Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Peak Trump cultism ^^

The August jobs report was a disappointment and came in under the already tempered expectations.

Contrary facts are not allowed in the alternate universe. It's all about emotion for them.
The real story about the jobs created.....

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Only 96,000 jobs were created in the private sector....

Once full employment is reached, how do you add more jobs than the new workers entering the job market?

I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY that you would skip this MINOR DETAIL in the report.

Our full employment is pushing wages up as well. How did you miss that MINOR DETAIL?

U.S. Adds 134,000 Jobs in September
Last Updated Oct 5, 2018 at 10:01 am ET
Labor Department data showed the U.S. added 134,000 jobs in September, missing forecasts of 180,000. The unemployment rate fell to 3.7%, its lowest level since 1969, while average hourly earnings rose 2.8% from a year earlier.

U.S. Adds 134,000 Jobs in September

Facts don't matter to the left, only how they can spin a story negative on Trump.

What facts? You probably mean fuck from the trumpets....

I repeatedly keep saying that the economy is already booming in 2015 and 2016. That’s a fact..
But your buddies here keep saying 2015 and 2016 is not real.

Take a time out and collect yourself.

What facts?

Obama inherited bad economy. That’s a fact...... You and your buddies denies it.

Collapse of real state. That hurts almost every Americans. Hinders Obama’s progress. That’s a fact. You and your buddies denies it.
The fact is Trump's GDP blows Obama's away Trump made Obama look like the amateur that he is.
Numbers don't lie son, you shouldn't either.

Oh God the irony, read it and weep libtard. Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

These assholes forget or denies ALL of that. They only see this orange clown like a big dick.
WOW Trump sign an executive order.
WOW Trump is deporting illegals.
WOW Trump un doing Obama’s policies.

Either they are just dumb or playing stupid.
Unfortunately the majority of it is on credit cards and will crash in on all. between the govt, corporations and citizens-40 trillion in debt. Greed run capitalism is no good. The poor are about to become devastated.
Stay calm, Chicken Little ... the sky is not falling.
Peak Trump cultism... The August jobs report was a disappointment and came in under the already tempered expectations.
And another triggered Chicken Little clucks. Are you worried that there will be no recession and/or economic collapse in time to save the Democrat Socialist Party from their 2020 doom?
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

No, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did NOT save GM and Chrysler. Obama saved the AUTO UNIONS.

Had President Obama NOT bailed out the auto unions as he did, how many fewer new cars do you believe would have been sold in the United States?

Please tell me if this is wrong.

As Obama Takes Victory Lap Over Auto Industry Rescue, Here Are The Lessons Of The Bailout

The decision to bail out General Motors and Chrysler, and aid their financing subsidiaries and suppliers through loan guarantees in 2009 in the teeth of the economic meltdown that gripped world markets, was hotly debated at the time and since. But given the 640,000 auto industry jobs created since then and the record sales by the industry in 2015, the President has room to crow.
Terri is somewhere between Baghdad Bob and Dr. Goebbels in the pure bullshit department.

Number do not lie. You DO lie.

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

Sorry if the truth hurts
The worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere in the modern world sucks, no matter how many $8 an hour jobs there are with no benefits....
Numbers don't lie son, you shouldn't either.

Oh God the irony, read it and weep libtard. Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

I've been around for both major recessions. Hands down, Reagan's was much worse than DumBama's. In the 80's recession, there weren't even any McDonald's jobs available.

If DumBama didn't help his union buddies in the auto industry, they would have had to file for bankruptcy and be reorganized by the courts.

Tell me if these links are inaccurate or false. Or you are being dishonest again.

As Obama Takes Victory Lap Over Auto Industry Rescue, Here Are The Lessons Of The Bailout

In the five years since GM's bankruptcy it made $22.6 billion. But taxpayers lost $10.6 billion on bailout that saved the company.

