Job growth still strong with 429,000 new jobs created.

Yes that is a global issue all around the world. If it's was only in America I would say Biden policies did that. But it's not it's a world wide thing including oil prices.
Ahhh .. So the war in Ukraine with limited interactions and crushing sanctions from Biden had nothing to do with oil prices? How about his policies and outlook on fossil fuels? Nothing to do with it? How about the illegal immigration issue which has surged under Biden? COVID deaths far outnumber those under the Trump administration? and good old inflation -- caused by flooding the market with money (e.g. stimulus and extended unemployment) and now Biden wants to forgive student debt -- adding additional flow of cash to the economy.

Yeah .. sure glad Biden didn't do any of that ..
Damned hard to take a family vacation with 5.00 gas and jet fuel at all time highs.

Everything costs more today than the day Joe took office.
And that usually follow recession and the government is not in control of supply chain problems and labor shortages.

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They got to train new employees for the new created jobs. So productive is going to lag.
Agree .. It's not necessarily "new jobs," it's filling existing jobs where resources were needed. Not in all instances, but in many.

Also a "new job" could be some dude at Walmart dies, and someone replaces him. Or some dude at Walmart gets fired, goes to McDonalds where some dude has been fired, the McDonalds dude goes to Walmart. Two new jobs "created"
Also a "new job" could be some dude at Walmart dies, and someone replaces him. Or some dude at Walmart gets fired, goes to McDonalds where some dude has been fired, the McDonalds dude goes to Walmart. Two new jobs "created"
Could be. Or it could be that a new position was created in management and a employee got a promotion and they need to hire a new person to replace them.
Could be. Or it could be that a new position was created in management and a employee got a promotion and they need to hire a new person to replace them.

Yep, it could be that too. Problem is, we don't know what it is because the statistic doesn't say.

So, what's the point of a pointless statistic?

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"Claims at 200,000 are viewed as consistent with strong demand for workers. They have declined from a record high of 6.137 million in early April 2020."

hardly a buzkill

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