Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SeekingIntelligentSolutions

So black people let's all give our children the whitest names out there.

Hello again, Paul. Just to be clear to your readers, when writing about "Black people" are you including a LARGE population of apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

"Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our accomplished, successful black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Paul, respectfully, I'd like to invite our caring, RESPONSIBLE, reasonably well-adjusted American and foreign born neighbors to witness these apparent caring fellow citizens share their thoughts and concerns...

...AND then consider WHO are the black or American citizens of African descent LOUDLY declaring Racism or the concept of 'white supremacy' is impeding black American citizens of African descent from achieving equality and success?

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll

In closing Paul, I am trying to figure out why you CHOSE to silently withdraw from our previous conversation:

Implicit Bias - Take The Test


The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people (white supremacists) are the main evil.
this idiot thread is an outcome of the silly NEW-NAME phenomenon of the 1960s.
I remember it well. It hit the black population REALLY HARD------and even spawned a huge spate of "MEREDITHS" amongst whites. My dad died about
one year before my son was born. -------I did it the EASY WAY----and just named
him----simple-----THE SAME NAME AS DAD-------so damned "old fashioned"
that my lousy sister-in-law LAUGHED with malignant derision (HAH!!!) She
named her kid in accordance with RESEARCH that revealed baby names
MOST SUCCESSFUL IN SCHOOL. My nephew got NAMED FOR KINDERGARTEN SUCCESS. -------whilst every other black kid got LAMONT
or JAMAL (for girls LATOYA---my mom got so confused that she asked
the mother of LATOYA ----"how is Toyota doing"?)

Okay, let's look at that.

Names have changed a lot. True, you have your wonderful basics, like "Joseph" (an awesome name), James, Michael, Mary, etc.

But then you look at some of the goofy names of Presidents from the 19th century.

Does anyone name their kid "Rutherford" anymore? Or "Grover"? Or "Chester". Or "Ulysses"

Now the main reason for the rise of these names after the 1960's was that the standard names were seen as part of white oppression, and giving kids more Africa-centric names was seen as empowering. Instead, it's had the opposite effect.

They did a study in the mid-oughts where they showed that applicants with names like "Greg" and "Emily" got call backs on their resumes and people with names like "Jamal" and "Lakisha" didn't.

Not sure if the same study could be replicate today, because with LinkedIn, we know what everyone looks like.

Lol I remember Alice Cooper named his kids dweasel and moon unit..

this idiot thread is an outcome of the silly NEW-NAME phenomenon of the 1960s.
I remember it well. It hit the black population REALLY HARD------and even spawned a huge spate of "MEREDITHS" amongst whites. My dad died about
one year before my son was born. -------I did it the EASY WAY----and just named
him----simple-----THE SAME NAME AS DAD-------so damned "old fashioned"
that my lousy sister-in-law LAUGHED with malignant derision (HAH!!!) She
named her kid in accordance with RESEARCH that revealed baby names
MOST SUCCESSFUL IN SCHOOL. My nephew got NAMED FOR KINDERGARTEN SUCCESS. -------whilst every other black kid got LAMONT
or JAMAL (for girls LATOYA---my mom got so confused that she asked
the mother of LATOYA ----"how is Toyota doing"?)

Okay, let's look at that.

Names have changed a lot. True, you have your wonderful basics, like "Joseph" (an awesome name), James, Michael, Mary, etc.

But then you look at some of the goofy names of Presidents from the 19th century.

Does anyone name their kid "Rutherford" anymore? Or "Grover"? Or "Chester". Or "Ulysses"

Now the main reason for the rise of these names after the 1960's was that the standard names were seen as part of white oppression, and giving kids more Africa-centric names was seen as empowering. Instead, it's had the opposite effect.

They did a study in the mid-oughts where they showed that applicants with names like "Greg" and "Emily" got call backs on their resumes and people with names like "Jamal" and "Lakisha" didn't.

Not sure if the same study could be replicate today, because with LinkedIn, we know what everyone looks like.

Lol I remember Alice Cooper named his kids dweasel and moon unit..


