Jim Jordan

If Jim Jordan wants it he will get it. Probably on the first ballot.
I doubt that. There is some truth to the lib contention, believe, that the majority of GOP members are not pleased with the liberty caucus type members.

The new speaker would need either all the GOP members to vote for him (or her) OR some Dims will need to join in. Maybe lots of Dims.

It’s not clear to me that this will take place.
Nope, we most certainly do not....but we also know that every MAGAt accusation is really a con-fession. Looks like you are con-fessing again.
LOL You most certainly do

Jim Jordan as Speaker would be a great way to ensure the GOP loses the House and more seats in the Senate
When was the last time one of your chosen candidates held the speakers chair, GiGi? Piglosi? Oh yeah, you aren't a democrat --- or a republican. So the answer to my question would be a NEVER? Does that sound about right Gigi?
Jim Jordan confirmed he is running for House Speaker.

Jordan as Speaker and Trump as president will be a glorious day in the quest to Make America Great Again

Jordan is one of the greatest Reps in DC.
Jim Jordan and his antics appeal to a very small group of MAGA heads, nobody else buys it. And if he is Speaker, nothing will be accomplished in the next 1.5 years and the Dems will have a very unlikable person to blame it on
Thanks. LOL It's always fun reading the left wing loon viewpoint.
I would favor Jordan over Scalise. I think he's less likely to provide cover for the rinos in the house.
The issue is republicans need to have a clear platform moving forward and make it clear to any republicans who vote against the interest of the platform they run on will be cut off from funding.
Doesn't Scalise have cancer? Not that he would not be able to do the job but what stage cancer is he in?

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