GM made $22.6 billion. We lost $10.6 billion

By Chris Isidore May 29, 2014: 2:51 PM ET
After filing for bankruptcy five years ago, General Motors is now one of the most profitable companies in the world.
Wrong again Ray very wrong. You can lie however you want but facts are proving you wrongly.

It doesn’t matter who was elected president in 2016. Ron Paul, Ted Cruz, Bush, Sanders or Hillary. The economy still be this good. It is NOT because of that orange clown.

It matters greatly, because businesses don't like to invest or expand under uncertain environments. Trump is extremely pro-business, so that gives business confidence that things will go their way, unlike with DumBama where they didn't know WTF to expect next.

But I expected and even predicted this. It's like Rush Limbaugh always says. I know liberals like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body.

You people are just too easy to predict.

Wrong again. Economy was already booming in 2015 and 2016.
Oh I’m going to stop investing because Hillary or Bush is the president. That’s dumb.

It wasn't Booming, it was getting better, again, because most Americans found new money in their pockets thanks to the decrease in fuel prices.

One of my former coworkers stated he was saving over $125.00 a month, plus what he saved on his heating home bill. Another one who also lived far away from work was saving $80.00 a month, but all his kids were grown and he didn't have to drive them everywhere.

That drop in price was real money to middle-class people. They were able to payoff credit cards faster, able to buy new vehicles sooner, able to put that new money into circulation since it was all disposable income.

The problem with the DumBama legacy is you on the left give him credit simply for being in the right place at the right time. You can't name anything positive he did, so you sit there and say Obama was President, so he was the one that did something. The fact of the matter is he didn't do squat.

Well you just shot your own foot.
If gas prices went down, people saves money.... improving the economy. Obama was awesome. Then spill over to 2017 and 2018. Then unemployment was down in 2015 and 2016 spill over in 2017 and 2018. It’s Obama’s economy.

I can name you Obama’s accomplishment but I will just hurt your feelings. That is why Obama’s popularity is far far better here in US and overseas than your racist piece of shit POTUS.

The problem with people like you who don’t give Obama the credits because of your hatred.

Wrong. I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But when you have a guy who's administration didn't allow oil exploration in the US on public lands, virtually kicked out the oil drillers in the Gulf, shut down coal mines, closed electric companies, you have an anti-energy President.

No, you can't name me anything DumBama did for businesses because everything he did was to harm them. Again, the lower fuel prices were because of fracking. That's it in a nutshell. DumBama had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?
Unfortunately the majority of it is on credit cards and will crash in on all. between the govt, corporations and citizens-40 trillion in debt. Greed run capitalism is no good. The poor are about to become devastated.
Stay calm, Chicken Little ... the sky is not falling.
Peak Trump cultism... The August jobs report was a disappointment and came in under the already tempered expectations.
And another triggered Chicken Little clucks. Are you worried that there will be no recession and/or economic collapse in time to save the Democrat Socialist Party from their 2020 doom?
And 25000 of these jobs were temporary census jobs. We'll see -there are some bad indicators. And you can thank the orange clown trade Wars and Tariff idiocy and chaos in general.
The biggest full blow liar, idiot, and propagandist on the news regarding economics.
That toad Krugman was screaming recession/depression like a moron if Trump was elected.

Within 2 days of Trumps victory business investment spiked up.
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Unfortunately the majority of it is on credit cards and will crash in on all. between the govt, corporations and citizens-40 trillion in debt. Greed run capitalism is no good. The poor are about to become devastated.
Stay calm, Chicken Little ... the sky is not falling.
Peak Trump cultism... The August jobs report was a disappointment and came in under the already tempered expectations.
And another triggered Chicken Little clucks. Are you worried that there will be no recession and/or economic collapse in time to save the Democrat Socialist Party from their 2020 doom?
And 25000 of these jobs were temporary census jobs. We'll see -there are some bad indicators. And you can thank the orange clown trade Wars and Tariff idiocy and chaos in general.
As much as you mindless leftards pray for the US to crash & burn there are no bad indicators according to those with the cojones to invest in America, Comrade Franco. They seem to believe you are an ignorant IDIOT and are willing to put up good money to prove it. Do you hold short positions or are you just another bitter leftarded mouth with no balls and no brains?

