Jobs bill failed cause $$ going directly to labor leaders' pockets!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The WH said:
"The bill failed because Senate Republicans blocked it. Senate Republicans decided they would not ask millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more in order to put up to 400,000 teachers in our classrooms teaching our children.”

400,000 teachers at average of $52,000 per year is $20.8 billion.
one year. Union dues average $750/teacher or $300 million to labor unions.
90% of labor unions campaign donations go to Democrats!

So why would ANY one vote for a bill that would put a large portion of that
$ 300 million into the campaign coffers of the Democrats?
The WH said:
"The bill failed because Senate Republicans blocked it. Senate Republicans decided they would not ask millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more in order to put up to 400,000 teachers in our classrooms teaching our children.”

400,000 teachers at average of $52,000 per year is $20.8 billion.
one year. Union dues average $750/teacher or $300 million to labor unions.
90% of labor unions campaign donations go to Democrats!

So why would ANY one vote for a bill that would put a large portion of that
$ 300 million into the campaign coffers of the Democrats
As I have said before, CON$ervative lies are neverending. Unions make contributions to political parties through separate funds. Up until the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Extreme Court decision that CON$ worship, it was illegal to use union dues to contribute to political campaigns.

Even the most extreme right wing whackos estimate that the teachers union has given only $60 million in political contributions over the last 20 years, which averages to $3 million per year. Only a lying CON$ervative would exaggerate $3 million into a "large portion" of $300 million!!!
Unlike you I deal with the FACTS!
From 1990 to 2012.. Teachers unions gave:
Democrats $59,469,104 96%
GOP $2,418,411 4%
Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

So given the extremely hyperbolism people like you generate I don't think it is unfair to ask why WE TAX Payers support labor unions that send 95% of the campaign money to the Democrats!
Unlike you I deal with the FACTS!
From 1990 to 2012.. Teachers unions gave:
Democrats $59,469,104 96%
GOP $2,418,411 4%
Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

So given the extremely hyperbolism people like you generate I don't think it is unfair to ask why WE TAX Payers support labor unions that send 95% of the campaign money to the Democrats!

Democrats dont want facts , They love to lie!
Unlike you I deal with the FACTS!
From 1990 to 2012.. Teachers unions gave:
Democrats $59,469,104 96%
GOP $2,418,411 4%
Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

So given the extremely hyperbolism people like you generate I don't think it is unfair to ask why WE TAX Payers support labor unions that send 95% of the campaign money to the Democrats!

Good job.. The numbers are important.
The WH said:
"The bill failed because Senate Republicans blocked it. Senate Republicans decided they would not ask millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more in order to put up to 400,000 teachers in our classrooms teaching our children.”

400,000 teachers at average of $52,000 per year is $20.8 billion.
one year. Union dues average $750/teacher or $300 million to labor unions.
90% of labor unions campaign donations go to Democrats!

So why would ANY one vote for a bill that would put a large portion of that
$ 300 million into the campaign coffers of the Democrats
As I have said before, CON$ervative lies are neverending. Unions make contributions to political parties through separate funds. Up until the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Extreme Court decision that CON$ worship, it was illegal to use union dues to contribute to political campaigns.

Even the most extreme right wing whackos estimate that the teachers union has given only $60 million in political contributions over the last 20 years, which averages to $3 million per year. Only a lying CON$ervative would exaggerate $3 million into a "large portion" of $300 million!!!

Unlike you I deal with the FACTS!
From 1990 to 2012.. Teachers unions gave:
Democrats $59,469,104 96%
GOP $2,418,411 4%

Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets

So given the extremely hyperbolism people like you generate I don't think it is unfair to ask why WE TAX Payers support labor unions that send 95% of the campaign money to the Democrats!
So let's see, I said $60 million in 20 years and you say $62 million in 22 years. So how are MY facts wrong???

And the American people are free to send their money to whatever Party they wish. There is no law that requires the American people to contribute equally to both Parties. So why would any union worker contribute to the GOP who are hell bent on destroying the unions??????
I didn't say you were wrong.. I was pointing out the GROSS distortion of money sent to Democrats by teachers union!

