Job growth still strong with 429,000 new jobs created.

People, such as yourself, who don't follow the news and make up shit shouldn't be allowed to vote.
You don't know me just let me so people like you that like to project and insult people they have no clue about are a funny lot 😃😃😃

Your opinion is shit.
And trump was claiming the good economy he had after taking office and that he done nothing to create.
Relaxing restrictions on drilling and rolling back regulations that brought hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs back to the US were absolutely things he did to create a good economy.

Numerous policies raised the standard of living for Americans as well from controlling the borders to new tax policy.

Wealthy people.
People who have to work to manage Biden's inflation are not going out to eat or traveling.
Damned hard to take a family vacation with 5.00 gas and jet fuel at all time highs.

Everything costs more today than the day Joe took office.
Workers quitting one job for a better one is never a bad thing.
The economy is shifting.
Relaxing restrictions on drilling and rolling back regulations that brought hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs back to the US were absolutely things he did to create a good economy.

Numerous policies raised the standard of living for Americans as well from controlling the borders to new tax policy.

And he had to beg Saudi Arabia to produce more oil.

And republicans always say that less regulation creates jobs put I don't see how. A employer only need so many employee to get the jobs done and if they don't have to follow a regulation how does that create a job.
Disagreed. Employers know the best employees are always looking for better jobs. Average employees are loyal
Awesome ... now, what about everything else? Such as inflation? education? illegal immigration? etc.? People may be getting jobs, but their wages are stagnant and consumer prices continue to rise.
Yes that is a global issue all around the world. If it's was only in America I would say Biden policies did that. But it's not it's a world wide thing including oil prices.
Someone leaving one job for another is not jobs added. Meanwhile there have been 8.3 million jobs added since Biden became president.
Sure it is if a new higher paying job is created.

Please show me that all these jobs are not new jobs please.
The economy is shifting.

And he had to beg Saudi Arabia to produce more oil.

And republicans always say that less regulation creates jobs put I don't see how. A employer only need so many employee to get the jobs done and if they don't have to follow a regulation how does that create a job.
People with more money to spend, disposable income buy more things, employers need more employees to handle that increase in business.

Screw the Saudis, why didn't we have to beg them to produce more when our economy was reaching all time highs month after month during the previous administration when we became energy independent for the first time since WWII and were exporting more petroleum than we imported.

Got love this.
Now if we can only find lazy fucking liberals who will get off their welfare asses and fill those jobs that had stopped during the faux pandemic and are now coming back.

People with more money to spend, disposable income buy more things, employers need more employees to handle that increase in business.

Screw the Saudis, why didn't we have to beg them to produce more when our economy was reaching all time highs month after month during the previous administration when we became energy independent for the first time since WWII and were exporting more petroleum than we imported.
Actually the trade gap has grown and more products are coming from overseas and the tariff are still in place that Trump had and trump trade deal has failed so far in this aspect.
The highest number of Americans to every be employed is a mark hit during the Trump Administration.

Yes, following the trend in job growth that Trump inherited...


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