Jim Carrey tells the truth about Huckahillbilly. Conservative snowflakes melt

Be nice if Jim would put as much energy into getting Ace Venture Pet Detective 3 made.:D
Carrey said he started painting six years ago to help heal a broken heart. (Musta lost his butt-boy.)

I think he must be seven years old (developmentally) and he started painting when he was six---that's what he meant---he started in the First Grade, pretty much like all of us---with Crayons.

And has not advanced much since.

This is not news. It is merely what you expect. It is no more than a washed-up, irrelevant, pompous, half-wit turd in some large rotting city...in poor taste and marinating in elitism...making fun of a Southern Girl who happens not to look a good as most Southern Girls....but who uses her Southern brain to kick the Ass of irrelevant, pompous, half-wit turds....every week day and most Saturdays. Lets them have a rest on Sundays...out of Christian Charity.

Fuck Jim Carrey.
Just another super rich over paid actor hack that lost his sense of humor and can't get a movie gig to save his life....guess he is blaming Trump instead of looking in the mirror....
i don't need jim carrey o tell me that theskank from arkansa is a waste of skin

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