Jobless Claims in U.S. Fall to Match Lowest Level Since 1973

Ed how is
1. Laying off/firing millions of workers from the public sector
going to improve our economy?.

once fired they have to get real jobs where they contribute to the economy rather than leech off the economy in a make work job that taxes the economy and unemploys people with real jobs.

Now do you understand?
Jobless Claims in U.S. Fall to Match Lowest Level Since 1973

Source: Bloomberg
The number of Americans submitting applications for jobless benefits unexpectedly declined last week to match the fewest in four decades.

Initial unemployment claims dropped by 7,000 to 255,000 in the week ended Oct. 10, a Labor Department report showed Thursday. The median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for 270,000 applications. The decline brought the monthly average to its lowest level since December 1973.

“These numbers are pretty impressive,”said Brian Jones, senior U.S. economist at Societe Generale in New York, who correctly projected the number of applications. “Both the initial and continuing claims numbers are consistent with the fact that we have a labor market that’s fairly tight and continues to improve.”

Jobless Claims in U.S. Fall to Match Lowest Level Since 1973

Obama rules!!! Republicans shouldn't even run in 2016. It is already over1!!! hahahah

What's amazing is that when you Communist start in with your lies, you never bother to see if they make sense.

The 1973–75 recession or 1970s recession was a period of economic stagnation in much of the Western world during the 1970s, putting an end to the general post-World War II economic boom. It differed from many previous recessions as being a stagflation, where high unemployment coincided with high inflation. The period was also described as one of "malaise" (ill-ease; compare "depression").


1973–75 recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the worst recessions in history, and you crow that your Messiah has recreated it...
All CON$ grow the government and run up the deb

if so then they are not real cons like Cruz, Carson, and Paul. Bush was obviously not a real con given how he grew govt. Next
They are real CON$ like St Ronnie who grew the government and exploded the debt, just like all CON$ do in spite of what they say to the contrary.
Cruz, Carson and Paul know that Dumb SUCKERS like YOU will still swallow the same CON$ervoFascist shit no matter how many times you are lied to.
Ed how is
1. Laying off/firing millions of workers from the public sector
going to improve our economy?.

once fired they have to get real jobs where they contribute to the economy rather than leech off the economy in a make work job that taxes the economy and unemploys people with real jobs.

Now do you understand?
Once fired and they can't get jobs in the Private Sector due to Business Visas and Illegals, they will vote Democrat, which, of course, won't help, but it WILL piss you off.
Ed how is
1. Laying off/firing millions of workers from the public sector
going to improve our economy?.

once fired they have to get real jobs where they contribute to the economy rather than leech off the economy in a make work job that taxes the economy and unemploys people with real jobs.

Now do you understand?
Once fired and they can't get jobs in the Private Sector due to Business Visas and Illegals, they will vote Democrat, which, of course, won't help, but it WILL piss you off.

I am not talking about illegals or foreigners. I am talking about people that work to make this a better country...

Also the private sector is more likely to outsource and bring in foreigners..So it has these problems even worse.
Being disabled seems to be easy these disability could mean without limbs or just being depressed.
More of your MessiahRushie's lies you are stupid enough to parrot.

Disability awards are DOWN for the last 4 years.

Bet your sources tell you that Obama is the greatest wartime president in American history too!

In 2009 there were 9.7 million. By next year it is expected to 11.4 million....soaking up $147 billion/ year.

Social Security Disability Insurance: Participation Trends and Their Fiscal Implications
You are full of shit as usual, as well as moving the goalposts.

I pointed out that awards were down the last 4 years when you claimed it was getting easier, so if it was getting easier then new awards would be increasing each year.

So now you switched to total beneficiaries, but not total disabled workers, since we are discussing unemployment, no you have to dishonestly include spouses and children of the disabled who have no effect on the unemployment numbers.
But even your dishonest projections are off, the total on disability including children and spouses of disabled workers has started DOWN from 2013 to 2014 so your 11.4 million projection is way off. As of 2014 there are 10,931,092 total collecting disability benefits, down from 10,988,269 in 2013. So Obama's 5 year total increase is less than 1.3 million. In Bush's last 5 years the total disabled increased from 7,949,272 to 9,696,398, an increase of over 1.7 million.

So once again the Right attacks Obama for doing better than Bush, when they never attacked Bush.

Benefits in curre
Being disabled seems to be easy these disability could mean without limbs or just being depressed.
More of your MessiahRushie's lies you are stupid enough to parrot.

Disability awards are DOWN for the last 4 years.

Bet your sources tell you that Obama is the greatest wartime president in American history too!

In 2009 there were 9.7 million. By next year it is expected to 11.4 million....soaking up $147 billion/ year.

nt payment status
Bush wasn't advertising disability benefits on the TV and radio either.

Also....none of this information is current
It stops at June 2015.

One thing I noticed is people collecting social security is still skyrocketing. There has been a massive increase since Obama took office. People are tired of working to take care of government fat-cats and their voters.

Some of the people that were on disability and now are over 62, only get counted as being on Social Security, and not disability anymore. That would explain the slight decrease.

A trend that is more and more prevalent is early retirements. People are using their benefits now instead of later because they figure by the time they hit 70, the fund wil be gone, so they're retiring earlier. This doesn't say a whole lot for our confidence in government. We don't trust Washington anymore. No small wonder outsiders are kicking ass on the GOP side.
Bush was not even remotely Liberal,

Bush introduced the first $2 and $3 trillion budgets. You cant grow govt faster than Bush did!!

Feel stupid now?
Bush was not even remotely Liberal,

Bush introduced the first $2 and $3 trillion budgets. You cant grow govt faster than Bush did!!

Feel stupid now?
All CON$ grow the government and run up the debt while pretending to be against both.
And stupid SUCKERS like you swallow their lying words over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, again. :cuckoo:
I don't know......Democrats have been in charge a lot in the last 30 years......and they're twice as bad. Besides, not all Republicans think alike. Some are big spenders and some are fiscal conservatives.
I believe we should use socialism to bailout capitalism’s natural rate of unemployment as that form of Nurture regardless of our Capital Nature.
Ed how is
1. Laying off/firing millions of workers from the public sector
going to improve our economy?.

once fired they have to get real jobs where they contribute to the economy rather than leech off the economy in a make work job that taxes the economy and unemploys people with real jobs.

Now do you understand?
Once fired and they can't get jobs in the Private Sector due to Business Visas and Illegals, they will vote Democrat, which, of course, won't help, but it WILL piss you off.

I am not talking about illegals or foreigners. I am talking about people that work to make this a better country...

Also the private sector is more likely to outsource and bring in foreigners..So it has these problems even worse.

one make work leech off the taxpayer liberal govt job destroys one real job in the private sector.

Please post on fridge for daily review! If govt jobs helped the country we could create millions of them overnight and end our economic problems forever. Think before you post.
Nope, real CON$ only pretend to want to shrink government.

100% stupid, if the electorate wanted them to shrink the govt in half tomorrow they would do it as conservatives and liberals would object as liberals.

It seems you're too stupid andn liberal to understand simple definitions- right?

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