Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

I've thought about visiting the hardcore Trumpster websites to see how they discuss economics, but I don't think I want to see it.

I see enough of it here, and that's disturbing enough.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
tRump's hand picked fed chairman that he now twits about so negatively? Does anyone care what he thinks?
dude, it's always something eh? always. your TDS is awesome.
Are you gonna address my post or just insult me?

God your post is tempting. :21: The irony after you post, "tRump's" look snowflake just relax.
So no then?

You capitulation is noted.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

No, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did NOT save GM and Chrysler. Obama saved the AUTO UNIONS.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?
There is so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

No, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did NOT save GM and Chrysler. Obama saved the AUTO UNIONS.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

There is so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.

So tell us.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

Come on Progressive, tell us! No guts, no glory!
Yeah. That’s how he sold it. A miserable failure. A full time job is, and always has been 40 hours plus overtime if available and benefits.

Once again, the 30 hours was only for ObamaCare, it did not change the way jobs are counted.

That’s for qualified responsible people. I’d like to waste more time, but I’m off to work my additional part time job that I’ve had for the past 11 years. Good luck with the free government cheese [emoji893].

I am sorry to hear that you full time job sucks so much you have to work a second one to make ends meet. Perhaps one day you will be able to better your life situation instead of working extra jobs.

As for government cheese, unless you count my Marine Corp retirement check as cheese, I am not sure what you are talking about. I work one job, 40 hours a week and make what the Govt says puts me in the top 10%
Yeah. That’s how he sold it. A miserable failure. A full time job is, and always has been 40 hours plus overtime if available and benefits.

Once again, the 30 hours was only for ObamaCare, it did not change the way jobs are counted.

That’s for qualified responsible people. I’d like to waste more time, but I’m off to work my additional part time job that I’ve had for the past 11 years. Good luck with the free government cheese [emoji893].

I am sorry to hear that you full time job sucks so much you have to work a second one to make ends meet. Perhaps one day you will be able to better your life situation instead of working extra jobs.

As for government cheese, unless you count my Marine Corp retirement check as cheese, I am not sure what you are talking about. I work one job, 40 hours a week and make what the Govt says puts me in the top 10%

My job doesn’t suck. I just prefer to pay cash, and provide for my family. Always have. I’m close to retirement, so my plan has worked fine.

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the right wing is literally, incredible but want to be taken seriously anyway.
I've thought about visiting the hardcore Trumpster websites to see how they discuss economics, but I don't think I want to see it.

I see enough of it here, and that's disturbing enough.
Fed chairman says you’re an idiot
tRump's hand picked fed chairman that he now twits about so negatively? Does anyone care what he thinks?
Watch what they actually DO. They've already cut 25bps, and markets are screaming for 50pbs more.
Which we really should save for a later date.
Yeah, that would have been nice. I'm sure the Fed would have liked to be sitting at, at least, 4.0% on the funds rate, but this "soaring" economy needs help.

Hopefully 50bps will be enough. A good deal with China would be better.
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Another dishonest post.

All you have to do is look at the unemployment in 2015 and 2016. Then spilled over in 2017. This is not Trump economy.,
Americans are not giving him the credits by looking at his popularity. With this economy he should be at minimum 60%.

If Obama did a bad a job as you portrayed all the time and the bad regulations that you keep blabbering bull crap.
Do you honestly believe that the economy miraculously turn around in January 20. 2017?

What I believe is that if you are going to credit somebody (or discredit them) for something, you have to provide evidence they are responsible.

DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He regulated businesses, he taxed businesses, he's closed down businesses, and then people want to give him credit for the economy?

I don't have to repeat what ACTIONS Trump took to give us the economy we have today, but he and Hussein are the polar opposites when it comes to the economy and job creation. So nobody can BS me and say that this is still Ears economy that Trump only maintained.

Wrong again.

You also avoided my questions. The economy in 2015 and 2016 tells me that you are very dishonest.

Obama anti business? That’s a load of crap. If Obama is that bad and the lies that you keep blabbering about regulations..... the economy should not be this good in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
These are real facts.

Trump economy? The Americans should give him the credits but his popularity tells you the other way. So it’s not trump economy.

It absolutely is his economy. If Hillary were in charge, we would have been going the other way now for the last couple of years.

Why is Trump's popularity down? Gee, I don't know. Maybe this perhaps?

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Nah, that can't be it. Perhaps this?

CNN, MSNBC said 'racist' more than 4,100 times from July 14-21

You see, brainwashing has worked for the Democrats and they know it. They have nothing else to offer the public. While they do plenty, it's their media and Hollywood that does most of the work; both extensions of the Democrat party.

True, it doesn't work on everybody. Not everybody is weak minded enough to follow marching orders. But it works enough to get them elected from time to time.

