Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

He also said him and his wife voted for Sanders in the primary. Lol, they didn't even support Hillary.
You know who else is being hard on Drumpf? "Establishment" Repubs and Repub senators with courage like McCain, Flake, and Corker.
Clearly the media has abandoned any pretenses, and it's not even trying to produce traditional news. While Trump has obviously pissed off the media, this is a choice it's making, it's not being forced.It's not as if the media wasn't leaning before Trump showed up.
Spot on.
I was in the business for nearly 20 years in a former life.

This is a travesty, a perversion.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'

I wouldn't disagree.

However the reality is that Trump has treated the media worse than any other president ever has.

So, you reap what you sow.
He is a fighter. Media hates it because he punches back. People love the guy for it.

That's a very shallow view of the whole thing.

The first reason the media hates him is because they are smart enough to see the bullshit. Smart enough to know he's take you people for a ride, smart enough to know he's saying contradictory things, smart enough to know he's lying, and smart enough to know that Trump cares only about one person. And it IS NOT YOU>

THe media hates him because A. he is a Republican, B he is not afraid of them C. he fights BACK, unlike most republicans, D his nationalist message is hateful to them, and E they know they cannot refute him on any of his issues,

so they do the only thing they can do, lie and attack.

They are vile.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason

Bull shit. They were hard on Reagan, harder on the GOP during Clintons years, crazy hard on Bush, harder on the GOP during the 0bama regime, and have doubled down on Trump. Don't try to pretend this is new.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason
They were biased from the get-go. What % of media voted for Hillary?

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.
He also said him and his wife voted for Sanders in the primary. Lol, they didn't even support Hillary.
You know who else is being hard on Drumpf? "Establishment" Repubs and Repub senators with courage like McCain, Flake, and Corker.

Yeah, we know.

Those fuckers lost the argument when they tried to steal the primary from Trump. They have no right to say shit now.
WTF? Did someone change his meds?

Well, good for him. Maybe this is that moment of clarity before the end you hear about sometimes.
You have heard about senilty ?? And you call that clarity?

I call the clarity of his very clear and shockingly reasonable statement, clarity.

That was pretty clear. Save your lies for someone dumb enough to fall for them.

DO you have anything of substance to say?
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason

Says the lefty who loves to see the media savage his enemies.
any enemy of my enemies are my friends ,,,and trump is the enemy of all Americans ,,although most are too stupid to see it.
Three stages to Trumps victory of the elites and their media lackeys:
First they laugh at you....
Second they attack you...
Then you WIN!

Yes, Trump won, you lost, you just don't know it yet.
Lol, I think you mean Obama won, you lost. You lost both houses, a lot of governer seats, and also because of Obama you got Trump and then you lost your mind!
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason

Says the lefty who loves to see the media savage his enemies.
any enemy of my enemies are my friends ,,,and trump is the enemy of all Americans ,,although most are too stupid to see it.

Trump's platform was pure American Interests. Which is why he flipped so many traditionally democratic states.

Those who stand against policies designed to serve American interests are the enemies of America.

To be clear, asshole, that's you.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason
They were biased from the get-go. What % of media voted for Hillary?
From the get go?? Just perhaps they knew about the morons history ,his history of being a racist a crook, stealing from those who worked for him. How many law suits did he have against him ?
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason
They were biased from the get-go. What % of media voted for Hillary?

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.
That's a very shallow view of the whole thing.

The first reason the media hates him is because they are smart enough to see the bullshit. Smart enough to know he's take you people for a ride, smart enough to know he's saying contradictory things, smart enough to know he's lying, and smart enough to know that Trump cares only about one person. And it IS NOT YOU>

So many accusations.....so much empty rhetoric.....always the same lack of any evidence. :rolleyes:

You would probably get more respect around here if you just went ahead and admitted that you are a hard core BLM racist type and it's not just Trump.....you hate ALL white people for the crime of being born.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'

I wouldn't disagree.

However the reality is that Trump has treated the media worse than any other president ever has.

So, you reap what you sow.

Undermining Trump with a constant deluge of unfair and false accusations is screwing the country over in reality.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason
They were biased from the get-go. What % of media voted for Hillary?
From the get go?? Just perhaps they knew about the morons history ,his history of being a racist a crook, stealing from those who worked for him. How many law suits did he have against him ?

Even if your vile lies, were not lies, the media has repeatedly shown that they don't care about any of that shit, by giving dems who do it, a passes over and over again.

So, nope.

The media has just reached a point of their corruption where they have become nothing but vile propagandists.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????


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