Jim DeMint hates veterans!

WASHINGTON - You can't accuse Sen. Jim DeMint of only talking the talk.

DeMint, among the most stringent anti-spending lawmakers, was the only senator Thursday to vote against a bill giving employers tax breaks for hiring military veterans.

The legislation, part of the jobs package President Barack Obama sent to Congress in September, passed the Senate by a 94-1 margin in a vote set on the eve of Veterans Day.

The measure, which the House is expected to pass soon, gives employers tax credits ranging from $2,400 to $9,600 for hiring unemployed vets and keeping them on the job for at least a year.

It also provides job counseling, training and placement assistance.

"We're pandering to different political groups with programs that have proven to be ineffective," DeMint said on the Senate floor. "All Americans deserve the same opportunity to get hired. I cannot support this tax credit because I do not believe the government should privilege one American over another when it comes to work."

Democrats were quick to criticize DeMint.

DeMint, a Greenville Republican, said he understands his vote could hurt him in a pro-military state with a large number of veterans.

"I'll probably get accused of not supporting veterans by the politicians pandering for their votes, but I'm not going to be intimidated into voting for something that may make sense politically but is inherently unfair and isn't going to work," DeMint said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Seneca Republican and South Carolina's senior senator, voted for the legislation.

DeMint said the jobs measure isn't the right way to express gratitude to the nation's veterans.

Read more: Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

The bill passed 94 to 1 and DeMint was the ONLY POLITICIAN to vote against it.

The question I have for the boards is, do you agree with DeMint and think that veterans should not be given preferential hiring via tax breaks for the business that hires them, or, do you think that DeMint is totally wrong, and because of what our veterans have sacrificed in the form of separation from family and deployments, actually deserve this bill?

Me personally? I think DeMint is an asshole, especially to vote as he did on the day before Veterans Day.

It was all for show, and does nothing to get those men and women employed. Training for civilian jobs would have been better. Tax credits dont trump experience. The vote was nothing more then politicking and posing for the cameras.

Veterans already get training and what not when they outprocess from the Military, there are workshops and what not to help you find employment. Also, they can go to the VA for job training skills after exiting the military. All of the programs are already in place to help them, this bill was nothing more than politics and wont help any Veteran one bit more than they are already getting helped. If the Democrats and Rinos really want to help veterans they should stop destroying the country these men and woman fought so hard for.
demint is right..... it is inherently unfair in that it gives preferance to vets over others......

but i have no problem with giving preferance to vets over others in encouraging businesses to choose a vet.......

life is not fair, wear a helmet.........

Veterans already have preference over everyone else. I should know, I am one. You get 5 points preference over anyone else in civil service jobs, 10 if you are a disabled veteran. What the democrats are trying to pull with this crap is nothing more than a new phase of the class warfare.

Yes it is, as well as vote collecting by both republicans and democrats in the senate. Dont think it will do them much good though.
Be that as it may... that the left would use our veterans on today of all days, in order to score cheap, and blatantly wrong, political points is disgusting. DeMint wasn't voting against our Vets, he was voting against out of control spending - and those who came up with this bullshit are the ones using our military for their petty politics. Scum. Republicans and Democrats... fucking scum.

There some those who are so mindless, maybe because the bleach has reached the few brain cells they have left after a life of sex and drugs, they call everything "out of control spending".

But, even with the bleach, I still have more brain than you will ever have. Moron.

This vote was nothing more than political grandstanding... and using our troops, and the one day in the year that we acknowledge their service is shameful. Absolutely shameful. Both sides.... fucking cretins... and anyone who falls for this shit... fucking cretins.
USMB's self-appointed, school marm has spoken :rolleyes: Why you always post like you have the last word CaliphonyGirl? :eusa_eh: AS IF all regard your opinion so highly here :doubt: PUT DOWN THE Koch/KOOL AID!!! :booze:
Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

The bill passed 94 to 1 and DeMint was the ONLY POLITICIAN to vote against it.

The question I have for the boards is, do you agree with DeMint and think that veterans should not be given preferential hiring via tax breaks for the business that hires them, or, do you think that DeMint is totally wrong, and because of what our veterans have sacrificed in the form of separation from family and deployments, actually deserve this bill?

