Jodi Arias Penalty

I'll look at it in a minute. I have to go change my shirt. I froze a soda, opened it and it exploded on me. Delicious though.
I can not believe how far behind I got on all my TV shows while watching this trial. Good thing they aren't on during the summer. Now when will I get around to all my books?
Delicious shirt lol I've never tried forzen soda.

Or frozen soda shirt.

I'm not sure what to say on the KY av so I'm just being quiet. Lol. I actually was thinking for a minute what can you use that stuff for anyhow? Can't come up with anything.
Oh, I forgot to look at the animal thing and disable noscript. I got involved in the shirt stain problem and then getting another shirt, and then became distracted...and so on.
So did you guys ever see Shutter Island? Did DiCaprio's character actually kill his wife? And what did he mean in the end? Something about living as a bad man or dying as a good man and which is better?
Were they taking him off to execute him? I know it might have helped if I had actually watched more than 15-20 minutes at the end, but still.
Sorry, I was being a smart ass.

I know all about your smartass.

Why us everything about butts lately? We've been over anal sex for awhile.
This is all Tink's fault.

There's a little Nurmi in all of us. Although Nurmi + little doesn't really make sense.

Ha ha, I read the first part of that and jinxed you - you said "little" and "Nurmi" in the same sentence.
I know all about your smartass.

Why us everything about butts lately? We've been over anal sex for awhile.
This is all Tink's fault.

There's a little Nurmi in all of us. Although Nurmi + little doesn't really make sense.

Ha ha, I read the first part of that and jinxed you - you said "little" and "Nurmi" in the same sentence.

You forgot..."on the Forum, June 15" for the Tink quote.
There I fixed it. I can't PM you. It's annoying, PM me so I can PM you back, it doesn't like the new name.

I need to go fix dinner bbl.

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