Check out this petition..national right to work National Right to Work Committee
Federal law permits Big Labor to confiscate $8 billion from American workers’ paychecks every year just to get or keep a job;
This forced unionism breeds violent strikes and a hate-the-boss mentality which drive good jobs overseas, jack up prices and risk re-igniting inflation:
Union bosses use this forced-dues fortune to corrupt our political system with over a billion dollars every election cycle; and
Union-puppet politicians routinely vote for higher taxes, bailouts, job-killing bureaucracy and even more porkbarrel spending keeping our nation locked in recession;
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to strike a blow for freedom and American prosperity by co-sponsoring and casting your every vote in favor the National Right to Work Act.
Rand Paul a U.S. Senator is so concerned that labor unions restrict the right to the workers money and that this $8 billion in dues are used grossly out of proportion to the Democrats that he's petition Americans to free the bonds of union slavery to a few plantation owners known as LABOR BOSSES!!!
The WH said:
"The bill failed because Senate Republicans blocked it. Senate Republicans decided they would not ask millionaires and billionaires to pay a little bit more in order to put up to 400,000 teachers in our classrooms teaching our children.”

400,000 teachers at average of $52,000 per year is $20.8 billion.
one year. Union dues average $750/teacher or $300 million to labor unions.
90% of labor unions campaign donations go to Democrats!

So why would ANY one vote for a bill that would put a large portion of that
$ 300 million into the campaign coffers of the Democrats?

Funny how they always are willing to hand out corporate welfare though.
I didn't say you were wrong.. I was pointing out the GROSS distortion of money sent to Democrats by teachers union!

Check out this petition..national right to work National Right to Work Committee
Federal law permits Big Labor to confiscate $8 billion from American workers’ paychecks every year just to get or keep a job;
This forced unionism breeds violent strikes and a hate-the-boss mentality which drive good jobs overseas, jack up prices and risk re-igniting inflation:
Union bosses use this forced-dues fortune to corrupt our political system with over a billion dollars every election cycle; and
Union-puppet politicians routinely vote for higher taxes, bailouts, job-killing bureaucracy and even more porkbarrel spending keeping our nation locked in recession;
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to strike a blow for freedom and American prosperity by co-sponsoring and casting your every vote in favor the National Right to Work Act.
Rand Paul a U.S. Senator is so concerned that labor unions restrict the right to the workers money and that this $8 billion in dues are used grossly out of proportion to the Democrats that he's petition Americans to free the bonds of union slavery to a few plantation owners known as LABOR BOSSES!!!

I never knew Rand Paul was anti worker, I gladly pay my union dues in order to get better wages and benefits negotiated on my behalf than that which my non union counterparts receive.
I didn't say you were wrong.. I was pointing out the GROSS distortion of money sent to Democrats by teachers union!

Check out this petition..national right to work National Right to Work Committee
Federal law permits Big Labor to confiscate $8 billion from American workers’ paychecks every year just to get or keep a job;
This forced unionism breeds violent strikes and a hate-the-boss mentality which drive good jobs overseas, jack up prices and risk re-igniting inflation:
Union bosses use this forced-dues fortune to corrupt our political system with over a billion dollars every election cycle; and
Union-puppet politicians routinely vote for higher taxes, bailouts, job-killing bureaucracy and even more porkbarrel spending keeping our nation locked in recession;
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to strike a blow for freedom and American prosperity by co-sponsoring and casting your every vote in favor the National Right to Work Act.
Rand Paul a U.S. Senator is so concerned that labor unions restrict the right to the workers money and that this $8 billion in dues are used grossly out of proportion to the Democrats that he's petition Americans to free the bonds of union slavery to a few plantation owners known as LABOR BOSSES!!!
Again, in typical CON$ervative form, when caught lying CON$ just keep on lying. As I pointed out, union dues do not go to political campaigns. Political donations by union members are a different non-mandatory fund. As I also pointed out, up until the Citizens United Extreme Court decision, which CON$ worship, using union dues for political donations was illegal!!!

And no union worker I know feels like getting paid union wages makes them a slave. It's the minimum wage workers on the GOP plantation who are the underpaid slaves, and you and Dandy Randy Paul know it.

So I ask again, what union worker would donate to the GOP, who want to destroy unions and make them work for minimum wage, or less once the GOP gets rid of the minimum wage!!!
you wrote:I gladly pay my union dues in order to get better wages and benefits negotiated on my behalf than that which my non union counterparts receive."
GREAT! I would GLADLY pay union dues if:
1) NOT forced to pay.. called "freedom of choice".. NOT SLAVERY!
2) I had my dues sent to a political party of MY CHOICE not a handful of labor leaders!