Me personally? I think DeMint is an asshole, especially to vote as he did on the day before Veterans Day.

It was all for show, and does nothing to get those men and women employed. Training for civilian jobs would have been better. Tax credits dont trump experience. The vote was nothing more then politicking and posing for the cameras.

Veterans already get training and what not when they outprocess from the Military, there are workshops and what not to help you find employment. Also, they can go to the VA for job training skills after exiting the military. All of the programs are already in place to help them, this bill was nothing more than politics and wont help any Veteran one bit more than they are already getting helped. If the Democrats and Rinos really want to help veterans they should stop destroying the country these men and woman fought so hard for.

All of which have exactly nothing to do w/ easing the payroll burdens on employers. The tax-break does, however, address that.
Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

The bill passed 94 to 1 and DeMint was the ONLY POLITICIAN to vote against it.

The question I have for the boards is, do you agree with DeMint and think that veterans should not be given preferential hiring via tax breaks for the business that hires them, or, do you think that DeMint is totally wrong, and because of what our veterans have sacrificed in the form of separation from family and deployments, actually deserve this bill?

Me personally? I think DeMint is an asshole, especially to vote as he did on the day before Veterans Day.

It was all for show, and does nothing to get those men and women employed. Training for civilian jobs would have been better. Tax credits dont trump experience. The vote was nothing more then politicking and posing for the cameras.

Veterans already get training and what not when they outprocess from the Military, there are workshops and what not to help you find employment. Also, they can go to the VA for job training skills after exiting the military. All of the programs are already in place to help them, this bill was nothing more than politics and wont help any Veteran one bit more than they are already getting helped. If the Democrats and Rinos really want to help veterans they should stop destroying the country these men and woman fought so hard for.

I was offered the training. They sent me to a community collage. Good stuff.
did that cow obama serve?

I served WillowTank
and the President is kicking ass & taking names IMHO.

you served down in the wallow huh dotpig? and cow obama ain't doing jack shit, it sure as hell don't fool the vets.

I served too and Obama has done just fine in the military department as far as I am concerned. Now...time for you to make fun of MY service too.
There some those who are so mindless, maybe because the bleach has reached the few brain cells they have left after a life of sex and drugs, they call everything "out of control spending".

But, even with the bleach, I still have more brain than you will ever have. Moron.

This vote was nothing more than political grandstanding... and using our troops, and the one day in the year that we acknowledge their service is shameful. Absolutely shameful. Both sides.... fucking cretins... and anyone who falls for this shit... fucking cretins.
USMB's self-appointed, school marm has spoken :rolleyes: Why you always post like you have the last word CaliphonyGirl? :eusa_eh: AS IF all regard your opinion so highly here :doubt: PUT DOWN THE Koch/KOOL AID!!! :booze:

Difference between us... I'll defend our military from both Republicans and Democrats... I don't care which side of the fucking fence you sit... do not use the military for political grandstanding... and that's what this was.... grandstanding.

And.... those 'teabaggers' that you have no hesitation in ranting about... a lot of them are military too. Fuck you and the pony you rode in on.

Pathetic partisan twit. If you really served, you too would defend them over any politician.
It was all for show, and does nothing to get those men and women employed. Training for civilian jobs would have been better. Tax credits dont trump experience. The vote was nothing more then politicking and posing for the cameras.

Veterans already get training and what not when they outprocess from the Military, there are workshops and what not to help you find employment. Also, they can go to the VA for job training skills after exiting the military. All of the programs are already in place to help them, this bill was nothing more than politics and wont help any Veteran one bit more than they are already getting helped. If the Democrats and Rinos really want to help veterans they should stop destroying the country these men and woman fought so hard for.

All of which have exactly nothing to do w/ easing the payroll burdens on employers. The tax-break does, however, address that.

Yea, and it makes a nice 'story' for Veterans Day. These fucking bastards in DC play you like fucking fiddles. And you lap it up.

