Jimmy Carter tells the truth about Isreal


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvtC_qzHVM4]Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Carter mentions in his book Palestine,peace not aparthied and in the video how the palestines want peace not war but Israel illegally occupies their territory.

the zionist shills that have been allowed to roam these boards will come on and attack carter here of course.:cuckoo:
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.
Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel - YouTube

Carter mentions in his book Palestine,peace not aparthied and in the video how the palestines want peace not war but Israel illegally occupies their territory.

the zionist shills that have been allowed to roam these boards will come on and attack carter here of course.:cuckoo:

Even in this video Carter maintains that there is absolutely no system of Apartheid in Israel proper.
What Jimmy Carter " forgets" to mention is that the Arabs initiated the 1967 War. He wouldn't be speaking for Israel if they had lost . Another Pro Palestinian Hypocrite
to no surprise,the paid zionist shills attack the messenger when they cant refute the facts.
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:
to no surprise,the paid zionist shills attack the messenger when they cant refute the facts.

Paid? I wish I got paid for this. :lol:

yep thats what you zionist paid shills do,act dumb.like clockwork.you guys lie all the CONSTANTLY when cornered with facts you cant refute,like your REALLY going to come out and admit the truth your paid to troll these boards.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

you shills always reply IMMEDIATELY to these posts like you just did cause your handlers are worried this truth is being told so they send you here to attack the messenger.
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zMuCiyUsRU]CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Can Now Speaks 10 years after 2001-9-11 - YouTube[/ame]

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Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

First of all, it's you're, not 'your'.
And no, YOURE the conspiracy theorist. Ive read your posts before and you are seriously deranged. You seem to believe that there is some sort of conspiracy behind EVERYTHING.
Yes, weve all heard the same 'it was the ZIONISTS who did it garbage' so many times already. Frankly, it's getting boring.
Not to mention you have no proof of this. You're boring *yawn*.
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

Also, where is the proof that the alleged attackers turned up alive??
I can't take seriously anyone who can't even spell the object of their hatreds name correctly.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

Also, where is the proof that the alleged attackers turned up alive??

Toastman, 9/11 Inside Job is just a troll who has wandered around the forums with his conspiracy nonsense. There are those who have debunked this nonsense.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

He should read the book Masterminds of Terror in which one of the planners tells an Al Jazeera reporter just how they planned and carried out 9/11. It's a good thing that these Muslim extremists weren't able to carry out all their plans so weren't able to do Los Angeles and Chicago what they did to New York. However, as much as 9/11 Inside Job wants to blame others for the atrocity on 9/11, he himself wouldn't be too safe wandering around areas where Muslim extremists are living.
your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

Also, where is the proof that the alleged attackers turned up alive??

Toastman, 9/11 Inside Job is just a troll who has wandered around the forums with his conspiracy nonsense. There are those who have debunked this nonsense.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

He should read the book Masterminds of Terror in which one of the planners tells an Al Jazeera reporter just how they planned and carried out 9/11. It's a good thing that these Muslim extremists weren't able to carry out all their plans so weren't able to do Los Angeles and Chicago what they did to New York. However, as much as 9/11 Inside Job wants to blame others for the atrocity on 9/11, he himself wouldn't be too safe wandering around areas where Muslim extremists are living.

Oh, I know he's a troll, it's just easy making a joke out of him haha. And yes I know all those CT have been debunked. But thanks for posting that link
Look at your username and your avatar. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously??

You're well known to be a deranged conspiracy theorist who cant handle the truth

Go smoke some pot and watch Cheech and Chong.

your the deranged conspiracy THEORIST zionist shill.you ignore the lwas of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years that buildings dont fall straight down within 12 seconds due to fire.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you accept the zionist/CIA controlled medias conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslins were behind the attacks even though many of those alleged attackers turned up alive.:lol:

you trolls never have any answers for these videos that prove it was joint CIA/mossad operation.you just run off and throw cowardly insults knowing your cornered.:cuckoo:

Ok so you want a lesson on thermo dynamics and heat transfer in steel.

The WTC was built using state of the art computer CAD-CAM software that designed the structure to be as light and as strong as possible UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES. The steel used as the skeleton had a 20% fail safe margin, which means that it could hold 20% more weight than needed. Most of the steel was around the central elevator shafts were the most weight was. When you heat steel it becomes soft and loses its tensile strength, the heat conducts through the steel causing inclusions and gases to migrate away from the source of the heat. These further weaken the steel causing it to explode as the foreign matter seeks escape.
So now back to the WTC
The heat from the fuel in the planes would be enough to cause a 30% reduction in the strength of the building on the floors the planes hit. This would cause the internal steel structure to fail explosively as it became hotter. This failure would put a shock load on the next floor down causing that to fail, and so the buildings would collapse straight down due to the LAWS OF PHYSICA and the LAWS OF NATURE.

To simulate the same effect using explosives would take a month of calculations and sampling, then another month to 6 weeks of preparation of the buildings steel structure and the placing of shaped charges at all the stress points timed to explode at exactly the same time. Are you saying that no one saw the explosives charges and detonators being attached to the steel and then covered over. The electrical wires running around the building and being tied to a central core and lastly the igniter would need to be hidden out of site. I think having a full military demolition team and a civil engineering team working day and night for 6 weeks would have raised suspicions don't you.
Nobody gives a shat what Jimmy Carter says or thinks. Probably the worst president in history, after Obama of course.
Nobody gives a shat what Jimmy Carter says or thinks. Probably the worst president in history, after Obama of course.

Roudy, did you ever consider joining the "Shas of Sunset?" You would be perfect, especialy comparing your-self with Jimmy Carter probably one of the highest IQ presidents who has ever held that office...

You're from Iran, join that cast and put on your jewels and flash them in a new avatar...
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Nobody gives a shat what Jimmy Carter says or thinks. Probably the worst president in history, after Obama of course.

Roudy, did you ever consider joining the "Shas of Sunset?" You would be perfect, especialy comparing your-self with Jimmy Carter probably one of the highest IQ presidents who has ever held that office...

You're from Iran, join that cast and put on your jewels and flash them in a new avatar...
Rrrriiiigght, Jimmy Carter's presidency was such a disaster both domestically and internationally, that even die hard Democrats disassociate themselves from him, and he has yet to be invited to a Democratic convention to speak even once. LOL
to no surprise,the paid zionist shills attack the messenger when they cant refute the facts.

When a poster is as obsessed with the thought of 'paid shills' as all that, the suspicion is raised that they are a paid shill........

Even if it's only 1 cent a day - whoever it is is paying this 9/11 clown waaaaay tooo much!!!
Nobody gives a shat what Jimmy Carter says or thinks. Probably the worst president in history, after Obama of course.

He was so bad that he tried to serve the american people by also trying to get rid of the CIA like Jfk our last REAL president we had did.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

He came in fired evil bastard Bush as CIA director and brought in Stansfield Turner whom immediately cleaned house by firing CIA covert specialists and reformed the CIA.what chance we had of getting rid of the CIA for good though disappeared though when bastard reagan got in and fired Turner and replaced him with William casey who got the CIA back to their covert secret wars again.yep second worst president ever alright.:cuckoo:

you are correct on one thing though.Obama is the worst president ever.will be until 2016.ever since JFK,every preisdent that has been in office with the exception of carter,has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one and that tradition will continue in 2016 as long as we have this corrupt two party system we have that you dont give a shit about.

you shills try to discredit him cause he tells the truth of your precious isreal you shills worship

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