Job 1:21 The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.
It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.

If there is any "moral" to the story it is that Jennings the GB CB was greedy. There was no team advantage in him intercepting the ball with no time on the clock. What he was SUPPOSED to do was bat the ball to the ground. Foolishly he tried to pad his interception stats and his team paid for it.
It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.

If there is any "moral" to the story it is that Jennings the GB CB was greedy. There was no team advantage in him intercepting the ball with no time on the clock. What he was SUPPOSED to do was bat the ball to the ground. Foolishly he tried to pad his interception stats and his team paid for it.

If you noticed there was kind of a crowd least five players around the ball. I would have done exactkly what the defensive player did....'course I don't make a million dollars a year. He did intercept the ball.....they just missed the call. The idiots reviewed the play for ten minutes and still got it wrong.
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It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.

If there is any "moral" to the story it is that Jennings the GB CB was greedy. There was no team advantage in him intercepting the ball with no time on the clock. What he was SUPPOSED to do was bat the ball to the ground. Foolishly he tried to pad his interception stats and his team paid for it.

If you noticed there was kind of a crowd least five players around the ball. I would have done exactkly what the defensive player did....'course I don't make a million dollars a year. He did intercept the ball.....they just missed the call. The idiots reviewed the play for ten minutes and still got it wrong.

There is ALLWAYS a crowd in those "hail mary" end of game desperation throws. Ask any coach. Jennings made a bad decision. He could have tipped the ball out of the end zone ...he could have batted it down. I understand GB is butt hurt. There were horrible calls all thruout the game ..many of them game changers. If he had done the smart thing his team would have won. Teams practice that exact scenerio. The do not get "coached" to try to make an interception.
If there is any "moral" to the story it is that Jennings the GB CB was greedy. There was no team advantage in him intercepting the ball with no time on the clock. What he was SUPPOSED to do was bat the ball to the ground. Foolishly he tried to pad his interception stats and his team paid for it.

If you noticed there was kind of a crowd least five players around the ball. I would have done exactkly what the defensive player did....'course I don't make a million dollars a year. He did intercept the ball.....they just missed the call. The idiots reviewed the play for ten minutes and still got it wrong.

There is ALLWAYS a crowd in those "hail mary" end of game desperation throws. Ask any coach. Jennings made a bad decision. He could have tipped the ball out of the end zone ...he could have batted it down. I understand GB is butt hurt. There were horrible calls all thruout the game ..many of them game changers. If he had done the smart thing his team would have won. Teams practice that exact scenerio. The do not get "coached" to try to make an interception.

I'll take your word for it....I never played football though I did win a fairly tidy sum betting on pro games back in the 1960's and 1970's. I cleaned up taking Dallas and 7 points against Denver in the super bowl back in the 70's. The Orange Crush defense got crushed.

I was actually trying to get some kind of biblical argument started with the thumpers.
It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.

For such a miserable fuck as yourself who claims to be bored by religious bullshit, you sure do talk a lot about it. Go figure.
It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.

For such a miserable fuck as yourself who claims to be bored by religious bullshit, you sure do talk a lot about it. Go figure.

I read the book of Mormon before I was 20 years old. I have read the bible from cover to cover and have read the new testament no less than ten times. I was baptized in front of nearly 1000 people on a Sunday morning in 1956. I was in church at least three times a week. We tithed our gross, I taught Sunday school for young adults, I went to nearby towns and gave testimony before congregations in several small churches, I worked with the RA boys, I was a member of the Brotherhood, the building committee and went with others for visitation on Tuesdays. I had most of the new testament committed to memory and could quote it chapter and verse. When time came for me to be drafted the preacher called me into his study and offered to help me get ordained and become a minister. The keep me from having to leave the church. Guess what...I went to the army.

Churches are small businesses. They get everything tax free. I was going to a church of god in my home town when we moved to the lake after I retired. When the preacher there realized we weren't attending church he couldn't find our place so he went to the County Sheriff's office and they told him how to find us. When I told him I had a lot of doubts and wasn't going to do anything for a while he turned us over to a church here and then I had to get rid of them. It's money. That's all it I think the first dollar one of them takes from some old person's social security check or from some widow with little to her name should make them guilty of a misdemeanor and on the second offense I think they should be sent up.

