Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

So funny. Under a meme of liberals pulling "facts" out of their asses, you post a claim that I did not believe that Obama was a citizen.

One wonders if you could be more lacking in self awareness and intelligence than you already are.
Am I wrong believing most repubs believed any crap coming from trumps mouth??
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

You take out Trump, you'll only piss off his supporters even more. They've been ignored for generations, and you want to shut them down the first time they even have a CHANCE at something?

You trying to destroy this country?
No certainly not Corell but tell me what chance does this liar in chief offer them ?? The rich will get most tax changes , jobs are only going to those educated enough to perform them Where are changes coming from for those ignored ?..A wall ? Taking their HC away ? etc etc

You reduce the supply of labor by reducing immigration and wages will rise.

You increase demand for labor by bringing back jobs, and wages will rise.

Your arrogant dismissal of the Working Class and manufacturing jobs is noted and held against you.
I'm not really sure what the fuck you're going on about.

Evidence? I'm talking with someone who wouldn't know what evidence is. I'm not going to go full blown out and spend the time to do it, to simply be ignored by someone like that.

As for "a hard core BLM racist type" I don't even know what the hell that is.

You don't know me, so don't fucking tell me what I am, because you have no idea who or what I am. So don't make yourself look silly trying.

Oh, I'm wrong? Ok then, so what you're saying is that you are simply an ignorant Imbecile?
Got it......(but everyone already knows it, thanks for stating the obvious)

No, I'm someone putting you on the ignore list.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

So funny. Under a meme of liberals pulling "facts" out of their asses, you post a claim that I did not believe that Obama was a citizen.

One wonders if you could be more lacking in self awareness and intelligence than you already are.
Am I wrong believing most repubs believed any crap coming from trumps mouth??

If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

Americans had the right to see Obama's birth certificate, I don't see what the big deal was until Democrats/fake media turned it into a race baiting racist's issue.

but americans didn't have the right to see the crooks tax returns? You're very selective with your ""rights""
How about an example of a negative story that was not true.
While I suspect Trump supporters could come up with examples, this is an absolutely perfect example of how this game is played.

I'm sure everyone knows this, but I'll be happy to point out the obvious: The issue is not that the media is making shit up about Trump; the issue is that a vast majority of the material they CHOOSE to present is negative.
  • How many times have we seen "panels" of "pundits" who were exclusively anti-Trump?
  • How many times have we seen these "panels" discussing whether he is mentally unfit to serve?
  • How many times have we seen "panels" that have one (1) pundit who is not anti-Trump, while the rest are?
  • How many stories have we seen that were based entirely on people who were criticizing Trump?
  • How much time has been devoted, in comparison, to more positive stories, such as economic numbers?
That's the problem, not lies. The news and rumors and material covered are overwhelmingly anti-Trump, it's by design, and it's obvious.
Three stages to Trumps victory of the elites and their media lackeys:
First they laugh at you....
Second they attack you...
Then you WIN!

Yes, Trump won, you lost, you just don't know it yet.
didn't matter who won, we lost.

Well, the people seem to lose every time. Funny that.

Not really

'the people' are only give 2 real choices, from the two parties...

and they usually only think about their own constituents, or how they can be remembered for eternity.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

Thanks for offering yourself up as evidence of the stupidity of believing in polls.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

You take out Trump, you'll only piss off his supporters even more. They've been ignored for generations, and you want to shut them down the first time they even have a CHANCE at something?

You trying to destroy this country?
No certainly not Corell but tell me what chance does this liar in chief offer them ?? The rich will get most tax changes , jobs are only going to those educated enough to perform them Where are changes coming from for those ignored ?..A wall ? Taking their HC away ? etc etc

You reduce the supply of labor by reducing immigration and wages will rise.

You increase demand for labor by bringing back jobs, and wages will rise.

Your arrogant dismissal of the Working Class and manufacturing jobs is noted and held against you.
I love the working class Was part of it all my life What irks me is folks blaming Dems for lack of jobs bashing and lying about Hillary , holding this moron in our WH to heights he can never achieve or has ever achieved
Three stages to Trumps victory of the elites and their media lackeys:
First they laugh at you....
Second they attack you...
Then you WIN!

Yes, Trump won, you lost, you just don't know it yet.
didn't matter who won, we lost.

Well, the people seem to lose every time. Funny that.

