Jobless Claims Fall: Opposed By GOP Opposed To Credit Market Spending!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Subseqent the Great Democratic Lubrication, excited by Disaster Relief Stimulations worldwide: Then new claims for unemployment have dropped to pre-GOP-Created Disaster-levels. Financial and Other regulations are taking hold!

U.S. jobless claims fall 50,000 to 352,000 - MarketWatch

The Republicans famously opposed the Lubrication money, mostly without exception. Rep Cantor opposed the Disaster Relief Stimulation. Paul, Paul, et. al., oppose the federal currency. Governor Perry calls the whole thing treason. GOP Senate Leader, McConnell, opposes all further credit market spending, especially at the federal level.

Like Their Tea Party: Anyone notices that none of these people are entirely alert, or business-friendly. The Total Credit Market approaches $55.0 tril., which apparently they want abolished.

S&P noticed that their Bush Tax Cuts were generally in the same mode as the European penchant for paying no taxes, especially when they are due. S&P went on a downgrade binge in the face of the ignorant, taking over.

The schools, of course, have no concept of anything that happened. Billions worldwide still send even the little kids to learn things that are wrong: From people doing things that are wrong!

Who is even discussing the Great Lubrication, and the excitment from the Stimulations?!?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly: Teaching is not possible, without the doctoral degree--unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. It can be compared to the mortgages market, which can further be compared to The Holocaust of the Third German Republic!)
Subseqent the Great Democratic Lubrication, excited by Disaster Relief Stimulations worldwide: Then new claims for unemployment have dropped to pre-GOP-Created Disaster-levels. Financial and Other regulations are taking hold!

U.S. jobless claims fall 50,000 to 352,000 - MarketWatch

The Republicans famously opposed the Lubrication money, mostly without exception. Rep Cantor opposed the Disaster Relief Stimulation. Paul, Paul, et. al., oppose the federal currency. Governor Perry calls the whole thing treason. GOP Senate Leader, McConnell, opposes all further credit market spending, especially at the federal level.

Like Their Tea Party: Anyone notices that none of these people are entirely alert, or business-friendly. The Total Credit Market approaches $55.0 tril., which apparently they want abolished.

S&P noticed that their Bush Tax Cuts were generally in the same mode as the European penchant for paying no taxes, especially when they are due. S&P went on a downgrade binge in the face of the ignorant, taking over.

The schools, of course, have no concept of anything that happened. Billions worldwide still send even the little kids to learn things that are wrong: From people doing things that are wrong!

Who is even discussing the Great Lubrication, and the excitment from the Stimulations?!?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly: Teaching is not possible, without the doctoral degree--unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. It can be compared to the mortgages market, which can further be compared to The Holocaust of the Third German Republic!)

When you started lying at the beginning, is there a reason we should read further?
From your link:
About 7.83 million people received some kind of state or federal benefit in the week ended Dec. 31, up 493,566 from the prior week.
If jobless claims are down then why is the number of people seeking assistance up? :confused:
Famously, not only did GOP oppose The Great Lubrication--"Stimulus," apparently to be put in a different context--but as soon as they were able, the GOP managed to raise federal income taxes on the poor and middle class. The Great Lubrication, "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Tax-Credit" was repealed.

The "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Tax-Credit" is likely the first ever properly computed Cost-of-Living-Adjustment, (COLA), on a nation-wide basis: Ever in history. For an individual, it was a little over $30.00 per month. That amount actually applied to mostly all eligible recipients. Many unions, in the last century, used an equal amount payment of $0.01 per every .3 rise of the Consumer Price Index. Union membership, however, steadily declined in the last half of the last century, and was never ever more than 50% of the labor force.

The COLA in Social Security, and most government employment and benefit programs, is fixed percentage based. A UC professor in, "bankrupted-by-them-who-teach-the-stuff," California: Gets a 2% COLA raise, at $250,000.00 per year base. The state welfare recipient, with a COLA, would get 2% of less than $8,000.00 per year. Policy makers have long-since known, "How the coloreds eat all those starchy foods." Nixon put it more succinctly: "You Eat Less!" UC is a part of their school system.

Anarchy school is not like that.

Going further, the Republicans even took the national COLA-like tax credit away. In it's place, the Republicans did agree to the Obama Administration proposal to make the payroll tax less regressive. There is a short-term "Payroll Tax Holiday," under way.

That is probably a stupid idea to S&P, unless S&P notes that it is a gimmick to stave off additional funding burdens from an increase of jobless claims. Mostly, Republicans tend to show that doing business their way doesn't work. What came after the Reagan Revolution was entitled, "The 1996 Default Of The United States. Federal Government." The Clinton's staved that off, and even turned the deficit accounting into black-colored ink. Comically-inclined would go further and contend that there was like a Blood Royal kind of problem in the Administration: Generally.

That aside(?), in the linked article there is this:

"About 7.83 million people received some kind of state or federal benefit in the week ended Dec. 31, up 493,566 from the prior week. Total claims are reported with a two-week lag."

"The federal government offers extended compensation to millions of Americans whose state benefits have already expired. Extra benefits were authorized during the 2007-2009 recession"

So the data was old business, and was derived from different progams, from "initial claims" kinds of programs.

So S&P would tend to support the continued policy planning underway in the Obama Administration--And continue to oppose even the existence of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, and its Civil War record of suspending Civil Liberties, Jailing the political opposition, shuttering the opposition press, and compelling Loyalty Oaths from any clergy they could find still alive. Directly, even slavery was only partially abolished. This was in fact the family of Mary Todd. . .not to mention, Abe. It is on their permanent record(?)!

Lincoln's attempted genocide of White People killed off nearly .75 mil., and disabled a whole lot more than that.

Anarchy School knows a bit more statistics than does the rest of schools, worldwide.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington--with snappy new non-Negro dialect--knows a thing or two about taking one side or the other(?)! Cambridge police managed to find a Black faculty member at Harvard--even after Obama. The White House invited the fellow in for a drink--and then some photographs of the drinking. "What did they know, and when did they know it," was never brought up(?): In America!)

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