That load of malarky has been passed down from one generation to the next for thousands of years and the people who wrote the new testament...the Jews don't even believe it themselves. When I was in grammer school we started the day with the pledge and the lord's prayer and the teachers assigned each student a bible verse to memorize on Mondays and we recited them back to the class on Fridays. Talk about brainwashing. I'm not just a little perturbed about it I'm on a mission. I have posted on no less than a dozen religious boards or forums and they dread to see me coming. Main reason...I know what's in the bible and I quote it and tell them it's bullshit. I find it next to impossible that intelligent people still believe that a most powerful, caring god turned the only keys to the kingdom over to ignorant, superstitious sheep herders who believed in witchcraft and thought that the earth was flat and never showed himself again. I think if there is a god and he did that he must have one helluva sense of humor.

The story about virgin birth, son of god, savior of the world, crucifiction, resurrection etc. was told dozens of times in N. Africa and the middle east thousands of years before the Jewish version. Read about Horus the Egyptian sun god. It's a matter of historical record. and was recorded 3500 years before Jesus allegedly roamed around riding his jackass and telling bare faced lies...if he was even really there.

Now.....come at me with some more name calling and insults.
The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away

the Bible is meant to be perfected by removing its Forbidden Fruits ... or simply ignored for it is the Living Garden that is the Proof and Physical presence of God on Earth that is the pathway to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.
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The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away

the Bible is meant to be perfected by removing its Forbidden Fruits ... or simply ignored for it is the Living Garden that is the Proof and Physical presence of God on Earth that is the pathway to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

I strongly support this:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature" ~Dr. Albert Einstein~
It's a fact......last night he selected the end of the Seattle/Green Bay football game and took it away from Green Bay and handed it to Seattle. He used a couple of fools as tools.

There's some religious verse, adage, cliche to cover every move made on the face of the earth. Personally religious bullshit bores me. I thought it was supposed to rain on the just and the unjust. Looked to me like sunshine for Seattle and a blowing hailstorm for Green Bay.

If there is any "moral" to the story it is that Jennings the GB CB was greedy. There was no team advantage in him intercepting the ball with no time on the clock. What he was SUPPOSED to do was bat the ball to the ground. Foolishly he tried to pad his interception stats and his team paid for it.
Either that or it was a bad call.............
It's too bad you can't talk to Albert now. Now that he knows all the answers, and who deserves all the credit.
If there is any "moral" to the story it is that Jennings the GB CB was greedy. There was no team advantage in him intercepting the ball with no time on the clock. What he was SUPPOSED to do was bat the ball to the ground. Foolishly he tried to pad his interception stats and his team paid for it.

If you noticed there was kind of a crowd least five players around the ball. I would have done exactkly what the defensive player did....'course I don't make a million dollars a year. He did intercept the ball.....they just missed the call. The idiots reviewed the play for ten minutes and still got it wrong.

There is ALLWAYS a crowd in those "hail mary" end of game desperation throws. Ask any coach. Jennings made a bad decision. He could have tipped the ball out of the end zone ...he could have batted it down. I understand GB is butt hurt. There were horrible calls all thruout the game ..many of them game changers. If he had done the smart thing his team would have won. Teams practice that exact scenerio. The do not get "coached" to try to make an interception.

Yes, it would have been better if he had batted the ball down but many other factors were there:
a. the ball hit Jennings IN THE NUMBERS, how can he not catch it? And if he bats it, where does he bat it knowing for sure it is not cathcable? Easier said than done batting a ball to the ground in front of you.
b. Instincts are always to intercept or tip the ball as I remember when the tip drills were first put into place in the late 70s.
c. Most importantly, take a good look at the replay. If he had attempted to bat the ball down there was a strong possibility he would have been flagged for a PI call since Tate also had a play on the ball and if he touches Tate in the end zone making a play on the ball, 1st and goal at the 1 for them as NO game can end with a penalty.
And sports fans, with 24 penalties called the odds of that happening were very strong.
Easy to Monday morning QB of what a player should have done. Easier said than done. When you have crossed the lines and are participating in organized violence with your head on a swivel the what you should have done mentality will get your ass killed.

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