Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar

Missing estimates by economist. 20,000 jobs were temporary census jobs ...trump's China tariffs are beginning to pinch ...
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Terri is somewhere between Baghdad Bob and Dr. Goebbels in the pure bullshit department.

130K Jobs is pathetic.. they also revised down June and July.

Trump Recession... is coming.

You would be correct if we had 7% unemployment. Butt the fact remains we have more jobs now than Americans to fill them. How many more new jobs do we need? How many more can we create?
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Terri is somewhere between Baghdad Bob and Dr. Goebbels in the pure bullshit department.

130K Jobs is pathetic.. they also revised down June and July.

Trump Recession... is coming.

You would be correct if we had 7% unemployment. Butt the fact remains we have more jobs now than Americans to fill them. How many more new jobs do we need? How many more can we create?
I hope that we will have a job for every college grad, and every high school grad who decides they've had enough school. Each year people retire or we lose them through deaths. Vacated jobs can be remolded to fit the needs of this generation. I think they need to belong to a company that does a little something for the environment, so their younger people can feel pride in being a part of repairing something in the earth. What if half the companies that made billions bought a cleanup ship and sent it to the nearest waste area in the atlantic and Pacific, where it is killing off fish that are the breadbasket of the fishing communities on every continent who are bringing home dread fish with plastics wedged inside very sick fish bodies. Our companies could be encouraged to look out toward the sea and have mercy on the aquatic brothers who feed all men and women on the earth and will continue to do so if we let the sunshine back into the oceans where plastics have a multi-layered cover with black depths below..

We could turn that sad situation into a point of pride for this generation of idealists who graduate into the working world. They need something to be proud of, and it sure ain't how we've been treating each other with poison-the-well politics. Let's get factories busy sewing us up wet suits to wear out there on the ships and pick up all the plastic out of the waters so our fish brethren can continue living rather than dying out. And the kids could take pride in their company showing leadership in oceanic cleanup. Feather in every hat!
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever, and he is. Sorry Lefties. Your socialist Kenyan baby-killing pig is nowhere near the man Trump is
Trump is falling short nearly a million jobs compared to Obama.

Trump Is Now Creating 59,000 Fewer Jobs A Month Than Obama

When you're at the bottom, the only way you can go is up. When you're at the top, the only way to go is down. Trump is fighting the downward resistance. It's a hell of a lot easier to create jobs when you're at the bottom than at the top.

That's besides the fact it's less the amount of jobs than the quality of jobs. Low paying jobs doesn't have a dramatic effect on our economy as we all seen during the DumBama administration. Today, business and consumer confidence hasn't been this high in many years. Small business confidence also broke a new record. Under Trump, we hit a new high in median family income.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Terri is somewhere between Baghdad Bob and Dr. Goebbels in the pure bullshit department.

130K Jobs is pathetic.. they also revised down June and July.

Trump Recession... is coming.

You would be correct if we had 7% unemployment. Butt the fact remains we have more jobs now than Americans to fill them. How many more new jobs do we need? How many more can we create?
I hope that we will have a job for every college grad, and every high school grad who decides they've had enough school. Each year people retire or we lose them through deaths. Vacated jobs can be remolded to fit the needs of this generation. I think they need to belong to a company that does a little something for the environment, so their younger people can feel pride in being a part of repairing something in the earth. What if half the companies that made billions bought a cleanup ship and sent it to the nearest waste area in the atlantic and Pacific, where it is killing off fish that are the breadbasket of the fishing communities on every continent who are bringing home dread fish with plastics wedged inside very sick fish bodies. Our companies could be encouraged to look out toward the sea and have mercy on the aquatic brothers who feed all men and women on the earth and will continue to do so if we let the sunshine back into the oceans where plastics have a multi-layered cover with black depths below..

Very few counties in the world clean up their messes more than the US. I heard a statistic on the radio today, and that is one-third of all plastic waste in our oceans are from the Chinese. That's one single country.

