Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

It kinda works both ways.

If I saw an application with an obvious muslim name, I'd interview them first for the job. ....

So what if it was a black Muslim? Then you'd be totally confused.

The funny thing is watching you be a bigot and then complain about the bigotry you encounter in your own life...
Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

The company tried to lie their way out of it, but an investigation showed this letter and similar ones did indeed come from the company.

Which side would Republicans take?

Do we need to ask?

From your article:

The company vehemently denies that the emails are legitimate; they claim to have been hacked and police investigators suspect it may be the work of a disgruntled employee
Too obvious

I think it may have been from a disgruntled employee.
So what if it was a black Muslim? Then you'd be totally confused.
You are the one who is confused.

Muslim isn't a race. There are black, white, asian, and even hispanic muslims. And I would gladly hire any of them to work for me. ... :cool:
You are the one who is confused.

Muslim isn't a race. There are black, white, asian, and even hispanic muslims. And I would gladly hire any of them to work for me. ...

And a lot more people would refuse to hire them because they are still pissed off about 9/11. Fifteen years ago, I'd have been one of those people.

You see the problem here, buddy? Once you say one kind of bigotry is okay, then you are really opening the door to all sorts.

Trump would be over if that tape of him saying the N-word ever surfaced. But he can bash Muslims all freaking day and get away with it.
Job Rejection Letter States Woman's Name Is 'Too Ghetto'

The company tried to lie their way out of it, but an investigation showed this letter and similar ones did indeed come from the company.

Which side would Republicans take?

Do we need to ask?
Let’s see…

Republicans would side with the racist business owner who is in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You are as stupid as the original poster.
this idiot thread is an outcome of the silly NEW-NAME phenomenon of the 1960s.
I remember it well. It hit the black population REALLY HARD------and even spawned a huge spate of "MEREDITHS" amongst whites. My dad died about
one year before my son was born. -------I did it the EASY WAY----and just named
him----simple-----THE SAME NAME AS DAD-------so damned "old fashioned"
that my lousy sister-in-law LAUGHED with malignant derision (HAH!!!) She
named her kid in accordance with RESEARCH that revealed baby names
MOST SUCCESSFUL IN SCHOOL. My nephew got NAMED FOR KINDERGARTEN SUCCESS. -------whilst every other black kid got LAMONT
or JAMAL (for girls LATOYA---my mom got so confused that she asked
the mother of LATOYA ----"how is Toyota doing"?)
You are the one who is confused.

Muslim isn't a race. There are black, white, asian, and even hispanic muslims. And I would gladly hire any of them to work for me. ...

And a lot more people would refuse to hire them because they are still pissed off about 9/11. Fifteen years ago, I'd have been one of those people.

You see the problem here, buddy? Once you say one kind of bigotry is okay, then you are really opening the door to all sorts.

Trump would be over if that tape of him saying the N-word ever surfaced. But he can bash Muslims all freaking day and get away with it.

did Trump bash muslims?
From the medias mouth to the OP's ear! It must be true. But I doubt it.
this idiot thread is an outcome of the silly NEW-NAME phenomenon of the 1960s.
I remember it well. It hit the black population REALLY HARD------and even spawned a huge spate of "MEREDITHS" amongst whites. My dad died about
one year before my son was born. -------I did it the EASY WAY----and just named
him----simple-----THE SAME NAME AS DAD-------so damned "old fashioned"
that my lousy sister-in-law LAUGHED with malignant derision (HAH!!!) She
named her kid in accordance with RESEARCH that revealed baby names
MOST SUCCESSFUL IN SCHOOL. My nephew got NAMED FOR KINDERGARTEN SUCCESS. -------whilst every other black kid got LAMONT
or JAMAL (for girls LATOYA---my mom got so confused that she asked
the mother of LATOYA ----"how is Toyota doing"?)

Okay, let's look at that.

Names have changed a lot. True, you have your wonderful basics, like "Joseph" (an awesome name), James, Michael, Mary, etc.

But then you look at some of the goofy names of Presidents from the 19th century.

Does anyone name their kid "Rutherford" anymore? Or "Grover"? Or "Chester". Or "Ulysses"

Now the main reason for the rise of these names after the 1960's was that the standard names were seen as part of white oppression, and giving kids more Africa-centric names was seen as empowering. Instead, it's had the opposite effect.

They did a study in the mid-oughts where they showed that applicants with names like "Greg" and "Emily" got call backs on their resumes and people with names like "Jamal" and "Lakisha" didn't.

Not sure if the same study could be replicate today, because with LinkedIn, we know what everyone looks like.
Of course. The traditional story of how blacks were lazy and had poor atitudes. Yeah right, some temps decided they didn't have to follow directions.
After the first week I went to HR and told them that these two temp's weren't working out and to ask the temp agency to replace them.