Those tax breaks will go to those 'evil corporations' for employing vets. It's not about the vets... it is just another tax break for those 'evil rich' and you fucking fall for it. :lol:


DeMint voted his conscience... whether I agree with him or not... that's what he did. He doesn't deserve to be accused of 'hating' Vets for your petty political bullshit.

Shame on you if you are a Vet for not seeing that.
I served WillowTank
and the President is kicking ass & taking names IMHO.

you served down in the wallow huh dotpig? and cow obama ain't doing jack shit, it sure as hell don't fool the vets.

I served too and Obama has done just fine in the military department as far as I am concerned. Now...time for you to make fun of MY service too.

call me willowtank and you will be in the wallow and I don't give a fuck about your service. I mock those who politicize their service.
WASHINGTON - You can't accuse Sen. Jim DeMint of only talking the talk.

DeMint, among the most stringent anti-spending lawmakers, was the only senator Thursday to vote against a bill giving employers tax breaks for hiring military veterans.

The legislation, part of the jobs package President Barack Obama sent to Congress in September, passed the Senate by a 94-1 margin in a vote set on the eve of Veterans Day.

The measure, which the House is expected to pass soon, gives employers tax credits ranging from $2,400 to $9,600 for hiring unemployed vets and keeping them on the job for at least a year.

It also provides job counseling, training and placement assistance.

"We're pandering to different political groups with programs that have proven to be ineffective," DeMint said on the Senate floor. "All Americans deserve the same opportunity to get hired. I cannot support this tax credit because I do not believe the government should privilege one American over another when it comes to work."

Democrats were quick to criticize DeMint.

DeMint, a Greenville Republican, said he understands his vote could hurt him in a pro-military state with a large number of veterans.

"I'll probably get accused of not supporting veterans by the politicians pandering for their votes, but I'm not going to be intimidated into voting for something that may make sense politically but is inherently unfair and isn't going to work," DeMint said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Seneca Republican and South Carolina's senior senator, voted for the legislation.

DeMint said the jobs measure isn't the right way to express gratitude to the nation's veterans.

Read more: Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

The bill passed 94 to 1 and DeMint was the ONLY POLITICIAN to vote against it.

The question I have for the boards is, do you agree with DeMint and think that veterans should not be given preferential hiring via tax breaks for the business that hires them, or, do you think that DeMint is totally wrong, and because of what our veterans have sacrificed in the form of separation from family and deployments, actually deserve this bill?

Me personally? I think DeMint is an asshole, especially to vote as he did on the day before Veterans Day.
Nice to see that you are such a tool for partisan politics.
WASHINGTON - You can't accuse Sen. Jim DeMint of only talking the talk.

DeMint, among the most stringent anti-spending lawmakers, was the only senator Thursday to vote against a bill giving employers tax breaks for hiring military veterans.

The legislation, part of the jobs package President Barack Obama sent to Congress in September, passed the Senate by a 94-1 margin in a vote set on the eve of Veterans Day.

The measure, which the House is expected to pass soon, gives employers tax credits ranging from $2,400 to $9,600 for hiring unemployed vets and keeping them on the job for at least a year.

It also provides job counseling, training and placement assistance.

"We're pandering to different political groups with programs that have proven to be ineffective," DeMint said on the Senate floor. "All Americans deserve the same opportunity to get hired. I cannot support this tax credit because I do not believe the government should privilege one American over another when it comes to work."

Democrats were quick to criticize DeMint.

DeMint, a Greenville Republican, said he understands his vote could hurt him in a pro-military state with a large number of veterans.

"I'll probably get accused of not supporting veterans by the politicians pandering for their votes, but I'm not going to be intimidated into voting for something that may make sense politically but is inherently unfair and isn't going to work," DeMint said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Seneca Republican and South Carolina's senior senator, voted for the legislation.

DeMint said the jobs measure isn't the right way to express gratitude to the nation's veterans.

Read more: Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

The bill passed 94 to 1 and DeMint was the ONLY POLITICIAN to vote against it.

The question I have for the boards is, do you agree with DeMint and think that veterans should not be given preferential hiring via tax breaks for the business that hires them, or, do you think that DeMint is totally wrong, and because of what our veterans have sacrificed in the form of separation from family and deployments, actually deserve this bill?

