Jim Jordan Hearing on Weaponization of Federal Government with special guest Sen Grassley: full 4-hour video of hearing + summarized video highlights

Nobody is going to watch the whole four hours. But it is enlightening to listen to specific examples of Government officials suppressing clear, factual evidence of criminal activity, illegally influencing social media, and attempting to cast shadows on verified, factual evidence of wrongdoing.

But the non-Fox Media will do the same thing now. They will either ignore what is being presented or portray it as the empty complaints of electoral losers.

Not enough Americans are paying attention.

If we actually had a Justice Department...

Nothing has been suppressed. Grassley is a senile right wing Nazi. Americans are paying attention. That is why they voted against Republicans. We have a Justice Department. You want a kangaroo court.
Didn't see it. Was any proof or testimony provided?

That would be the important stuff, not a listing of grievances and conspiracies and accusations.

Someone cover that for us, so we can get into it. Let's separate out the actual facts.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
So take care of what's left of your remaining eye, Bidenista!
Of the people that were made aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story, 53% would have changed their vote, including 61% of Democrats...this is the definition of election meddling...it's collusion, it's corruption, and it's unconstitutional

Fake poll. It was covered by Fox and the WSJ. They could find nothing that involved Joe Biden. In addition several reporters at the NY Post refused to put their bylines on it as there was a lot of doubt about the story.

The New York Times reports that they spoke to multiple anonymous Post employees, and they said that many of their colleagues questioned the veracity of the dubiously-sourced story on emails between Burisma officials and the son of Joe Biden. According to two of the Times’ sources, Post reporter Bruce Golding refused to let his byline be used on the story “because he had concerns over the article’s credibility.”

When President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, brought his story materials to the Post, the paper’s editors held a meeting earlier this month to discuss how to release it:

Here’s how the decision was made, per the Times:

As deadline approached, editors pressed staff members to add their bylines to the story — and at least one aside from Mr. Golding refused, two Post journalists said. A Post spokeswoman had no comment on how the article was written or edited.
Headlined “BIDEN SECRET E-MAILS,” the article appeared Wednesday with two bylines: Emma-Jo Morris, a deputy politics editor who joined the paper after four years at the Murdoch-owned Fox News, and Gabrielle Fonrouge, a Post reporter since 2014.
The Times goes on to note that Morris did not have a Post byline until the Hunter Biden story, and not only did she previously work as an associate producer for Fox News’ Sean Hannity, she also has numerous connections to other Trump allies. As for Fonrouge, she “had little to do with the reporting or writing of the article, said three people with knowledge of how it was prepared. She learned that her byline was on the story only after it was published, the people said.”

That's only your feeble take.
The Dimm's I witnessed talking shit and squirming in today's hearing were even more feeble than you!!

You are the one who is feeble.
Democrats had to hold their sides to keep from laughing.

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