Jimmy Carter: American no longer has a Functioning Democracy

What Jimmy Carter done?

  • Become a conspiracy theorist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Went full retard.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
I guess he's now a conspiracy theorist like Ron Paul!

Jimmy Carter: 'America no longer has functioning democracy' | The Daily Caller


In all honesty, you all need to pull your heads out of your asses. This is an Absolute Tyranny.

Excerpts from this article and others:
Former president Jimmy Carter condemned the effect U.S. intelligence programs had on U.S. moral authority in the wake of NSA revelations brought to light by leaker Edward Snowden, Der Spiegel reports.

Carter is a strident critic of President Barack Obama’s anti-terror policies. In 2012, he penned a New York Times op-ed calling the U.S. human rights record “cruel and unusual,” denouncing the Obama administration’s drone strikes, indefinite detentions and warrantless wiretapping.

“At a time when popular revolutions are sweeping the globe, the United States should be strengthening, not weakening, basic rules of law and principles of justice enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” Carter wrote. “But instead of making the world safer, America’s violation of international human rights abets our enemies and alienates our friends.”

Carter also voiced support for Snowden in June.

“He’s obviously violated the laws of America, for which he’s responsible, but I think the invasion of human rights and American privacy has gone too far,” he told CNN. “I think that the secrecy that has been surrounding this invasion of privacy has been excessive, so I think that the bringing of it to the public notice has probably been, in the long term, beneficial. I think the American people deserve to know what their Congress is doing.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/17/j...er-has-a-functioning-democracy/#ixzz2ZRwC04uJ
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The problem is we are turning more and more into a "Democracy" instead of a "Republic". The Demos in democracy will always ruin any attempt at pure democracy.
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

This is total subversion of democracy. It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they suppport it.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

This is total subversion of democracy. It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they suppport it.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.

You don't mind that for 3 years the Senate under Reid did exactly that and is still doing. Or is that different?
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

This is total subversion of democracy. It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they suppport it.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.

Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

This is total subversion of democracy. It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they suppport it.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.

Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.

You could stand to learn some manners.
MISTER retard lying piece of shit is the civil vernacular.
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

This is total subversion of democracy. It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they suppport it.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.

Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.

You could stand to learn some manners.
MISTER retard lying piece of shit is the civil vernacular.

Every time he enters a thread that isn't supporting total communism, he intentionally lies and distorts and detracts from the topic.
Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.

First and last warning. Do not again attack me in such a way in a Rule 2 governed thread.

Stop lying about the actual text contained within news articles. Stop distorting. Stop distracting. Stop detracting. Stop being an unpaid disinfo agent.

If you want respect, be respectful of basic facts.
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Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.

First and last warning. Do not again attack me in such a way in a Rule 2 governed thread.

Answer me. Do you support Reid and his last 3 years of refusing to even send to committee any bill he does not like? You have claimed it is bad for the House to do it in the future, what about the last 3 years with the Senate ACTUALLY doing it?
Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.

First and last warning. Do not again attack me in such a way in a Rule 2 governed thread.

Answer me. Do you support Reid and his last 3 years of refusing to even send to committee any bill he does not like? You have claimed it is bad for the House to do it in the future, what about the last 3 years with the Senate ACTUALLY doing it?

Even if he answered you, it would probably be untruthful with intent to detract from your original question.
Answer me. Do you support Reid and his last 3 years of refusing to even send to committee any bill he does not like? You have claimed it is bad for the House to do it in the future, what about the last 3 years with the Senate ACTUALLY doing it?

First of all, I don't take orders from you.
OP- E) Nice idea but impractical at the moment...Many thanks to W for changing 100 criminals into tens of thousands of terrorists....Obama is a big improvement in every way over W et al.
OP- E) Nice idea but impractical at the moment...Many thanks to W for changing 100 criminals into tens of thousands of terrorists....Obama is a big improvement in every way over W et al.

Holy God! The Bush card!

Does anyone want to actually entertain a response to the article or interview?
The bills Reid treats that way were designed to get that reaction. Total BS Pub propaganda.
Answer me. Do you support Reid and his last 3 years of refusing to even send to committee any bill he does not like? You have claimed it is bad for the House to do it in the future, what about the last 3 years with the Senate ACTUALLY doing it?

First of all, I don't take orders from you.

In other words when Democrats do it, it is ok and good for the Country, when Republicans threaten to do it is bad. Just as i suspect you liberal hypocrite.
First I will say what I said in another thread. We aren't a democracy but a republic! Our founders recognized it as such, our constitution describes it as such. We don't have a functioning democracy because we never had one to begin with. Period.
The founders wouldn't even look over the bow of their clipper to acknowledge us if they were alive today.
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

This is total subversion of democracy. It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they suppport it.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.

My god boy, your obedience to the party combined with your ignorance know no bounds. You are in WAY over your head in this conversation. Don't say I didn't warn you. I can help you out if you'd bother to listen for a few minutes, dump the partisan loyalty, and think outside the box

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