Jim Crow Steals Another Election As Brain Dead Democrats and Media Say Nothing

Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.

No, it doesn't happen in Georgia....

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters

Wait, "
Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Yes the dimocrat election workers did disenfranchise as many republican voters as they could get away with Since the district is staffed by almost exclusively dimshitscum.

Golly...I am simply no match for this Repug braniac! Somebody save me from this goober dolt!
OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.

Only three changed, stop with the bull shit, Jimmy Carter won the South...

The younger generation of southerners wanted manufacturing jobs that's why they started voting for Republicans

And the Republicans responded by sending manufacturing jobs overseas for cheap labor.
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.
Frankly I think a lot of conservative Democrats are in collusion with right-wing conservative Republicans. What else could account for the sudden shift in national voting patterns? There is a clandestine movement afoot by conservative white males of both parties to make America white again. And that includes the so-called "liberal"
news media.
$30 million for 1%.
June 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Millions from blue states flowed into special elections in red states to prove that Trump had lost public support. The deeper theory behind this spending spree was that setbacks in safe districts would lead the GOP to abandon Trump. And that played into feverish conspiracy theories about the 25th Amendment or Senate Republicans turning on Trump in time for impeachment that had gone mainstream on the left.

But after losing 45 to 52 in Kansas for well under a million, they spent $6 million to lose 50 to 44 in Montana and $31 million to lose 47 to 53 in Georgia.

An extra $5 million or $31 million had just bought them another 1 percent in Montana or Georgia.

Dems have consistently managed to lose these special elections by around 7 percent. All that varied was how many millions they spent to lose by 7 percent.


Behind the wasted tsunami of cash, lurked greed and some elaborate social engineering.

The Democratic National Committee is badly short of cash.


Jon Ossoff’s slogan was “Make Trump Furious”. He failed even at that. But it isn’t Trump’s fury his backers were interested in. Instead they succeeded in cashing in on the angry stupid rage of the left.

How the Dems Burned $40 Mil to Lose 4 Elections and Scam Supporters
OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.



Two Democratic operatives lose jobs after James O’Keefe sting
By David Weigel October 19, 2016


A call to the Open Society Foundations, founded by the frequent conservative target George Soros, went awry when a Project Veritas journalist left the phone off the hook. The result was shared with New Yorker magazine reporter Jane Mayer.

[From The Fix: The hacking, leaking, undercover election]

The result of all that was that the “Rigging the Election” videos got a skeptical reception — at first. But the video of Foval, a Wisconsin-based politico with a long résumé, had him bragging about a litany of political dirty tricks. In the first video, he boasts of “conflict engagement in the lines of Trump rallies,” takes credit for the violence that canceled a Trump rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago, admits he has paid “mentally ill” people to start trouble and says there's a “Pony Express” that keeps Democratic operatives in touch, regardless of whether they work for super PACs or the campaigns not permitted to coordinate with super PACs.


Two Democratic operatives lose jobs after James O’Keefe sting
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.
You are the most butthurt member since the kook KerryWonOhio.

congrats, I guess.

.. Most Butthurt Member .. oh, the possibilities... :popcorn:
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.
So tell me. I'd really like to know. Does it hurt to be this stupid?
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.

Jim crow was a democrat policy dipshit....poll taxes and literacy tests too.....and the only ones who engaged in voter fraud are the democrats...we have them on video admitting it...

OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.

The last constructive Republican was Theodore Roosevelt. That was over 100 years ago. Since then the GOP has been going down hill, and crashed in 1980 with Reagan's snake oil, "Trickle Down".

As a nation, the U.S. has lived too long. Conservatives understand this, and with their Republicans will soon turn it into the third world country it deserves to be.

The current administration will help achieve this noble, conservative goal.


OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.
what's more evil;

stealing an election


attempting to mass murder your political opponents?

I don't even know what the fuck that means. You don't, either.
so you are trying to claim that you didn't hear about the bigoted leftist that tried to murder the GOP baseball team.

you are dumber than Truthmatters.

and that's an epic achievement.

So the shooter was a Democratic official? Republican officials steal elections and will continue to do so, lightweight. You're comparing apples and oranges because you simply aren't very smart.

Just because you lose doesn't mean the election was stolen from you
OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.

The last constructive Republican was Theodore Roosevelt. That was over 100 years ago. Since then the GOP has been going down hill, and crashed in 1980 with Reagan's snake oil, "Trickle Down".

As a nation, the U.S. has lived too long. Conservatives understand this, and with their Republicans will soon turn it into the third world country it deserves to be.

The current administration will help achieve this noble, conservative goal.



Coolidge, Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, heck even Nixon had excellent administrations for the most part. Some were better than others.

Democrats haven't had a scandal free administration for decades.

Our nation isnt over yet.

I don't think you know what a third world nation is.
Yet another excuse from the left to explain another rejection of their party at the polls by the American people...

OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.
OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.

The last constructive Republican was Theodore Roosevelt. That was over 100 years ago. Since then the GOP has been going down hill, and crashed in 1980 with Reagan's snake oil, "Trickle Down".

