Jim Carrey tells the truth about Huckahillbilly. Conservative snowflakes melt

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a lying bitch. She claims to be a Christian but she has more to do with the Pharisees that Jesus criticized. She does not have a clue what being a Christian is. The Bible talks about phonies like her.
If Gandhi said they suck, they really do.
Quote by Mahatma Gandhi : “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christia...”
he also said that that symbol of islam is the sword and will always be so.

he's clearly stating that muslims are and always will be murderous.
Trying desperately to shake off the snowflake label, eh?

What they don't get is calling someone an asshole is not being a snowflake.

Throwing a fit, demanding that the person apologize and be castigated in public so they never speak again is what being a snowflake is all about.

The idea of a snowflake is that they can't handle ideas other than their own without melting.

Calling Carey an asshat is not melting, it's calling him an asshat.
Objecting to rudeness is not being a snowflake. Carey is being an asshole picking on Sarah Sanders.
Haters fo
This half-witted jerk volunteered to be spokesperson for a "president" of totally questionable character, and all while being a member of a supposedly "holy family." Why feel sorry for her? If she's so hurt by a caricature of herself, she should quit and run back into her twit-daddy's lap and cry. She's a joke.
Haters gotta hate. Funny thing is all the shit they're putting on Trump is what actually occurred during the Obama Regime. Only good things have happened under Trump. Tax cuts, bonuses, regulations cut, world respect, hobbling North Korea, death of Obamacare, Dow rising.
Haters fo
This half-witted jerk volunteered to be spokesperson for a "president" of totally questionable character, and all while being a member of a supposedly "holy family." Why feel sorry for her? If she's so hurt by a caricature of herself, she should quit and run back into her twit-daddy's lap and cry. She's a joke.
Haters gotta hate. Funny thing is all the shit they're putting on Trump is what actually occurred during the Obama Regime. Only good things have happened under Trump. Tax cuts, bonuses, regulations cut, world respect, hobbling North Korea, death of Obamacare, Dow rising.
Perhaps Trump's greatest contribution is contrasting Obama's mediocrity and even failure.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a lying bitch. She claims to be a Christian but she has more to do with the Pharisees that Jesus criticized. She does not have a clue what being a Christian is. The Bible talks about phonies like her.
Moist Towelette?

I'd warm it for you, but I fear you'd melt.
Perhaps Trump's greatest contribution is contrasting Obama's mediocrity and even failure.
Yes. Obama was the least person with qualifications to be president. After President Trump dismantles ObamaNation, there won't be any exhibits for the Obama Libary to show of his Regime. Maybe they can do something in one of the stalls in the men's room. Perhaps a recreation of his first meeting with Larry Sinclair as a tribute to his backing of the gay agenda.
Haters fo
This half-witted jerk volunteered to be spokesperson for a "president" of totally questionable character, and all while being a member of a supposedly "holy family." Why feel sorry for her? If she's so hurt by a caricature of herself, she should quit and run back into her twit-daddy's lap and cry. She's a joke.
Haters gotta hate. Funny thing is all the shit they're putting on Trump is what actually occurred during the Obama Regime. Only good things have happened under Trump. Tax cuts, bonuses, regulations cut, world respect, hobbling North Korea, death of Obamacare, Dow rising.
Perhaps Trump's greatest contribution is contrasting Obama's mediocrity and even failure.

Perhaps Trump's greatest contribution is contrasting Obama's mediocrity and even failure.
Yes. Obama was the least person with qualifications to be president. After President Trump dismantles ObamaNation, there won't be any exhibits for the Obama Libary to show of his Regime. Maybe they can do something in one of the stalls in the men's room. Perhaps a recreation of his first meeting with Larry Sinclair as a tribute to his backing of the gay agenda.

What the orange whore is proving that we should have appreciated President Obama much more. He has placed a scumbag whore in every federal agency and governed with total incompetence. Holy Sarah is just the tip of the iceberg.
President Obama much more. He has placed a scumbag whore in every federal agency and governed with total incompetence.
Between Hillary, Susan Rice, the scum of the IRS, DoJ and FBI, it's hard to argue with that.
Trying desperately to shake off the snowflake label, eh?