Or was that Ted Nugent ? I forget.
It's funny how whites, who annually commit at least double the crime than everyone
Thanks for your input Shineqwa, but 6% of r population commits 52% of the crime, and they ain't white
That is the way it is in most cultures

Used to be the Irish and Italians
Irish & Italians commit half the crimes in South Africa and Haiti too?
They do in Ireland and Italy
this idiot thread is an outcome of the silly NEW-NAME phenomenon of the 1960s.
I remember it well. It hit the black population REALLY HARD------and even spawned a huge spate of "MEREDITHS" amongst whites. My dad died about
one year before my son was born. -------I did it the EASY WAY----and just named
him----simple-----THE SAME NAME AS DAD-------so damned "old fashioned"
that my lousy sister-in-law LAUGHED with malignant derision (HAH!!!) She
named her kid in accordance with RESEARCH that revealed baby names
MOST SUCCESSFUL IN SCHOOL. My nephew got NAMED FOR KINDERGARTEN SUCCESS. -------whilst every other black kid got LAMONT
or JAMAL (for girls LATOYA---my mom got so confused that she asked
the mother of LATOYA ----"how is Toyota doing"?)

Okay, let's look at that.

Names have changed a lot. True, you have your wonderful basics, like "Joseph" (an awesome name), James, Michael, Mary, etc.

But then you look at some of the goofy names of Presidents from the 19th century.

Does anyone name their kid "Rutherford" anymore? Or "Grover"? Or "Chester". Or "Ulysses"

Now the main reason for the rise of these names after the 1960's was that the standard names were seen as part of white oppression, and giving kids more Africa-centric names was seen as empowering. Instead, it's had the opposite effect.

They did a study in the mid-oughts where they showed that applicants with names like "Greg" and "Emily" got call backs on their resumes and people with names like "Jamal" and "Lakisha" didn't.

Not sure if the same study could be replicate today, because with LinkedIn, we know what everyone looks like.

Lol I remember Alice Cooper named his kids dweasel and moon unit..

That was Frank Zappa
It's funny how whites, who annually commit at least double the crime than everyone
Thanks for your input Shineqwa, but 6% of r population commits 52% of the crime, and they ain't white
That is the way it is in most cultures

Used to be the Irish and Italians
Irish & Italians commit half the crimes in South Africa and Haiti too?
They do in Ireland and Italy
And yet in AMERICA a SPECIFIC,TINY percentage of our population commits more than HALF of all crimes. They ain't white
Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

The company tried to lie their way out of it, but an investigation showed this letter and similar ones did indeed come from the company.

Which side would Republicans take?

Do we need to ask?

From your article:

The company vehemently denies that the emails are legitimate; they claim to have been hacked and police investigators suspect it may be the work of a disgruntled employee
Too obvious

I think it may have been from a disgruntled employee.

The fact that it was done twice in the exact same way also makes it suspect.
It's funny how whites, who annually commit at least double the crime than everyone
Thanks for your input Shineqwa, but 6% of r population commits 52% of the crime, and they ain't white
That is the way it is in most cultures

Used to be the Irish and Italians
Irish & Italians commit half the crimes in South Africa and Haiti too?
They do in Ireland and Italy
And yet in AMERICA a SPECIFIC,TINY percentage of our population commits more than HALF of all crimes. They ain't white

They used to be Irish and Italians that were committing most the crimes
Whoever is low man on the totem pole
Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

The company tried to lie their way out of it, but an investigation showed this letter and similar ones did indeed come from the company.

Which side would Republicans take?

Do we need to ask?

From your article:

The company vehemently denies that the emails are legitimate; they claim to have been hacked and police investigators suspect it may be the work of a disgruntled employee
Too obvious

I think it may have been from a disgruntled employee.

The fact that it was done twice in the exact same way also makes it suspect.

I can see an employer using euphemisms ....but too ghetto is too blatant
Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

The company tried to lie their way out of it, but an investigation showed this letter and similar ones did indeed come from the company.

Which side would Republicans take?

Do we need to ask?
Where do you suppose the name "Hermeisha" came from, if not the ghetto?

Black parents have been warned for many years that they harm their children when they give them ridiculous names. It was a weird fad that just sort of stuck and now those children are grown up and paying the price. News flash, no one wants to hire someone who grew up in a ghetto. That isnt the sort of environment that lends itself to making a good employee.
This comes down to POWER.

No white person is concerned with naming their children to please blacks.

Why is that ?

No one is shaming them for their boring names. Anne. Jill. Emily. If you're white you can never be too white. But a black person can be "too black” (what “ghetto” is code for). ‘Cause “white is right”. Why is that ? POWER.