DumBama's economy was mostly due to feds who pumped trillions of dollars into the market, also known as Quantitive Easing. While DumBama served during the worst recovery since WWII, the biggest boost for him was the drastic reduction in fuel costs, which of course, is another thing he had nothing to do with. In fact he and the Democrats are strongly against fracking.

Very funny. You may want to ask Trump own news media Fox News.
His popularity is also way down there and no difference from others.

Well keep trusting polls then. I know what's going to happen, because it happens all the time with Republicans.

Polls show the Republican getting beaten badly. As the election draws near, for some strange reason, the polls begin to tighten. A few days before the election, some show the Republican ahead of his or her contender.

Polls are not conducted to tell you what people think, polls are conducted to get a desired outcome to convince people how to think. Democrats are violent people. It's one of the reasons we need to keep our guns. People are frightened to say they are going to vote for Trump, or that they approve of Trump.

It's just like what happened after the reelection of GW. Exit polls showed that Kerry was well ahead. People surveyed were afraid to tell the pollsters they were marching into the voting booth to vote for GW.

Well put.
Yeah. That’s how he sold it. A miserable failure. A full time job is, and always has been 40 hours plus overtime if available and benefits.

Once again, the 30 hours was only for ObamaCare, it did not change the way jobs are counted.

That’s for qualified responsible people. I’d like to waste more time, but I’m off to work my additional part time job that I’ve had for the past 11 years. Good luck with the free government cheese [emoji893].

I am sorry to hear that you full time job sucks so much you have to work a second one to make ends meet. Perhaps one day you will be able to better your life situation instead of working extra jobs.

As for government cheese, unless you count my Marine Corp retirement check as cheese, I am not sure what you are talking about. I work one job, 40 hours a week and make what the Govt says puts me in the top 10%

My job doesn’t suck. I just prefer to pay cash, and provide for my family. Always have. I’m close to retirement, so my plan has worked fine.

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Yet for the last 11 years you have had to take time away from your family for a 2nd job so you could provide for them
Nothing but bigotry?

There was nothing on Ellis Island before. It is only a museum now. It could be upgraded to process thousands per day. Same day processing should be the goal.

Bigotry? What the heck are you talking about?

How do they get to Ellis Island and why take them to a museum? How do they travel the 2,150+ miles from the border to an island in New York harbor?

Why don't you want to spend the money to process them on the border?
it is about upgrading Ellis Island, dear. we don't want the pressure on our southern border. the right wing whines about it too much.
Yeah. That’s how he sold it. A miserable failure. A full time job is, and always has been 40 hours plus overtime if available and benefits.

Once again, the 30 hours was only for ObamaCare, it did not change the way jobs are counted.

That’s for qualified responsible people. I’d like to waste more time, but I’m off to work my additional part time job that I’ve had for the past 11 years. Good luck with the free government cheese [emoji893].

I am sorry to hear that you full time job sucks so much you have to work a second one to make ends meet. Perhaps one day you will be able to better your life situation instead of working extra jobs.

As for government cheese, unless you count my Marine Corp retirement check as cheese, I am not sure what you are talking about. I work one job, 40 hours a week and make what the Govt says puts me in the top 10%

My job doesn’t suck. I just prefer to pay cash, and provide for my family. Always have. I’m close to retirement, so my plan has worked fine.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yet for the last 11 years you have had to take time away from your family for a 2nd job so you could provide for them

Couldn’t pass on what they pay me. Nothing to do with family time. I’m right on track, and where I always planned to be. I’m breaking balls, but thanks for your service.

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This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.

this is where nobody answers you because youre too f'n stupid to understand .

As predicted you can't point to any of Obama's policies that helped boost GDP. Meanwhile we can point to his many policies and decisions which were anti growth and anti business. This is why the American people rejected you stupid tards in 2016 hello.

your head is so far up Trumps fat ass theres not an explanation that suits you -



Trump has beaten you, face facts. Organize group therapy or relo to Canada. :itsok:
Are you kidding? tRump couldn't even beat Hillary Clinton, one of the worst candidates ever nominated, without Russian assistance.

Brainwashing has always fascinated me as well as scare me at the same time.
The fact is Trump's GDP blows Obama's away Trump made Obama look like the amateur that he is.
Numbers don't lie son, you shouldn't either.

Oh God the irony, read it and weep libtard. Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

I've been around for both major recessions. Hands down, Reagan's was much worse than DumBama's. In the 80's recession, there weren't even any McDonald's jobs available.

If DumBama didn't help his union buddies in the auto industry, they would have had to file for bankruptcy and be reorganized by the courts.
Numbers don't lie son, you shouldn't either.

Oh God the irony, read it and weep libtard. Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

I've been around for both major recessions. Hands down, Reagan's was much worse than DumBama's. In the 80's recession, there weren't even any McDonald's jobs available.

If DumBama didn't help his union buddies in the auto industry, they would have had to file for bankruptcy and be reorganized by the courts.
Let me make sure I have this right.