What they don't get is calling someone an asshole is not being a snowflake.

Throwing a fit, demanding that the person apologize and be castigated in public so they never speak again is what being a snowflake is all about.

The idea of a snowflake is that they can't handle ideas other than their own without melting.

Calling Carey an asshat is not melting, it's calling him an asshat.
Objecting to rudeness is not being a snowflake. Carey is being an asshole picking on Sarah Sanders.
Carrey is being an asshole "picking on sarah sanders"? What have you people been doing to Hillary for the last 2 decades?
Whatever a washed up actor trying to remain relevant.
His net worth is +150 million and he made millions laugh. While you are miserably fooled by a liar prick.
OH? Tell us an example of a lie Trump said. BTW! It can't be your opinion.

Trump said the U.S. has a trade deficit when Canada. LIE! The U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada. FACT! Trump admitted he was lying when he told the Canadian Prime Minister this.

Just about every statement Trump makes is a lie. This is just his latest well publicized one.
Trying desperately to shake off the snowflake label, eh?

What they don't get is calling someone an asshole is not being a snowflake.

Throwing a fit, demanding that the person apologize and be castigated in public so they never speak again is what being a snowflake is all about.

The idea of a snowflake is that they can't handle ideas other than their own without melting.

Calling Carey an asshat is not melting, it's calling him an asshat.
Objecting to rudeness is not being a snowflake. Carey is being an asshole picking on Sarah Sanders.
Carrey is being an asshole "picking on sarah sanders"? What have you people been doing to Hillary for the last 2 decades?
:boohoo: What has the Beast done? Poor thing.
Trying desperately to shake off the snowflake label, eh?

What they don't get is calling someone an asshole is not being a snowflake.

Throwing a fit, demanding that the person apologize and be castigated in public so they never speak again is what being a snowflake is all about.

The idea of a snowflake is that they can't handle ideas other than their own without melting.

Calling Carey an asshat is not melting, it's calling him an asshat.
Objecting to rudeness is not being a snowflake. Carey is being an asshole picking on Sarah Sanders.
Carrey is being an asshole "picking on sarah sanders"? What have you people been doing to Hillary for the last 2 decades?

Feel free to call me or other people out on it, we won't melt.
Trying desperately to shake off the snowflake label, eh?

What they don't get is calling someone an asshole is not being a snowflake.

Throwing a fit, demanding that the person apologize and be castigated in public so they never speak again is what being a snowflake is all about.

The idea of a snowflake is that they can't handle ideas other than their own without melting.

Calling Carey an asshat is not melting, it's calling him an asshat.
Objecting to rudeness is not being a snowflake. Carey is being an asshole picking on Sarah Sanders.
Carrey is being an asshole "picking on sarah sanders"? What have you people been doing to Hillary for the last 2 decades?
:boohoo: What has the Beast done? Poor thing.
Mrs. Clinton has accomplished more than you could if you lived for 1,000 years.
Trying desperately to shake off the snowflake label, eh?

What they don't get is calling someone an asshole is not being a snowflake.

Throwing a fit, demanding that the person apologize and be castigated in public so they never speak again is what being a snowflake is all about.

The idea of a snowflake is that they can't handle ideas other than their own without melting.

Calling Carey an asshat is not melting, it's calling him an asshat.
Objecting to rudeness is not being a snowflake. Carey is being an asshole picking on Sarah Sanders.
Carrey is being an asshole "picking on sarah sanders"? What have you people been doing to Hillary for the last 2 decades?
:boohoo: What has the Beast done? Poor thing.
Mrs. Clinton has accomplished more than you could if you lived for 1,000 years.
If you had married Bill Clinton, I'm sure you would have done just as much.
Ever watch the WH press briefings? When Huckabee is asked a question she doesn't want to answer, her go to response is that she hasn't talked to the person about the subject, but if the reporter wants an answer, to go to the person themselves and ask. Or, she simply says she will ask and get back, but she never does.

And, when she says something she knows isn't true, she smiles a little bit after she answers.

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