The Democrats could care less about hacking. The Democrats really care about losing and finding a way to turn their loss into a win.

If we have to go through this every Fn time a Democrat presidential candidate loses, then just do away with the machines altogether. Let's just have humans process the actual voting cards or slips and do it that way. It would save us a lot of money and drama at the same time.

What's wrong with checking to make sure the election was on the up and up? Then we would have to do the same for both candidates to make it fair. We should have done it when McCain lost. We should have done it when Romney lost. But we didn't because we Republicans just accepted our losses and moved on.

Democrats are reluctant to do the same. If the Democrat lost, then lets start an all out investigation even if there is not a slight hint of wrongdoing; just double check.

"Folks, Democrats have two set of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

this is NOT LIKE all these other elections.

More liberal butt hurt,
Stein is not "blocking" the election.

Uh, if I have the strategy down, her effort wasn't to ensure the integrity of the vote, but to stall the states long enough that their electors could not vote in the Electoral College. Even then, those votes wouldn't go to Hillary, and nobody would have enough to become president. That matter is resolved by Congress. And since Republicans control congress, Trump would still be president anyway.

So yeah, that was an attempt (a very poor one) by Stein to block the electors from voting in the college. Not like it would have done anything to begin with. Ha. Such ignorance of the electoral process on her part.
IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

Well, we all know what happens when people play the "if" game in politics. It makes you look desperate.
Wisconsin charged her $3.6 million for the recount, that took more than half the money she raised...
No way! More than half!?

You know, this is the type of thing I should have done.

It was actually pretty ingenious. She cost hillary a lot of votes. She then endears herself to the hillary voters (like you) who are too fucking dumb to see it was a money grab and a launch for her presidential run in 2020.

Fucking hilarious how stupid you all are. I should make millions off of you.
you're being silly, stein has not been endeared by me...or Hillary....she was a complete bi*ch in her ads against Hillary that ran...and there is no 'making up' for her running and possibly taking votes from Hillary.... but I have no problem with her getting donors to fund a recount....

IF, and that is a very BIG IF, by any chance the Russians had hacked key voting districts to affect the result of the election in key states,

I, and ALL Americans would want to, and should, know about it...

All these recounts would really do if there was no hacking, is CONFIRM the election was not hacked, and put an end to all of this speculation and uncertainty that the liberals may be feeling after the DNC hacks and PODESTA hacks and voter registration hacks in the States.

It's as simple as that....

If anything, this will solidify Trump's win. You guys need to stop freaking out....it seems like you have something to hide or something you are afraid of the rest of us finding out... I mean, what the heck is wrong with you all and all this hyperventilating over this....?

The Democrats could care less about hacking. The Democrats really care about losing and finding a way to turn their loss into a win.

If we have to go through this every Fn time a Democrat presidential candidate loses, then just do away with the machines altogether. Let's just have humans process the actual voting cards or slips and do it that way. It would save us a lot of money and drama at the same time.

What's wrong with checking to make sure the election was on the up and up? Then we would have to do the same for both candidates to make it fair. We should have done it when McCain lost. We should have done it when Romney lost. But we didn't because we Republicans just accepted our losses and moved on.

Democrats are reluctant to do the same. If the Democrat lost, then lets start an all out investigation even if there is not a slight hint of wrongdoing; just double check.

"Folks, Democrats have two set of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
You guys could care less that the Russians were involved in this election, because it didn't hurt your candidate one bit, it was done to help your candidate and that's why you guys turned a blind eye to it....but you can bet your bottom dollar if this was done to Trump, and the Rnc, and all of their emails were releases and preibus's emails were released from the past 4 years and Trump's campaign emails, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have concerned you that the Russians were involved in this presidential election and you can also bet your bottom dollar that all kinds of shenanigans was going on in their emails as well....

This Russian involvement was IGNORED by the Right, but it was downright frightening that the Russians could get themselves so involved with this election as they did.

this is NOT LIKE all these other elections.

If you are referring to WikiLeaks, Assange already said it was him on his own.

Are you guys concerned about all the money donated by Arab countries to Hillary?

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