So yes, we can have all the regulations in the world, but we don't have the resources to clean up after the entire world. When you do anything for the environment, it will cost you more to do it. Businesses compete against each other in the states and even more so overseas. When Americans decide we will buy these more expensive cleaner made American made products, that's when it will happen. But for right now and for the last couple of decades, price is the main decider for the consumer.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever, and he is. Sorry Lefties. Your socialist Kenyan baby-killing pig is nowhere near the man Trump is
Trump is falling short nearly a million jobs compared to Obama.

Trump Is Now Creating 59,000 Fewer Jobs A Month Than Obama

When you're at the bottom, the only way you can go is up. When you're at the top, the only way to go is down. Trump is fighting the downward resistance. It's a hell of a lot easier to create jobs when you're at the bottom than at the top.

That's besides the fact it's less the amount of jobs than the quality of jobs. Low paying jobs doesn't have a dramatic effect on our economy as we all seen during the DumBama administration. Today, business and consumer confidence hasn't been this high in many years. Small business confidence also broke a new record. Under Trump, we hit a new high in median family income.
Terri4Trump said that Trump is the greatest jobs president ever.
At 59,000 fewer jobs per month?

Youre talking about consumer confidence, but its biggest drop since 2012.
What do you expect when the trade war deepens?
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever, and he is. Sorry Lefties. Your socialist Kenyan baby-killing pig is nowhere near the man Trump is
Trump is falling short nearly a million jobs compared to Obama.

Trump Is Now Creating 59,000 Fewer Jobs A Month Than Obama

When you're at the bottom, the only way you can go is up. When you're at the top, the only way to go is down. Trump is fighting the downward resistance. It's a hell of a lot easier to create jobs when you're at the bottom than at the top.

That's besides the fact it's less the amount of jobs than the quality of jobs. Low paying jobs doesn't have a dramatic effect on our economy as we all seen during the DumBama administration. Today, business and consumer confidence hasn't been this high in many years. Small business confidence also broke a new record. Under Trump, we hit a new high in median family income.
Terri4Trump said that Trump is the greatest jobs president ever.
At 59,000 fewer jobs per month?

Youre talking about consumer confidence, but its biggest drop since 2012.
What do you expect when the trade war deepens?

And it's still at it's highest level in over 10 years. That's besides the fact that much like the stock market, it's a knee jerk reaction which is always temporary.

Our only real trade war is with China who's economy is going in the toilet right now. If it were an easy fight, it would have been done long ago. But only Trump is willing to stick his reputation on the block to solve a long standing problem with our trade. The others didn't have the balls to do it.
So the Trumpsters link to a Breitbart opinion piece and think it's fact.

A Breitbart opinion piece.

The writer, by the way, has zero experience in economics: Rick Manning - Daily Torch, and he obediently ignores a clear and growing pile of easily-accessible data.

But to them, this opinion piece represents some kind of source.

It's funny, but then again, it really isn't.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Terri is somewhere between Baghdad Bob and Dr. Goebbels in the pure bullshit department.

130K Jobs is pathetic.. they also revised down June and July.

Trump Recession... is coming.
Trump Haters have been telling us about their wet-dreams of Americans suffering for almost 3 years now.

If your party needs an American recession, it sux to be you.
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try
Ever notice that Democrats looking at good news for America have the same look on their face as a vampire looking at a cross?

This economy is the strongest we’ve seen in many years!

QUOTE: "......A record 158 million Americans working. The women’s labor force participation rate is at an all-time high. African-American unemployment rate is at an all-time low. There simply isn’t any legitimate way for the left to spin these economic numbers. It’s actually 157 and change, but it’s close, we rounded it up, 158 million Americans working.

Over 6.3 million jobs created since Trump was elected. Over half of them have gone to women. That’s right, my friends. The women’s workforce participation just hit the highest level in 20 years — two decades for those of you in Rio Linda. And black unemployment, African-American unemployment, minority unemployment at its lowest recorded level ever, five and a half percent. The Democrats hardest hit.

