Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

Three stages to Trumps victory of the elites and their media lackeys:
First they laugh at you....
Second they attack you...
Then you WIN!

Yes, Trump won, you lost, you just don't know it yet.
didn't matter who won, we lost.

Well, the people seem to lose every time. Funny that.

Not really

'the people' are only give 2 real choices, from the two parties...

and they usually only think about their own constituents, or how they can be remembered for eternity.

Yeah, two choices, which is ridiculous, and then the people are just thinking about the money they can get which can then be spent on telling their constituents how to think/
So we piss off white supremacists & racists.

Wrong again Chucky Cheese.

Your blinders and DNC chains are on so tight you can't even see that a HUGE number of black people have turned their support to Trump.
And MANY people who once were Democrats are realizing the corruption and lies coming from the Left.

ALL INTELLIGENT people are realizing the DNC and the Left is a losing cesspool.

You will lose 2018 AND 2020......
Sorry, Buttweed but Trump carried the uneducated white vote.

Trump carried the white vote as a whole.

Including college grads.

But he lost the college graduate vote overall.
How about an example of a negative story that was not true.
While I suspect Trump supporters could come up with examples, this is an absolutely perfect example of how this game is played.

I'm sure everyone knows this, but I'll be happy to point out the obvious: The issue is not that the media is making shit up about Trump; the issue is that a vast majority of the material they CHOOSE to present is negative.
  • How many times have we seen "panels" of "pundits" who were exclusively anti-Trump?
  • How many times have we seen these "panels" discussing whether he is mentally unfit to serve?
  • How many times have we seen "panels" that have one (1) pundit who is not anti-Trump, while the rest are?
  • How many stories have we seen that were based entirely on people who were criticizing Trump?
  • How much time has been devoted, in comparison, to more positive stories, such as economic numbers?
That's the problem, not lies. The news and rumors and material covered are overwhelmingly anti-Trump, it's by design, and it's obvious.
It is hard tio find those who support the President lying.

Why would anyone think Trump has a mental issue. Why oh why oh why? He acts like a 8 year old. He can't speak without repeating himself over & over.

Blaming those criticizing instead of the one doing stupid shit is a Trumpette trait.
Illustrating my point, thanks.

So, when Trump called a widow of a fallen soldier a liar, how do you report that?

When Trump said John McCain was not a hero, how do you report that?

Then Trump ends DACA with the sole purpose of holding those [people hostage to get his stupid wall, how do you report that.

When Trump,lies about Obama making calls to Gold Star Families, how do you report that?
I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.

You report it. It's (a) the commentary surrounding it and (b) the reporting of other items that is the issue.

You're going to defend what the media is doing. Great. I would prefer a more intellectually honest media.
Like FOX ??
While I suspect Trump supporters could come up with examples, this is an absolutely perfect example of how this game is played.

I'm sure everyone knows this, but I'll be happy to point out the obvious: The issue is not that the media is making shit up about Trump; the issue is that a vast majority of the material they CHOOSE to present is negative.
  • How many times have we seen "panels" of "pundits" who were exclusively anti-Trump?
  • How many times have we seen these "panels" discussing whether he is mentally unfit to serve?
  • How many times have we seen "panels" that have one (1) pundit who is not anti-Trump, while the rest are?
  • How many stories have we seen that were based entirely on people who were criticizing Trump?
  • How much time has been devoted, in comparison, to more positive stories, such as economic numbers?
That's the problem, not lies. The news and rumors and material covered are overwhelmingly anti-Trump, it's by design, and it's obvious.
It is hard tio find those who support the President lying.

Why would anyone think Trump has a mental issue. Why oh why oh why? He acts like a 8 year old. He can't speak without repeating himself over & over.

Blaming those criticizing instead of the one doing stupid shit is a Trumpette trait.
Illustrating my point, thanks.

So, when Trump called a widow of a fallen soldier a liar, how do you report that?

When Trump said John McCain was not a hero, how do you report that?

Then Trump ends DACA with the sole purpose of holding those [people hostage to get his stupid wall, how do you report that.

When Trump,lies about Obama making calls to Gold Star Families, how do you report that?
I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.

You report it. It's (a) the commentary surrounding it and (b) the reporting of other items that is the issue.

You're going to defend what the media is doing. Great. I would prefer a more intellectually honest media.
Like FOX ??
Nope, Fox is the right wing version of the other networks.

Did you think you "had" me there?
It is hard tio find those who support the President lying.

Why would anyone think Trump has a mental issue. Why oh why oh why? He acts like a 8 year old. He can't speak without repeating himself over & over.

Blaming those criticizing instead of the one doing stupid shit is a Trumpette trait.
Illustrating my point, thanks.

So, when Trump called a widow of a fallen soldier a liar, how do you report that?

When Trump said John McCain was not a hero, how do you report that?

Then Trump ends DACA with the sole purpose of holding those [people hostage to get his stupid wall, how do you report that.

When Trump,lies about Obama making calls to Gold Star Families, how do you report that?
I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.

You report it. It's (a) the commentary surrounding it and (b) the reporting of other items that is the issue.

You're going to defend what the media is doing. Great. I would prefer a more intellectually honest media.
Like FOX ??
Nope, Fox is the right wing version of the other networks.

Did you think you "had" me there?
It is hard tio find those who support the President lying.