Fellow brain-dead 'tard Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty. Like many on the left, he doesn't care who gets hurt as long as his mindless hatred is served:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
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What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

I've been around for both major recessions. Hands down, Reagan's was much worse than DumBama's. In the 80's recession, there weren't even any McDonald's jobs available.

If DumBama didn't help his union buddies in the auto industry, they would have had to file for bankruptcy and be reorganized by the courts.

Tell me if these links are inaccurate or false. Or you are being dishonest again.

As Obama Takes Victory Lap Over Auto Industry Rescue, Here Are The Lessons Of The Bailout

In the five years since GM's bankruptcy it made $22.6 billion. But taxpayers lost $10.6 billion on bailout that saved the company.

GM made $22.6 billion. We lost $10.6 billion

By Chris Isidore May 29, 2014: 2:51 PM ET
After filing for bankruptcy five years ago, General Motors is now one of the most profitable companies in the world.

This also tells you how a company or the economy turn around from disaster.
It took 5 fucking years for GM to recover after the bail out.
The economy will not miraculously recover overnight. Just because of an inept POTUS.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

It's Breitbart. Hardly a reliable source on the economy. Keep on whistling past the graveyard little Trumpbot.

Jobs report falls short of expectations, stoking more recession fears
Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?
High taxes harm business
Intrusive Regulations harm business
Obamacare harms business

That enough, hate-boy?
Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?
High taxes harm business
Intrusive Regulations harm business
Obamacare harms business

That enough, hate-boy?
Democrat Socialists harm business and Americans.
What exactly do you think that proves? Obama hit 5% a couple of times, by your logic he wins.

This is where I ask you what specific Obama policies boosted GDP and you shit yourself.
You're kidding, right? He saved the auto industry, that's hundreds of thousands of jobs, he bailed out the banks (which I hate, but things would have been worse if he hadn't), he first supported and them renominated bernanke, and so on. You kids seem to forget the shape things were in when he took over. A republican administration handed him an economic disaster, markets in a free fall, hemorrhaging jobs, failing financial institutions, the worst situation since the great depression in the 1930s.

I've been around for both major recessions. Hands down, Reagan's was much worse than DumBama's. In the 80's recession, there weren't even any McDonald's jobs available.

If DumBama didn't help his union buddies in the auto industry, they would have had to file for bankruptcy and be reorganized by the courts.

Tell me if these links are inaccurate or false. Or you are being dishonest again.

As Obama Takes Victory Lap Over Auto Industry Rescue, Here Are The Lessons Of The Bailout

In the five years since GM's bankruptcy it made $22.6 billion. But taxpayers lost $10.6 billion on bailout that saved the company.

GM made $22.6 billion. We lost $10.6 billion

By Chris Isidore May 29, 2014: 2:51 PM ET
After filing for bankruptcy five years ago, General Motors is now one of the most profitable companies in the world.

This also tells you how a company or the economy turn around from disaster.
It took 5 fucking years for GM to recover after the bail out.
The economy will not miraculously recover overnight. Just because of an inept POTUS.

After the bail out of the auto industries. They became very profitable from 2014 and beyond to 2019.
That is why I keep saying this is Obama’s economy. It is not Trump economy.
It matters greatly, because businesses don't like to invest or expand under uncertain environments. Trump is extremely pro-business, so that gives business confidence that things will go their way, unlike with DumBama where they didn't know WTF to expect next.

But I expected and even predicted this. It's like Rush Limbaugh always says. I know liberals like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body.

You people are just too easy to predict.

Wrong again. Economy was already booming in 2015 and 2016.
Oh I’m going to stop investing because Hillary or Bush is the president. That’s dumb.

It wasn't Booming, it was getting better, again, because most Americans found new money in their pockets thanks to the decrease in fuel prices.