AND YOU know you I would think AGREE.
I mean if you GLADLY pay then you should have NO problem with the rights of
others that DON"T AGREE that forced union dues are necessary...IF the union is
1) NOT promoting political policies that encourage divisiveness!'
2) NOT promoting communist/socialist form of government which the current KNOWN labor leaders, Trumka, Stern et. al. have been widely known to promote!

I use to belong to the Ironworkers union when the majority of leaders had come from the ironworkers background and appreciated the dangers and work involved.
Today union leaders have never driven a fork lift, much less any of the labor involved and yet they average over $200,000 a year in salaries/perks,etc..
So I would have a problem having MY paycheck deducted to go support their lavish lifestyle.. especially FORCED to join if I wanted a job!
you wrote:I gladly pay my union dues in order to get better wages and benefits negotiated on my behalf than that which my non union counterparts receive."
GREAT! I would GLADLY pay union dues if:
1) NOT forced to pay.. called "freedom of choice".. NOT SLAVERY!
2) I had my dues sent to a political party of MY CHOICE not a handful of labor leaders!

AND YOU know you I would think AGREE.
I mean if you GLADLY pay then you should have NO problem with the rights of
others that DON"T AGREE that forced union dues are necessary...IF the union is
1) NOT promoting political policies that encourage divisiveness!'
2) NOT promoting communist/socialist form of government which the current KNOWN labor leaders, Trumka, Stern et. al. have been widely known to promote!

I use to belong to the Ironworkers union when the majority of leaders had come from the ironworkers background and appreciated the dangers and work involved.
Today union leaders have never driven a fork lift, much less any of the labor involved and yet they average over $200,000 a year in salaries/perks,etc..
So I would have a problem having MY paycheck deducted to go support their lavish lifestyle.. especially FORCED to join if I wanted a job!

(1)No one is forced to pay union dues, dont want to pay? Go get a lesser paying non union job.
(2)Dues are not used for political contributions.

(1)Unions do not contribute to political divisive parties, they dont give to the anti worker Republicans.
(2)Propaganda bought as reality shows lack of intellect.

$200,000 A year is chickenfeed for some one in an executive position, I want a well educated person negotiating on my behalf not the guy I drive a forklift with.

You are not forced to join a union, Walmart is always hiring.
you wrote:I gladly pay my union dues in order to get better wages and benefits negotiated on my behalf than that which my non union counterparts receive."
GREAT! I would GLADLY pay union dues if:
1) NOT forced to pay.. called "freedom of choice".. NOT SLAVERY!
2) I had my dues sent to a political party of MY CHOICE not a handful of labor leaders!

AND YOU know you I would think AGREE.
I mean if you GLADLY pay then you should have NO problem with the rights of
others that DON"T AGREE that forced union dues are necessary...IF the union is
1) NOT promoting political policies that encourage divisiveness!'
2) NOT promoting communist/socialist form of government which the current KNOWN labor leaders, Trumka, Stern et. al. have been widely known to promote!

I use to belong to the Ironworkers union when the majority of leaders had come from the ironworkers background and appreciated the dangers and work involved.
Today union leaders have never driven a fork lift, much less any of the labor involved and yet they average over $200,000 a year in salaries/perks,etc..
So I would have a problem having MY paycheck deducted to go support their lavish lifestyle.. especially FORCED to join if I wanted a job!

(1)No one is forced to pay union dues, dont want to pay? Go get a lesser paying non union job.
(2)Dues are not used for political contributions.

(1)Unions do not contribute to political divisive parties, they dont give to the anti worker Republicans.
(2)Propaganda bought as reality shows lack of intellect.

$200,000 A year is chickenfeed for some one in an executive position, I want a well educated person negotiating on my behalf not the guy I drive a forklift with.

You are not forced to join a union, Walmart is always hiring.

You are always such a fucking liar.

Unions funnel dues for political contributions - Bing
you wrote:I gladly pay my union dues in order to get better wages and benefits negotiated on my behalf than that which my non union counterparts receive."
GREAT! I would GLADLY pay union dues if:
1) NOT forced to pay.. called "freedom of choice".. NOT SLAVERY!
2) I had my dues sent to a political party of MY CHOICE not a handful of labor leaders!