Since the two females were black, the company was scared of a lawsuit, and I was stuck having to put up with the two hood rats for their full six weeks contract. ..... :cool:

And how many lies do you actually think you get to tell?
this idiot thread is an outcome of the silly NEW-NAME phenomenon of the 1960s.
I remember it well. It hit the black population REALLY HARD------and even spawned a huge spate of "MEREDITHS" amongst whites. My dad died about
one year before my son was born. -------I did it the EASY WAY----and just named
him----simple-----THE SAME NAME AS DAD-------so damned "old fashioned"
that my lousy sister-in-law LAUGHED with malignant derision (HAH!!!) She
named her kid in accordance with RESEARCH that revealed baby names
MOST SUCCESSFUL IN SCHOOL. My nephew got NAMED FOR KINDERGARTEN SUCCESS. -------whilst every other black kid got LAMONT
or JAMAL (for girls LATOYA---my mom got so confused that she asked
the mother of LATOYA ----"how is Toyota doing"?)

Okay, let's look at that.

Names have changed a lot. True, you have your wonderful basics, like "Joseph" (an awesome name), James, Michael, Mary, etc.

But then you look at some of the goofy names of Presidents from the 19th century.

Does anyone name their kid "Rutherford" anymore? Or "Grover"? Or "Chester". Or "Ulysses"

Now the main reason for the rise of these names after the 1960's was that the standard names were seen as part of white oppression, and giving kids more Africa-centric names was seen as empowering. Instead, it's had the opposite effect.

They did a study in the mid-oughts where they showed that applicants with names like "Greg" and "Emily" got call backs on their resumes and people with names like "Jamal" and "Lakisha" didn't.

Not sure if the same study could be replicate today, because with LinkedIn, we know what everyone looks like.

a study in UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. Way back then, I wondered
WHY black mothers were so eager to use ARABIC NAMES right out of the
Koran. in order to avoid the "slave names" like John and Jim------they did
arab abed master names. MALIK means 'king' I doubt that a whole lot of
blacks transported thru SUDAN----the slave trading depot of the world for
more than 1000 years------ was named MALIK
a study in UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. Way back then, I wondered
WHY black mothers were so eager to use ARABIC NAMES right out of the
Koran. in order to avoid the "slave names" like John and Jim------they did
arab abed master names. MALIK means 'king' I doubt that a whole lot of
blacks transported thru SUDAN----the slave trading depot of the world for
more than 1000 years------ was named MALIK

Okay, you need to get back on your anti-crazy pills, hun...

Black folks in the 1960's weren't being lynched, or having dogs sicced on them, or sprayed with water houses, or pulled over by cops by Arab people...

That was us White Folks doing that and STILL doing that.
  • Thanks
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Yeah because racism will disappear then. Right ?
"Racism" exists because of cultural behaviours and morals. Yes, the more "black" the name, the more lazy, and criminal you can expect them to be. These people are raised in a certain environment among a certain crowd, and their behaviour is set. It takes a special kind of person to overcome the effects of growing up in the ghetto. There are exceptions, but they are few.

Everybody black doesn't grow up in a ghetto any more than everybody white grows up living in a trailer park. It's funny how whites, who annually commit at least double the crime than everyone have the nerve to say shit like you do. I guess whites all live in the so called ghetto. Right?
a study in UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. Way back then, I wondered
WHY black mothers were so eager to use ARABIC NAMES right out of the
Koran. in order to avoid the "slave names" like John and Jim------they did
arab abed master names. MALIK means 'king' I doubt that a whole lot of
blacks transported thru SUDAN----the slave trading depot of the world for
more than 1000 years------ was named MALIK

Okay, you need to get back on your anti-crazy pills, hun...

Black folks in the 1960's weren't being lynched, or having dogs sicced on them, or sprayed with water houses, or pulled over by cops by Arab people...

That was us White Folks doing that and STILL doing that.

you have not interacted with a whole lot of PEOPLE OF THE WORLD----
have you? -----ain't no LAMONT FROM ALABAMA getting into a
country club in Iran. For REAL COLOR issues------get to know the people
we call "arabs" -------and the people we call "IRANIAN" (Aryan)
1. I highly doubt an employer would document in a letter that someone was not hired because his/her name is to ghetto.

2, Although it is unfair to screen out resumes with black/ghetto sounding names, I can understand why some employers would do this beyond simply being racist. One thing that a successful business/employer does is minimize risk. Hire a white person that is a marginal or worst employee, then fire him with no risk of a racial discrimination law suite. Hire a black person or other minority that turns out to be a marginal or worst employee -- firing this person might bring a racial discrimination suite even if he was really fired for sucking as an employee. Thus the mechanism that is supposed to fight racial discrimination is actually causing it.

Things just don't work like that in the real world.

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