Why would anyone think Trump has a mental issue. Why oh why oh why? He acts like a 8 year old. He can't speak without repeating himself over & over.

Blaming those criticizing instead of the one doing stupid shit is a Trumpette trait.
Illustrating my point, thanks.

So, when Trump called a widow of a fallen soldier a liar, how do you report that?

When Trump said John McCain was not a hero, how do you report that?

Then Trump ends DACA with the sole purpose of holding those [people hostage to get his stupid wall, how do you report that.

When Trump,lies about Obama making calls to Gold Star Families, how do you report that?
I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.

You report it. It's (a) the commentary surrounding it and (b) the reporting of other items that is the issue.

You're going to defend what the media is doing. Great. I would prefer a more intellectually honest media.
Like FOX ??
Nope, Fox is the right wing version of the other networks.

Did you think you "had" me there?
LOL Yes I did but you must admit there is no pussy grabbing on those other net works Going for breakfast,,,, later
So we piss off white supremacists & racists.

Wrong again Chucky Cheese.

Your blinders and DNC chains are on so tight you can't even see that a HUGE number of black people have turned their support to Trump.
And MANY people who once were Democrats are realizing the corruption and lies coming from the Left.

ALL INTELLIGENT people are realizing the DNC and the Left is a losing cesspool.

You will lose 2018 AND 2020......
Sorry, Buttweed but Trump carried the uneducated white vote.

Trump carried the white vote as a whole.

Including college grads.

But he lost the college graduate vote overall.

WHy the subject change?

HIllary won the uneducated black vote. What does that mean?
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason
They were biased from the get-go. What % of media voted for Hillary?

The media is ALWAYS biased. I mean, I know you've not been paying attention for the last 100 years, but you could go have a look.

If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.
Bernie Goldberg documented the “slobbering love affair” the media had with Barry Sotoro.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason
They were biased from the get-go. What % of media voted for Hillary?
From the get go?? Just perhaps they knew about the morons history ,his history of being a racist a crook, stealing from those who worked for him. How many law suits did he have against him ?
80% + has been the figure commonly associated with media reporters, journalist, and anchors voting Democratic. Been that way since 1992.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason

Says the lefty who loves to see the media savage his enemies.
any enemy of my enemies are my friends ,,,and trump is the enemy of all Americans ,,although most are too stupid to see it.

Trump's platform was pure American Interests. Which is why he flipped so many traditionally democratic states.

Those who stand against policies designed to serve American interests are the enemies of America.

To be clear, asshole, that's you.
The people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin, agree with you.
Thank God for Jimmy Carter’s honesty. One of the few Democrats left that can actually speak the truth.
Jimmy Carter: 'Media Have Been Harder on Trump Than Any Other President'
Did he mention WHY they were harder?? The most unpresidential of all time might have been a good reason

Says the lefty who loves to see the media savage his enemies.
any enemy of my enemies are my friends ,,,and trump is the enemy of all Americans ,,although most are too stupid to see it.
Trump is the champion of the working class.
If you are trying to claim they were also biased against 0bama then you are astonishingly naive, or disgustingly dishonest.

The bias is off the charts. This fruit cake actually believes the media was as hard on Obama as it is on Trump?????

New poll has your hero crook at 38% approval ..Big question now is will the shyster last 4 years?? his mind is going but what's the diff ? Right trumpettes ?

You take out Trump, you'll only piss off his supporters even more. They've been ignored for generations, and you want to shut them down the first time they even have a CHANCE at something?

You trying to destroy this country?
No certainly not Corell but tell me what chance does this liar in chief offer them ?? The rich will get most tax changes , jobs are only going to those educated enough to perform them Where are changes coming from for those ignored ?..A wall ? Taking their HC away ? etc etc
Donald Trump is trying to bring jobs back to America, his tax plan favors small businesses and middle-class; the wall is necessary to stop Mexican drug cartels from poisoning our country.
Regarding today's Democrat vermin: Carter looks like an angelic, saint-like Boy Scout compared to a chip-on-shoulder monster like Obama and the violent, thuggish liberalfilth who worship him. Jimmy Carter's problem is that he was only incompetent and foolish, NOT malicious; he didn't have the festering hatred of whites and Americans that ingrate PIG Obama did. Even in a race of ingrate, backstabbing whores, Obama STILL managed to stand out.
Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

Media has treated trump worse than any other president because...

he's worse than any other president.
Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

Media has treated trump worse than any other president because...

he's worse than any other president.

Your butthurt is no excuse for defending the vile media.
Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

Media has treated trump worse than any other president because...

he's worse than any other president.

Your butthurt is no excuse for defending the vile media.
Without a free press trump will become another Duterte, probably much worse.

Of course trump sheep would like that, they like being bitch-slapped while trump shafts them in their a**...
Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

Media has treated trump worse than any other president because...

he's worse than any other president.

Your butthurt is no excuse for defending the vile media.
Without a free press trump will become another Duterte, probably much worse.

... *...

NOt Trump. THe press in on him like white on rice.

But the next dem, with the press completely in his pocket,

yeah, sooner or later,

this democracy cannot survive the media in it's present form.

I agree.
Jimmy Carter “Media has Treated Trump Worse Than any Other President”

Media has treated trump worse than any other president because...

he's worse than any other president.
they want dems to kiss trump ass like they do When Palin flys

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