One of my former coworkers stated he was saving over $125.00 a month, plus what he saved on his heating home bill. Another one who also lived far away from work was saving $80.00 a month, but all his kids were grown and he didn't have to drive them everywhere.

That drop in price was real money to middle-class people. They were able to payoff credit cards faster, able to buy new vehicles sooner, able to put that new money into circulation since it was all disposable income.

The problem with the DumBama legacy is you on the left give him credit simply for being in the right place at the right time. You can't name anything positive he did, so you sit there and say Obama was President, so he was the one that did something. The fact of the matter is he didn't do squat.

Well you just shot your own foot.
If gas prices went down, people saves money.... improving the economy. Obama was awesome. Then spill over to 2017 and 2018. Then unemployment was down in 2015 and 2016 spill over in 2017 and 2018. It’s Obama’s economy.

I can name you Obama’s accomplishment but I will just hurt your feelings. That is why Obama’s popularity is far far better here in US and overseas than your racist piece of shit POTUS.

The problem with people like you who don’t give Obama the credits because of your hatred.

Wrong. I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But when you have a guy who's administration didn't allow oil exploration in the US on public lands, virtually kicked out the oil drillers in the Gulf, shut down coal mines, closed electric companies, you have an anti-energy President.

No, you can't name me anything DumBama did for businesses because everything he did was to harm them. Again, the lower fuel prices were because of fracking. That's it in a nutshell. DumBama had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?

Oh, without a doubt I hate Obama. I never hated a former President more in my life than him. If he fell down a stairway and broke his neck, I couldn't' be happier.

I don't know if you have a selective reading problem, or a serious comprehension problem. So one more time:

The economy picked up in 2015 thanks to the reduction in fuel prices which DumBama had nothing to do with. Quit giving him credit for something he had no control over.
Please tell me if this is wrong.

As Obama Takes Victory Lap Over Auto Industry Rescue, Here Are The Lessons Of The Bailout

The decision to bail out General Motors and Chrysler, and aid their financing subsidiaries and suppliers through loan guarantees in 2009 in the teeth of the economic meltdown that gripped world markets, was hotly debated at the time and since. But given the 640,000 auto industry jobs created since then and the record sales by the industry in 2015, the President has room to crow.

GM still owes taxpayers $11.2 billion. Chrysler is no longer an American automaker, it is owned by Fiat so it is an Italian automaker.

As you know, the automakers were not rescued. The auto unions were rescued.

Numerous times I have asked the far-left how many fewer cars would have been bought in the US had GM and Chrysler been allowed to go through the usual bankruptcy process. They refuse to answer because they know that we would have sold exactly the same number of new cars. That means the same number of workers would have built them.

Bankruptcy would have broken up the two car manufacturers into several parts. That would have resulted in new management and that would have rid the companies of the old, failed management along with the massive legacy costs. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama owed the auto unions far, far too much to allow that to have happened.
Just a pile of cow dung. With your hatred? I doubt every single post you made about Obama.

Okay let me ask you the same questions I’ve been asking for a long time but Trump lickers keeps avoiding it.

What are Obama’s policies that harm businesses?

Again. I keep repeating this. If you really an honest person. Look at the economy in 2015 and 2016. Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good without 2015 and 2016 investments?
High taxes harm business
Intrusive Regulations harm business
Obamacare harms business

That enough, hate-boy?

Any specifics or link there buuud?
Unfortunately the majority of it is on credit cards and will crash in on all. between the govt, corporations and citizens-40 trillion in debt. Greed run capitalism is no good. The poor are about to become devastated.
Stay calm, Chicken Little ... the sky is not falling.
Peak Trump cultism... The August jobs report was a disappointment and came in under the already tempered expectations.
And another triggered Chicken Little clucks. Are you worried that there will be no recession and/or economic collapse in time to save the Democrat Socialist Party from their 2020 doom?
And 25000 of these jobs were temporary census jobs. We'll see -there are some bad indicators. And you can thank the orange clown trade Wars and Tariff idiocy and chaos in general.

When is the Census?

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