As a nation, the U.S. has lived too long. Conservatives understand this, and with their Republicans will soon turn it into the third world country it deserves to be.

The current administration will help achieve this noble, conservative goal.


In 1980 America voted for a MAN to replace weak kneed bleeding heart who, later in his miserable life became the most vocal enemy of America, mostly on foreign soil.

Reagan was so awful in his first term that he managed to narrowly win a second term, 49 out of 50 states in 1984, the only state stupid enough being the state that later gave the world Jesse Ventura, Al Franken and Keith Ellison.

And then had the nerve to leave his Vice President to win a third term of his policies, a feat that neither Bill Clinton, nor Barack Obama could duplicate.

Thousands gathered on the national mall to pay homage to Ronald Reagan in the summer of 2004. Thousands would gather to dance on Obama's grave when, hopefully soon, the time comes.

Trickle down lifts every boat, except those whose owners punched a hole in the bottom of their boats hoping for free government supplied glue to plug the hole.

Traitors and quislings claim that the United States has lived too long and deserve to die. YOU deserve to die. Do the world a favor to move to the third world country of your choice and stop polluting with every breath you take.
Last edited:
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.
The fourth word in your post explains a good deal.
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.

You guys will never win again.
You're doomed.

Yep, thanks to you cheating fascist Repug mother fuckers. I have to agree.

Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.

No, it doesn't happen in Georgia....

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters

Wait, "
Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Fulton County is one of the most reliably Democratic counties in the entire nation, having voted Democratic in every presidential election since 1876 except that of 1972, when George McGovern could not win a single county in Georgia.

Fulton County, Georgia - Wikipedia

Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.

No, it doesn't happen in Georgia....

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters

Wait, "
Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Fulton County is one of the most reliably Democratic counties in the entire nation, having voted Democratic in every presidential election since 1876 except that of 1972, when George McGovern could not win a single county in Georgia.

Fulton County, Georgia - Wikipedia


What's your point? You're not denying that this sort of thing happens in Georgia, so..... so..... so what's your point?

My point was that this happens in Georgia.
Here is the bitter truth about how the fascist Repug Party steals election after election, and how the worthless Democrats and corporate media allow them to do it:



The Jim Crow GOP has stolen yet another Congressional election, this time in Georgia. As always, the media and Democrats are saying nothing about it.

And now the US Supreme Court will allow secretaries of state to completely trash the ballots of anyone they choose.

So the Trump/GOP domination of American elections is essentially secure for the foreseeable future. Anyone believing the 2018 or 2020 elections will provide realistic opportunities to overthrow Trump/GOP control of the government is living in a dream world.

No, it doesn't happen in Georgia....

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters

Wait, "
Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Georgia County Admits To Illegally Disenfranchising Voters"

Fulton County is one of the most reliably Democratic counties in the entire nation, having voted Democratic in every presidential election since 1876 except that of 1972, when George McGovern could not win a single county in Georgia.

Fulton County, Georgia - Wikipedia


What's your point? You're not denying that this sort of thing happens in Georgia, so..... so..... so what's your point?

My point was that this happens in Georgia.

If your point was to support the claim that Ossoff lost because the Republicans disenfranchised voters, and your proof was a Democrat county disenfranchising voters.......
OP you should learn your history, Jim Crows laws are Democrat laws.


I know my history quite well, goober. Political parties change over time. Duh. The Republican Party were the good guys 150 years ago who fought to end slavery. Now, in 2017, they are pure evil that steals elections on a regular basis because it's the only way they can maintain power.

Your post is pointless and irrelevant, just like your unremarkable Repug existence.

The last constructive Republican was Theodore Roosevelt. That was over 100 years ago. Since then the GOP has been going down hill, and crashed in 1980 with Reagan's snake oil, "Trickle Down".

As a nation, the U.S. has lived too long. Conservatives understand this, and with their Republicans will soon turn it into the third world country it deserves to be.

The current administration will help achieve this noble, conservative goal.


In 1980 America voted for a MAN to replace weak kneed bleeding heart who, later in his miserable life became the most vocal enemy of America, mostly on foreign soil.

Reagan was so awful in his first term that he managed to narrowly win a second term, 49 out of 50 states in 1984, the only state stupid enough being the state that later gave the world Jesse Ventura, Al Franken and Keith Ellison.

And then had the nerve to leave his Vice President to win a third term of his policies, a feat that neither Bill Clinton, nor Barack Obama could duplicate.

Thousands gathered on the national mall to pay homage to Ronald Reagan in the summer of 2004. Thousands would gather to dance on Obama's grave when, hopefully soon, the time comes.

Trickle down lifts every boat, except those whose owners punched a hole in the bottom of their boats hoping for free government supplied glue to plug the hole.

Traitors and quislings claim that the United States has lived too long and deserve to die. YOU deserve to die. Do the world a favor to move to the third world country of your choice and stop polluting with every breath you take.
Why would I want to dance on Obama's grave?

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