You attribute the Meltdown to Obama, and you think that the economy in the 80s was "hands down" worse than the Meltdown?

I don't want to put words in your mouth. Is this what I'm seeing?
It absolutely is his economy. If Hillary were in charge, we would have been going the other way now for the last couple of years.

Why is Trump's popularity down? Gee, I don't know. Maybe this perhaps?

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

Nah, that can't be it. Perhaps this?

CNN, MSNBC said 'racist' more than 4,100 times from July 14-21

You see, brainwashing has worked for the Democrats and they know it. They have nothing else to offer the public. While they do plenty, it's their media and Hollywood that does most of the work; both extensions of the Democrat party.

True, it doesn't work on everybody. Not everybody is weak minded enough to follow marching orders. But it works enough to get them elected from time to time.

DumBama's economy was mostly due to feds who pumped trillions of dollars into the market, also known as Quantitive Easing. While DumBama served during the worst recovery since WWII, the biggest boost for him was the drastic reduction in fuel costs, which of course, is another thing he had nothing to do with. In fact he and the Democrats are strongly against fracking.

Wrong again Ray very wrong. You can lie however you want but facts are proving you wrongly.

It doesn’t matter who was elected president in 2016. Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, Bush, Sanders or Hillary. The economy still be this good. It is NOT because of that orange clown.

It matters greatly, because businesses don't like to invest or expand under uncertain environments. Trump is extremely pro-business, so that gives business confidence that things will go their way, unlike with DumBama where they didn't know WTF to expect next.

But I expected and even predicted this. It's like Rush Limbaugh always says. I know liberals like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body.

You people are just too easy to predict.

Wrong again. Economy was already booming in 2015 and 2016.
Oh I’m going to stop investing because Hillary or Bush is the president. That’s dumb.

It wasn't Booming, it was getting better, again, because most Americans found new money in their pockets thanks to the decrease in fuel prices.

One of my former coworkers stated he was saving over $125.00 a month, plus what he saved on his heating home bill. Another one who also lived far away from work was saving $80.00 a month, but all his kids were grown and he didn't have to drive them everywhere.

That drop in price was real money to middle-class people. They were able to payoff credit cards faster, able to buy new vehicles sooner, able to put that new money into circulation since it was all disposable income.

The problem with the DumBama legacy is you on the left give him credit simply for being in the right place at the right time. You can't name anything positive he did, so you sit there and say Obama was President, so he was the one that did something. The fact of the matter is he didn't do squat.

Well you just shot your own foot.
If gas prices went down, people saves money.... improving the economy. Obama was awesome. Then spill over to 2017 and 2018. Then unemployment was down in 2015 and 2016 spill over in 2017 and 2018. It’s Obama’s economy.

I can name you Obama’s accomplishment but I will just hurt your feelings. That is why Obama’s popularity is far far better here in US and overseas than your racist piece of shit POTUS.

The problem with people like you who don’t give Obama the credits because of your hatred.

Wrong. I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But when you have a guy who's administration didn't allow oil exploration in the US on public lands, virtually kicked out the oil drillers in the Gulf, shut down coal mines, closed electric companies, you have an anti-energy President.

No, you can't name me anything DumBama did for businesses because everything he did was to harm them. Again, the lower fuel prices were because of fracking. That's it in a nutshell. DumBama had absolutely nothing to do with it.

What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

I've been around for both major recessions. Hands down, Reagan's was much worse than DumBama's. In the 80's recession, there weren't even any McDonald's jobs available.

If DumBama didn't help his union buddies in the auto industry, they would have had to file for bankruptcy and be reorganized by the courts.
Let me make sure I have this right.

You attribute the Meltdown to Obama, and you think that the economy in the 80s was "hands down" worse than the Meltdown?

I don't want to put words in your mouth. Is this what I'm seeing?

No, I didn't blame DumBama for the meltdown. I do believe Reagan's recession was worse. At the time, there were no jobs available, and I know because I was looking for one. I ended up working at a temp service for about a year, and spent another year on a catering truck working for commission only which only ended up paying a little over minimum wage.

During the Obama years, people were still hiring albeit not the best money, but at least there were jobs available. The difference between the two recessions is that unemployment didn't pay crap back in Reagan's days, and it paid pretty good under DumBama, so people chose not to work and sit home.

Then he extended unemployment, and some like my neighbor dragged it out for two years until the very last day it ran out. Then he went to work for his brother-in-law which he could have done anytime in the two years he sat home.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Unfortunately the majority of it is on credit cards and will crash in on all. between the govt, corporations and citizens-40 trillion in debt. Greed run capitalism is no good. The poor are about to become devastated.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Peak Trump cultism ^^

The August jobs report was a disappointment and came in under the already tempered expectations.
Okay kids, back to the topic. The OP stands as true and un-refuted (sorry Lefties):

"Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try
Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

Before you get too excited, there were similar reports just prior to the last two great Fed bubble bursts in 2007 and 1998

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