So black people let's all give our children the whitest names out there. How about Cody ? Connor ? Wyatt ? for boys ? Or Amy ? Claire ? Katelyn ? Molly ? for girls ?

Yeah because racism will disappear then. Right ?

A lot of the names people think of as ghetto names are not. Beyoncé is a French name that nobody would bat any eye at in France. However because it was attached to a Black singer, many people assumed her parents stayed up late one night stringing syllables together until they came up with it. But even if they did do THAT it is how new names have always been created and Black people (even the ones in the ghetto) are no less entitled to add their own new names to the lexicon.

Even when you study of the origins of African-American first names. They tend to break into 2 categories

Islamic names like Raheem, Shameeka, Rameesh, Aaliyah and such names.

Black names that seem to be French or pseudo-French like LaTrell, LeWon, DeShawn, Marquis, Antoine, Andre

The sickening irony that underlies this talk about blacks having names acceptable to white people is that it was white people who stripped blacks of their African names and so much else to make them SERVICEABLE for white people. As if whites think they are the centre of the universe or something. If that is not racist, nothing is.

And by the way, if your a white dude and your name was ‘Bubba’ or ‘Jim problem. But a black man being named 'Jamal’ or ‘Lakisha’ is an automatic fail.

By the way Jamal is a masculine Arabic name that means “Beautiful” or “handsome.” It’s pretty widely used in the muslim world that spans a good part of the globe. The Egyptian President, Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918–1970) is an Egyptian rendering of the name. Jamal Nebez was a Kurdish mathematician and linguist. The problem is that ppl have never even looked to try and understand what that name is, where it comes from, and who bore it.

Lakisha is also an Arabic name, meaning “Alive” or “She who lives.” there is also an English variant, usually spelled “Lakeisha” that means “Joyful.”

But neither name was invented in the ghetto, or somehow put together by illiterates. They are just names from another culture, that lean toward a Muslim asian world view rather than a Western Christian world view. There’s nothing ghetto about it.

Also these are top American names by race in 2016



  1. Darnell
  2. DeAndre
  3. DeShawn
  4. Malik
  5. Marquis
  6. Terrell
  7. Trevon
  8. Tyrone
  1. Cody
  2. Connor
  3. Dustin
  4. Jack
  5. Jake
  6. Luke
  7. Tanner
  8. Wyatt

  1. Aaliyah
  2. Deja
  3. Diamond
  4. Ebony
  5. Imani
  6. Nia
  7. Precious
  8. Shanice
  1. Amy
  2. Claire
  3. Emily
  4. Emma
  5. Katelyn
  6. Katie
  7. Madeline
  8. Molly
I see no reason why anyone would want to give their children weird names. I could name my son "Captain Slappy Dong", but it isnt going to do him any favors when hes an adult and looking for a job. It has nothing to do with skin color.
Thing is, generally blacks do not think the same way as whites do.
Given the laundry list of problems you guys have, maybe you ought to start thinking like us. Our BBQs have far less shoot outs and our sons get to play catch with their dads. Its great!
How did Michael not make that list? That's a very honky sounding name! :mad:

You're right!

Very strange that liberals (the few who don't abort and actually give birth) don't name their git "Michel(le) in case they change their mind later about what they wanted.
So, a disgruntled employee is responsible. Not the company, itself.
Rdean conveniently left that part out.
Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

The company tried to lie their way out of it, but an investigation showed this letter and similar ones did indeed come from the company.

Which side would Republicans take?

Do we need to ask?
Where do you suppose the name "Hermeisha" came from, if not the ghetto?

Black parents have been warned for many years that they harm their children when they give them ridiculous names. It was a weird fad that just sort of stuck and now those children are grown up and paying the price. News flash, no one wants to hire someone who grew up in a ghetto. That isnt the sort of environment that lends itself to making a good employee.

Regarding hiring practices...

Thing is, generally blacks do not think the same way as whites do.
Given the laundry list of problems you guys have, maybe you ought to start thinking like us. Our BBQs have far less shoot outs and our sons get to play catch with their dads. Its great!

No we don't need to think the way the people who caused our problems think. Never have seen a shootout at all the BBQs I have attended in 57 years. Fathers play basketball with their sons in most black neighborhoods.

And if I were white, I'd be REAL quiet about laundry lists and problems.

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