Me personally? I think DeMint is an asshole, especially to vote as he did on the day before Veterans Day.
Nice to see that you are such a tool for partisan politics.

Sometimes, I wonder if the partisan hacks are actually capable of any logical thought whatsoever. I'm not surprised about the GayBikerBoy but some of the others are - even though I might disagree - capable of some level of logic. Apparently, I was wrong. Goes to show, I can be wrong sometimes.
Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

The bill passed 94 to 1 and DeMint was the ONLY POLITICIAN to vote against it.

The question I have for the boards is, do you agree with DeMint and think that veterans should not be given preferential hiring via tax breaks for the business that hires them, or, do you think that DeMint is totally wrong, and because of what our veterans have sacrificed in the form of separation from family and deployments, actually deserve this bill?

Me personally? I think DeMint is an asshole, especially to vote as he did on the day before Veterans Day.
Nice to see that you are such a tool for partisan politics.

Sometimes, I wonder if the partisan hacks are actually capable of any logical thought whatsoever. I'm not surprised about the GayBikerBoy but some of the others are - even though I might disagree - capable of some level of logic. Apparently, I was wrong. Goes to show, I can be wrong sometimes.
So can we all... :)
No where in that article did it even mention that Sen. DeMint hates vets.

his reason was

"We're pandering to different political groups with programs that have proven to be ineffective," DeMint said on the Senate floor. "All Americans deserve the same opportunity to get hired. I cannot support this tax credit because I do not believe the government should privilege one American over another when it comes to work."
Read more: Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

the demonrats should not use our soldiers for political pawns ever!

That's terrible. Why would you ever give a special edge to someone who puts there life on the line for the country. :eusa_eh:

Demint has no class.
No where in that article did it even mention that Sen. DeMint hates vets.

his reason was

"We're pandering to different political groups with programs that have proven to be ineffective," DeMint said on the Senate floor. "All Americans deserve the same opportunity to get hired. I cannot support this tax credit because I do not believe the government should privilege one American over another when it comes to work."
Read more: Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

the demonrats should not use our soldiers for political pawns ever!

That's terrible. Why would you ever give a special edge to someone who puts there life on the line for the country. :eusa_eh:

Demint has no class.
At least he had class enough to vote his conscience...and not the latest political FAD to get re-elected. That's what this was all about...VOTE-buying.

As a Vet? I back his decision.
you served down in the wallow huh dotpig? and cow obama ain't doing jack shit, it sure as hell don't fool the vets.

I served too and Obama has done just fine in the military department as far as I am concerned. Now...time for you to make fun of MY service too.

call me willowtank and you will be in the wallow and I don't give a fuck about your service. I mock those who politicize their service.

That is quite evident. That's ok...I served to keep you in your pathetic silliness safe too.
I understand DeMint's point of view. I respect him for it. But the military has served this country. Helping them should be a priority. They earned it. Did he?

What he did does not matter. Fucking idiot. He voted his conscience... the rest voted like fucking sheep... and why? Not because they give a shit about our Vets, but because they want to use the misfortune of some of our vets for their petty political power grabs.

So you don't think we should thank the veterans?
No where in that article did it even mention that Sen. DeMint hates vets.

his reason was

Read more: Jim DeMint: Hiring initiative favoring veterans "inherently unfair" | islandpacket.com

the demonrats should not use our soldiers for political pawns ever!

That's terrible. Why would you ever give a special edge to someone who puts there life on the line for the country. :eusa_eh:

Demint has no class.
At least he had class enough to vote his conscience...and not the latest political FAD to get re-elected. That's what this was all about...VOTE-buying.

As a Vet? I back his decision.

I'm still laughing at the irony of sallow calling anyone 'classless'. Talk about pots and kettles. :lol::lol: He wouldn't know class if he was sitting in it.
I served too and Obama has done just fine in the military department as far as I am concerned. Now...time for you to make fun of MY service too.

call me willowtank and you will be in the wallow and I don't give a fuck about your service. I mock those who politicize their service.

That is quite evident. That's ok...I served to keep you in your pathetic silliness safe too.

you served so you could come on a message board and cherry pick and use your service politically.. I mock ewe.

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