You would think everybody would be thrilled. The Democrats should be thrilled at this, right? The African-Americans, their number one constituency. You’d think that they would be happy things are so rosy. But no, my friends, the Democrats are not thrilled. The Democrats said that tax cuts would crash the economy. They said that tax cuts would only help the uber rich. But here we are.

And look at this. The amount of money the average worker — I hate that word “worker”. We’re not Soviets. Well, not yet. The average American employee earns — the amount rose 11 cents $28.11 an hour last month, keeping the increase over the past year at a healthy 3.2%. That’s wages going up. There isn’t a bad thing in this report.

All the left can say, “Well, it’s fewer jobs this month than the experts predicted.” It still puts what was happening in the Obama administration to absolute shame. They were telling us that the days of this kind of economic growth were over, folks.

They were telling us that there was a new decline and that they were the ones to manage it. That our best economic days are behind us, and we didn’t really deserve those because we had lied and cheated and stolen from other nations. We were a bunch of reprobates. We were an undeserving nation. And it was time we joined this global movement toward mediocrity to pay penance for all the damage we had caused around the world. That was the Obama Administration thinking. That’s what they were telling people.

And here comes Donald Trump in less than three years, actually a little over three years, but the reversal here is just stunning. The contrast could not be greater. Eight years of Obama destroying jobs, waving bye-bye to manufacturing jobs, claiming they’re never coming back.

And yet look what is rising where Democrats run things: homeless, tent cities, piles of poop on public sidewalks. That’s what’s rising. That’s what’s increasing in places where Democrats run the show. Every day the Democrats are not in power is a good day......"

Rush Limbaugh - Spectacular Jobs News, Democrats Hardest Hit
Rick Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears as Trump Economy Continues to Soar
Manning: Jobs Report Blows Away Recession Fears

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

ME: Trump keeps winning and America is better for it every time. Who can deny that Trump is the greatest president ever. Only a fool would try

Trump said he would be the greatest jobs president ever, and he is. Sorry Lefties. Your socialist Kenyan baby-killing pig is nowhere near the man Trump is
Trump is falling short nearly a million jobs compared to Obama.

Trump Is Now Creating 59,000 Fewer Jobs A Month Than Obama

When you're at the bottom, the only way you can go is up. When you're at the top, the only way to go is down. Trump is fighting the downward resistance. It's a hell of a lot easier to create jobs when you're at the bottom than at the top.

That's besides the fact it's less the amount of jobs than the quality of jobs. Low paying jobs doesn't have a dramatic effect on our economy as we all seen during the DumBama administration. Today, business and consumer confidence hasn't been this high in many years. Small business confidence also broke a new record. Under Trump, we hit a new high in median family income.
Terri4Trump said that Trump is the greatest jobs president ever.
At 59,000 fewer jobs per month?

Youre talking about consumer confidence, but its biggest drop since 2012.
What do you expect when the trade war deepens?

And it's still at it's highest level in over 10 years. That's besides the fact that much like the stock market, it's a knee jerk reaction which is always temporary.

Our only real trade war is with China who's economy is going in the toilet right now. If it were an easy fight, it would have been done long ago. But only Trump is willing to stick his reputation on the block to solve a long standing problem with our trade. The others didn't have the balls to do it.

Didn't you know, trade wars are easy to win. You should try and keep up with the things your god tells you
Not according to Powell the Fed Chair. Sorry liar.

They wouldn't be cutting rates if they thought everything was rosy.

Number do not lie. You DO lie.

There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.

Sorry if the truth hurts

The numbers were pathetic. 130,000 for the month is anemic, and the only reason why it was that high was because the Census Bureau hired 25,000 temp workers.

If the economy were so rosy, there wouldn't be millions renting out their spare bedrooms on AirBnB and driving people around on Uber.
They wouldn't be cutting rates if they thought everything was rosy.

Thats like saying you would not be buying fire insurance if you did not expect a fire. Thats just stupid, like you are.

Everything you post is stupid. You have no credibility at all
So far this year, 8 months into the year, we have created an average of 158,000 jobs per month, that is the lowest monthly average since 2010.

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