AND YOU know you I would think AGREE.
I mean if you GLADLY pay then you should have NO problem with the rights of
others that DON"T AGREE that forced union dues are necessary...IF the union is
1) NOT promoting political policies that encourage divisiveness!'
2) NOT promoting communist/socialist form of government which the current KNOWN labor leaders, Trumka, Stern et. al. have been widely known to promote!

I use to belong to the Ironworkers union when the majority of leaders had come from the ironworkers background and appreciated the dangers and work involved.
Today union leaders have never driven a fork lift, much less any of the labor involved and yet they average over $200,000 a year in salaries/perks,etc..
So I would have a problem having MY paycheck deducted to go support their lavish lifestyle.. especially FORCED to join if I wanted a job!

(1)No one is forced to pay union dues, dont want to pay? Go get a lesser paying non union job.
(2)Dues are not used for political contributions.

(1)Unions do not contribute to political divisive parties, they dont give to the anti worker Republicans.
(2)Propaganda bought as reality shows lack of intellect.

$200,000 A year is chickenfeed for some one in an executive position, I want a well educated person negotiating on my behalf not the guy I drive a forklift with.

You are not forced to join a union, Walmart is always hiring.

You are always such a fucking liar.

Unions funnel dues for political contributions - Bing

And you are a scumbag piece of shit.
(1)No one is forced to pay union dues, dont want to pay? Go get a lesser paying non union job.
(2)Dues are not used for political contributions.

(1)Unions do not contribute to political divisive parties, they dont give to the anti worker Republicans.
(2)Propaganda bought as reality shows lack of intellect.

$200,000 A year is chickenfeed for some one in an executive position, I want a well educated person negotiating on my behalf not the guy I drive a forklift with.

You are not forced to join a union, Walmart is always hiring.

You are always such a fucking liar.

- Bing

And you are a scumbag piece of shit.

Need some tissue asshole?

It must suck to be so easily defeated by an observer. :lmao:
you wrote:I gladly pay my union dues in order to get better wages and benefits negotiated on my behalf than that which my non union counterparts receive."
GREAT! I would GLADLY pay union dues if:
1) NOT forced to pay.. called "freedom of choice".. NOT SLAVERY!
2) I had my dues sent to a political party of MY CHOICE not a handful of labor leaders!

AND YOU know you I would think AGREE.
I mean if you GLADLY pay then you should have NO problem with the rights of
others that DON"T AGREE that forced union dues are necessary...IF the union is
1) NOT promoting political policies that encourage divisiveness!'
2) NOT promoting communist/socialist form of government which the current KNOWN labor leaders, Trumka, Stern et. al. have been widely known to promote!

I use to belong to the Ironworkers union when the majority of leaders had come from the ironworkers background and appreciated the dangers and work involved.
Today union leaders have never driven a fork lift, much less any of the labor involved and yet they average over $200,000 a year in salaries/perks,etc..
So I would have a problem having MY paycheck deducted to go support their lavish lifestyle.. especially FORCED to join if I wanted a job!

(1)No one is forced to pay union dues, dont want to pay? Go get a lesser paying non union job.
(2)Dues are not used for political contributions.

(1)Unions do not contribute to political divisive parties, they dont give to the anti worker Republicans.
(2)Propaganda bought as reality shows lack of intellect.

$200,000 A year is chickenfeed for some one in an executive position, I want a well educated person negotiating on my behalf not the guy I drive a forklift with.

You are not forced to join a union, Walmart is always hiring.

You are always such a fucking liar.

Unions funnel dues for political contributions - Bing
All that link shows is CON$ lie in packs.
HealthMyths - or forced to go on strike and just absorb the week or month, without a paycheck & still feed your family?? Or be forced out of the union - sometimes violently?

That was the reality of belonging to a union back in the 60's... and it's not much different now.

The jobs bill was a desperate, nonsensical attempt to look like the administration was going to "do something". OK; they succeeded -- the bill would only have cost a lot of money and created few jobs for the people who are currently unemployed -- they succeeded at creating another piece of propaganda without a single look at the real effect - and unintended consequences. That's all it was.

But, I'm a tad anxious that our congress doesn't know - for sure - whether the president can mandate this plan without going the usual congressional procedures. DID ANYONE CHECK THEIR GPA's and grades in Political Science, or Civics, or Economics before voting for them????? I'm sure as hell going to ask those questions this time.

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