Joe Biden admits "we've run out of ammunition"

Actually no, it won't. That was the West's plan, but Russia has other plans, and is following them. Russia will continue to pound Ukraine, slowly and quietly, meaning no more drama queen antics like that mercenary commander. The West had been losing interest until that guy piped up and started breaking away from the slow burn strategy the Russian military was following. The fact the Ukrainian counter-offensive is a complete and utter failure will make garnering support from the citizens of the West more and more difficult. Expect the Ukraine to be abandoned by election day 2024. If Biden is good at one thing, it's abandoning people, just ask the thousands he stranded in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.
The Russian economy cannot sustain an endless war

The West can
Meanwhile, the psychological end is the Russians are using cluster bombs against Ukrainians and Biden is playing right back at them.

Yeah, I mean - we'll show Putin who the REAL war criminal is. Amirite??

Germany and other allies have come out against this move, and now even House "Progressives" are revolting.

Probably a mindless reflex to appeal to their Euro idols - but still inhabiting a better space than the folks advocating for war crimes.
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The stuttering shit clown has already lost one war..... to a tribe of goat fuckers.

Another international whiff will just get lost in the other countless fuckups over that 50-year joke of a career.

in good hands.jpg
The increased production of 155 was talked about months ago. It's apparent the OP and his mucks get triggered by their sources.
OP is dumber than a box of rocks
Trump responded to Putin’s invasion by calling him a Genius

Biden built an international coalition to stop him

Wow, that coalition has been sooooooo successful. And pootin invaded while XIDEN was in power. Not Trump. And pootin took the Crimea when OBUMMER was in power. Not Trump.

So the two presidents who ALLOWED pootin to invade were YOUR ASSHOLES!

Yeah, I mean - we'll show Putin who the REAL war criminal is. Amirite??

Germany and other allies have come out against this move, and now even House "Progressives" are revolting.

Probably a mindless reflex to appeal to their Euro idols - but still inhabiting a better space than the folks advocating for war crimes.
Hell with that useless House. I think the one who cried foul was Barbara Lee.
Hell with that useless House. I think the one who cried foul was Barbara Lee.

Yeah, screw the House Democrats, the nations of Germany and the UK - and the Geneva conventions.

You're with the war criminal on this one!

Because feelings.
The Russian economy cannot sustain an endless war

The West can
The West cannot sustain arming the Ukraine, paying for their government to function, paying for their troops, supporting their millions of refugees, and so on for longer than a few years. The Ukraine will surrender long before Russia runs out of money and the West will abandon the Ukraine so long as the Russians keep things unexciting and slow. The West invested billions into this failed counter-offensive with absolutely nothing to show for it. Western leaders including the clown of Kiev stated they had all they needed, in terms of equipment and manpower back in April, and they have made ZERO gains. That is not something the West can sustain. All it takes is something happening anywhere else in the world, be it North Korea, Iran, Taiwan, or something else, and Ukraine will be a sad memory in the eyes of the West. Folks like you will pretend it never happened as you drape yourself in whatever flag your masters tell you to next.
The West cannot sustain arming the Ukraine, paying for their government to function, paying for their troops, supporting their millions of refugees, and so on for longer than a few years. The Ukraine will surrender long before Russia runs out of money and the West will abandon the Ukraine so long as the Russians keep things unexciting and slow. The West invested billions into this failed counter-offensive with absolutely nothing to show for it. Western leaders including the clown of Kiev stated they had all they needed, in terms of equipment and manpower back in April, and they have made ZERO gains. That is not something the West can sustain. All it takes is something happening anywhere else in the world, be it North Korea, Iran, Taiwan, or something else, and Ukraine will be a sad memory in the eyes of the West. Folks like you will pretend it never happened as you drape yourself in whatever flag your masters tell you to next.
Of course we can…..

Putin and his third world economy can’t keep up
He can’t even keep his mercenaries in check
Actually no, it won't. That was the West's plan, but Russia has other plans, and is following them. Russia will continue to pound Ukraine, slowly and quietly, meaning no more drama queen antics like that mercenary commander. The West had been losing interest until that guy piped up and started breaking away from the slow burn strategy the Russian military was following. The fact the Ukrainian counter-offensive is a complete and utter failure will make garnering support from the citizens of the West more and more difficult. Expect the Ukraine to be abandoned by election day 2024. If Biden is good at one thing, it's abandoning people, just ask the thousands he stranded in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

I hate to say it, but Russia must be laughing their Commie asses off right now. They're going to inherit billions of dollars worth of our military arsenal that they can sell to whomever we become engaged in the next war. Just like the Taliban is doing. So much for America being the "goodwill ambassador" to the world. We haven't created more democracies in the world ever since Obama did away with the Monroe Doctrine. All we're doing is creating more death, destruction, and good reasons for the rest of the world to hate us.

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