People that work hard, get a decent education and have the human dignity to make it on their own generally do. It's the ones that free load, make excuses and play their life as a victim that generally lose.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

The first person to suggest that 0bama wasn't a citizen was your hero; Crooked Hillary.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

Americans had the right to see Obama's birth certificate, I don't see what the big deal was until Democrats/fake media turned it into a race baiting racist's issue.

but americans didn't have the right to see the crooks tax returns? You're very selective with your ""rights""

Legally they don't and as you know those Tax Returns would be twisted to lies and unfair evaluations by Democrats/fake media, Trump would be a idiot to supply them that ammunition, how can you be so myopic, sheesh.
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If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

Americans had the right to see Obama's birth certificate, I don't see what the big deal was until Democrats/fake media turned it into a race baiting racist's issue.

but americans didn't have the right to see the crooks tax returns? You're very selective with your ""rights""

Legally they don't and as you know those Tax Returns would be twisted to lies and unfair evaluations by Democrats/fake media, Trump would be a idiot to supply them that ammunition, how can be so myopic, sheesh.
Just like the drug war advocates say"if you have nothing to hide then take the test and prove your innocence"..
The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

You take out Trump, you'll only piss off his supporters even more. They've been ignored for generations, and you want to shut them down the first time they even have a CHANCE at something?

You trying to destroy this country?
No certainly not Corell but tell me what chance does this liar in chief offer them ?? The rich will get most tax changes , jobs are only going to those educated enough to perform them Where are changes coming from for those ignored ?..A wall ? Taking their HC away ? etc etc

You reduce the supply of labor by reducing immigration and wages will rise.

You increase demand for labor by bringing back jobs, and wages will rise.

Your arrogant dismissal of the Working Class and manufacturing jobs is noted and held against you.
I love the working class Was part of it all my life What irks me is folks blaming Dems for lack of jobs bashing and lying about Hillary , holding this moron in our WH to heights he can never achieve or has ever achieved

The Free Trade Polices and high immigration policies that I was just referring to have had bi party support for decades.

I am NOT blaming the dems for the results.

INdeed, the Free Trade was PRIMARILY a GOP issue.

You asked a question, I answered it.

It is completely reasonable to hope that a President can improve on two very bad polices.

You take out TRump before he has a chance to advance the interests of Working Class whites, and you'll tear this nation apart.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?
Causing butthurt is not grounds for impeachment Eddie.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

You take out Trump, you'll only piss off his supporters even more. They've been ignored for generations, and you want to shut them down the first time they even have a CHANCE at something?

You trying to destroy this country?
No certainly not Corell but tell me what chance does this liar in chief offer them ?? The rich will get most tax changes , jobs are only going to those educated enough to perform them Where are changes coming from for those ignored ?..A wall ? Taking their HC away ? etc etc

You reduce the supply of labor by reducing immigration and wages will rise.

You increase demand for labor by bringing back jobs, and wages will rise.

Your arrogant dismissal of the Working Class and manufacturing jobs is noted and held against you.

We lost 1/3rd of our manufacturing jobs under Bush. How about companies not hire undocumented workers?
The Republican plan to do deport all illegals & let them bac=k in under work visas.
New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

You take out Trump, you'll only piss off his supporters even more. They've been ignored for generations, and you want to shut them down the first time they even have a CHANCE at something?

You trying to destroy this country?
No certainly not Corell but tell me what chance does this liar in chief offer them ?? The rich will get most tax changes , jobs are only going to those educated enough to perform them Where are changes coming from for those ignored ?..A wall ? Taking their HC away ? etc etc

You reduce the supply of labor by reducing immigration and wages will rise.

You increase demand for labor by bringing back jobs, and wages will rise.

Your arrogant dismissal of the Working Class and manufacturing jobs is noted and held against you.
I love the working class Was part of it all my life What irks me is folks blaming Dems for lack of jobs bashing and lying about Hillary , holding this moron in our WH to heights he can never achieve or has ever achieved

The Free Trade Polices and high immigration policies that I was just referring to have had bi party support for decades.

I am NOT blaming the dems for the results.

INdeed, the Free Trade was PRIMARILY a GOP issue.

You asked a question, I answered it.

It is completely reasonable to hope that a President can improve on two very bad polices.

You take out TRump before he has a chance to advance the interests of Working Class whites, and you'll tear this nation apart.

He has no interest of working class anyone but I like your acknowledgement that Trump is only for white people.
The bias is off the charts. That fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

Speaking of fruit cakes how about the trump moron insisting Obama wasn't a citizen?? And morons believed him Morons like Corell

Americans had the right to see Obama's birth certificate, I don't see what the big deal was until Democrats/fake media turned it into a race baiting racist's issue.

but americans didn't have the right to see the crooks tax returns? You're very selective with your ""rights""

Legally they don't and as you know those Tax Returns would be twisted to lies and unfair evaluations by Democrats/fake media, Trump would be a idiot to supply them that ammunition, how can be so myopic, sheesh.
Just like the drug war advocates say"if you have nothing to hide then take the test and prove your innocence"..

He won the election regardless, get over it...

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