Jodi Arias Penalty

What's a Cadillac card?

Ask [MENTION=42294]Snookie[/MENTION] I have no idea. It has something to do with welfare.

I think it means if your black and driving a Cadillac, then you will be followed or pulled over.

Its not the Cadillac! Its the 22" tires with the spinner rims on them that does

Anyone know what change I made to my signature? I did it for you guys because I're welcome:eusa_angel:

You added color to it!

As a side note, thank you for leaving out the cadillac!
Ask [MENTION=42294]Snookie[/MENTION] I have no idea. It has something to do with welfare.

I think it means if your black and driving a Cadillac, then you will be followed or pulled over.

Its not the Cadillac! Its the 22" tires with the spinner rims on them that does

Anyone know what change I made to my signature? I did it for you guys because I're welcome:eusa_angel:

You added color to it!

As a side note, thank you for leaving out the cadillac!

LOL...That is one heck of an ugly color I chose, huh? IOU on 24 hour waiting period apparently.
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I read this article and it's so Frankensteinesque. Read the last paragraph...shudders.

Russians who raised the dead
In the years before World War II, Russian scientists attempted to revive fish and dog heads, and even a human being

Russians who raised the dead -

If Daryl dies we riot.


One more thing. I can't find any corroboration whatsoever for a book being released about the Arias case by Martinez.
Here is the alleged post found on State vs Arias:


I think it would be a breach of ethics if a book was released before the trial's completion. I have no qualms about it being sold afterward. I also have no problem with the defense writing a book, or Arias family members or the Alexander family members doing so. The only person writing a book about the trial that I would take issue with is Jodi Arias. She shouldn't profit through murder.

What do you think?
Here is the alleged post found on State vs Arias:


I think it would be a breach of ethics if a book was released before the trial's completion. I have no qualms about it being sold afterward. I also have no problem with the defense writing a book, or Arias family members or the Alexander family members doing so. The only person writing a book about the trial that I would take issue with is Jodi Arias. She shouldn't profit through murder.

What do you think?

Im in 100% agreement with this post.
Here is the alleged post found on State vs Arias:


I think it would be a breach of ethics if a book was released before the trial's completion. I have no qualms about it being sold afterward. I also have no problem with the defense writing a book, or Arias family members or the Alexander family members doing so. The only person writing a book about the trial that I would take issue with is Jodi Arias. She shouldn't profit through murder.

What do you think?

I think Sue needs to state her source. I wouldn't think in a million years Juan would do something so unethical. is a place for open persecution. Anyone can say anything on that thing and the sheeple line up to sign for whatever cause.
Here is the alleged post found on State vs Arias:


I think it would be a breach of ethics if a book was released before the trial's completion. I have no qualms about it being sold afterward. I also have no problem with the defense writing a book, or Arias family members or the Alexander family members doing so. The only person writing a book about the trial that I would take issue with is Jodi Arias. She shouldn't profit through murder.

What do you think?

I think Sue needs to state her source. I wouldn't think in a million years Juan would do something so unethical. is a place for open persecution. Anyone can say anything on that thing and the sheeple line up to sign for whatever cause.

Well, it's shit-stirring, but I didn't find it on, so I can't be certain who is actually stirring the shit, the State vs Arias site or the aunt.
I could go on that thing right now and start a petition to have you banned because... Hmmm you believe JoJo is innocent and sheeple would line up to sign with no facts other than what I said just because they think they're "making a difference and being heard". It's bullshit, instead of the illusion of doing something like signing a "petition" they should act in their own backyard on a small thing that really makes a difference and the world would be a better place.

Most of the internet and the public pisses me off.
It's crap, the DA would not sell a book in the middle of a trial... Even in AZ lol
I could go on that thing right now and start a petition to have you banned because... Hmmm you believe JoJo is innocent and sheeple would line up to sign with no facts other than what I said just because they think they're "making a difference and being heard". It's bullshit, instead of the illusion of doing something like signing a "petition" they should act in their own backyard on a small thing that really makes a difference and the world would be a better place.

Most of the internet and the public pisses me off.

Whoa, easy there now. Nice day, sunshiney...things not to be pissed off about, and


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